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EU: Parliament Warns Turkey Over Lack Of Reform

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  • EU: Parliament Warns Turkey Over Lack Of Reform


    AKI, Italy
    Aug 5 2006

    Strasbourg, 5 Sept. (AKI) - A European Parliament committee has warned
    Turkey that its continuing refusal to allow Greek Cypriot ships and
    planes to enter its ports and airspace could stall its membership
    negotiations with the European Union. Speaking to reporters on Tuesday,
    Dutch Conservative MEP Camil Eurlings said the influential foreign
    affairs committee endorsed the findings of his draft report criticising
    Turkey for its failure to implement key reforms demanded by the EU,
    especially in recognising EU member, Cyprus. "We have seen a clear
    slowdown and that is regrettable," Eurlings said.

    "Stagnation means regression," Eurlings continued. Eurlings'
    report notes "persistent shortcomings,," in areas such as freedom of
    expression, religious and minority rights, the role of the military,
    policing, women's rights, trade union rights and cultural rights. The
    report urges Turkey to "reinvigorate" the reform process.

    Eurlings' report is also critical of Ankara's refusal to fully
    implement a protocol extending its customs union with the EU to the
    10 countries that joined the bloc in 2004, including Cyprus. This
    prevents Cypriot planes and ships entering Turkish air and sea ports.

    "Lack of progress in this regard will have serious implications
    for the negotiation process and could even bring it to a halt,"
    the report cautioned.

    The report also levelled criticism at the Turkish government's refusal
    to recognise the killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks during and
    after World War I. It recommends making such recognition a prerequisite
    for Turkey's membership of the EU.

    Eurlings said he hoped his report would galvanise Ankara and "act as
    a signal and an incentive to reintroduce the vigorous speed of reform
    is had shown in the year before accession negotiations started." The
    report will be debated by the full 732-member parliament in late

    After protracted negotiations, Turkey began accession talks with the
    EU last October. The talks do not lead automatically to membership,
    which in any event is not expected before 2015.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress