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We Are Redundant In Iraq, And Necessary In Lebanon

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  • We Are Redundant In Iraq, And Necessary In Lebanon

    06 Sept 06

    The question of participation in the UN peacemaking mission in the
    south of Lebanon sparked heated debates among the political sets and
    experts of almost every country. It is interesting, however, that
    the Armenian politicians and the Diasporan lobby are interested in
    the participation of Turkey in the peacemaking mission rather than
    Armenia. Meanwhile, Armenia's participation is also an important
    problem, which surprisingly did not become a subject of debates, it
    rather got an unambiguous answer of the government. The decision of
    Armenia is wrong, thinks Vahan Shirkhanyan, who answered the questions
    of the Lragir on this topic.

    Lragir: Mr. Shirkhanyan, another question added to the foreign
    political affairs of Armenia, namely our participation in the UN
    peacemaking mission in the south of Lebanon. The question is important
    since there is a large Armenian community in Lebanon.

    Hence, the question occurs whether Armenia should participate in
    the peacemaking mission for the sake of the community or refuse to
    participate for the sake of the community. Official Yerevan thinks
    it should not participate.

    Vahan Shirkhanyan: Kocharyan stated through his speaker that the
    mandate is not definite, besides, the participation of Armenia may
    be harmful for the Armenians of Lebanon. None of the reasons is
    political. First, there were fundamental discussions on the mandate,
    and the military units of some countries are already in Lebanon. In
    addition, the multi-nation force in Iraq does not have a mandate
    and Armenia willingly takes part in the worst disgrace of the modern
    history, when a sovereign state is being destroyed, the population
    is being slaughtered, the law of nations is being neglected. What is
    Armenia doing there? Apparently, the Bush-Blair campaign failed, and
    sooner or later they will have to account. Their operation against
    Iraq fully "complies" with the definition of aggression in the UN
    Resolution 3314.

    Lragir: What should Armenia do then?

    Vahan Shirkhanyan: Armenia should immediately withdraw from Iraq and
    take part in the legal peacemaking effort in Lebanon under the auspices
    of the United Nations. Armenia has national interests here - the
    large-scale war in the Near East is a direct threat for Armenia. The
    Lebanese-Armenian relations were set up and developed in an atmosphere
    of friendship, confidence, mutual assistance. Besides, the Armenian
    community in Lebanon had a great role in the entire continent bridging
    the Armenian communities. Today, like the rest of the country,
    the Armenians of Lebanon need protection, and Armenia must take
    part in the peacemaking mission with 1000-2000 soldiers. It is true
    that unlike Iraq this mission does not enable Kocharyan to "settle"
    relations with Bush, but it will be absolutely justified in terms of
    political and national questions, regional peace. Hopefully, the UN
    will not start fulfilling the will of one of the conflict parties, and
    the peacemakers will not be tasked to disarm Hezbollah and close the
    Syrian-Lebanese border, otherwise the people of Lebanon, including the
    Armenians will be having serious problems with security. Disarmament
    and borders are the internal affairs of the Lebanese state, and it
    applied to the UN asking to defend it from the Israeli aggression.

    Lragir: Mr. Shirkhanyan, most experts connect the Israeli military
    action against Hezbollah with the possible U.S. campaign against
    Iran. Do you think the U.S. campaign against Iran is possible?

    Vahan Shirkhanyan: It is always the strong party that aspired to settle
    a political dispute by military means. However, this war will mark
    the end of the epoch of the world rule of the United States. At least.

    Lragir: And how will the U.S. - Iran clash affect Armenia?

    Vahan Shirkhanyan: It will be destructive. Today it is increasingly
    becoming apparent that the South Caucasus is repeating the Balcans.

    In case sanctions are applied against Iran the fundamental presence
    of NATO will be necessary in the South Caucasus. Immediately after
    Bryza the secretary general of NATO announces that NATO is ready
    to assume the implementation of the resolutions of the UN Security
    Council on the settlement of the problem of Karabakh. And it implies
    destruction of a defense system, which has been sustaining balance
    for over 12 years, great moves of Armenians and Azerbaijanis by a
    Yugoslavian scenario. Hence, Armenia remains in the sphere of dangerous
    developments, and people who are supposed to attend to the problems
    of national security are fighting for the throne, announcing on the
    run that the return of the liberated areas would not be harmful for
    the security of Karabakh. If this goes on, soon we will be able to
    see the crash of the Armenian diplomacy.