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UN Resolution with Unfavorable Title

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  • UN Resolution with Unfavorable Title


    [01:25 pm] 08 September, 2006

    The U.N. General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for the U.N. to
    urgently assist in preventing environmental damage from fires in the
    disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The resolution stressed "the necessity to urgently conduct an
    environmental operation to suppress the fires." It took note of the
    Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe's intention
    to organize a mission to the region to assess the short-term and
    long-term impact of the fires.

    Azerbaijan's U.N. Ambassador Yashar Aliyev introduced the draft
    resolution, saying that in early June Azerbaijan registered massive
    fires in the eastern part of the territory occupied by Armenia, and
    by August the fire had damaged more than 600 square kilometers. After
    the vote, he thanked everyone who supported the resolution.

    Armenia's U.N. Ambassador, Armen Martirosyan, said that although he
    supported the content of the resolution, he had serious problems
    with its title and opposed bringing any Nagorno-Karabakh issue to
    the United Nations.

    U.S. deputy ambassador Alejandro Wolff, speaking on behalf of the
    OSCE group dealing with the Nagorno-Karabakh issue - the U.S.,
    France and Russia - said the three countries remain committed to
    promoting a peaceful, negotiated solution to the conflict between
    Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    Here goes the full text of the resolution.

    Sixtieth Session of the UN General Assembly

    Agenda Item 40,

    Azerbaijan: resolution

    The situation in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan

    The General Assembly,

    Seriously concerned by the fires in the affected territories, which
    have inflicted widespread environmental damage,

    1. Stresses the necessity to urgently conduct an environmental
    operation to suppress the fires in the affected territories and to
    overcome their detrimental consequences;

    2. Welcomes the readiness of the parties to cooperate to that end and
    considers such an operation to be an important confidence-building

    3. Takes note of the OSCE intention to organize a mission to the region
    to assess the short-term and long-term impact of the fires on the
    environment as a step for preparation of the environmental operation;

    4. Calls upon, in this regard, the organizations and programs
    of the United Nations system, in particular the United Nations
    Environmental Programme, in cooperation with the OSCE to provide
    all necessary assistance and expertise, including, inter alia,
    the assessment of and counteraction to the short-term and long-term
    impact of the environmental degradation of the region, as well as in
    its rehabilitation;

    5. Asks the Co-Chairs of the Minsk Group of the OSCE to provide a
    report to member States of the General Assembly by April 30, 2007