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BAKU: UN to assess fires' environmental impact on occupied Azeri lan

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  • BAKU: UN to assess fires' environmental impact on occupied Azeri lan

    UN to assess fires' environmental impact on occupied Azeri lands

    ANS TV, Baku
    8 Sep 06

    [Presenter] The UN General Assembly is concerned about the fires
    started in the occupied Azerbaijani territories. This has been
    reflected at a resolution adopted by the assembly.

    [Correspondent over video of the UN building] The UN General Assembly
    in New York has adopted a resolution on the fires started in occupied
    Azerbaijani territories. The press secretary of the Azerbaijani
    permanent representative office in the UN, Surxay Sukurov:

    [Sukurov, speaking by phone] The UN General Assembly has expressed
    its considerable concern about the fires in occupied Azerbaijani
    territories and urged the immediate launch of an environmental
    operation there. The UN General Assembly has adopted this important
    decision and underlined the participation of the sides in the

    [Correspondent] The General Assembly believes it was extremely
    important to conduct such an operation in order to build confidence
    between the sides. Another important aspect is that the OSCE and the
    appropriate UN bodies will jointly perform a special mission.

    [Sukurov] Experts from the appropriate UN body entitled "the UN
    environmental programme" and the OSCE will jointly fulfil a special
    mission to study the situation. Another important aspect is that the
    UN notes [in the resolution] that international bodies should help
    Azerbaijan put out, prevent fires, study the short-term and long-term
    negative impacts and restore the lands.

    [Correspondent] Azerbaijan thinks that it is very important that
    the UN has taken such a decision. Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar

    [Mammadyarov, speaking to journalists] The OSCE chairman is organizing
    a mission. This issue was discussed in Brussels yesterday [7 September]
    and the discussions will continue. We will send the mission to
    the fire zone to assess the situation. Along with international
    experts, Azerbaijani and Armenians experts will join the mission
    as well. Representatives of the UN environmental programme, OSCE
    representatives and probably representatives of the [OSCE Minsk Group]
    co-chairs will join it. Once the mission has assessed the situation
    to see what needs to be done and which measures should be taken,
    everything is noted in this resolution [as heard]. An environmental
    operation should be carried out. That is the issue of rehabilitation,
    erosion, etc.

    [Correspondent] Mammadyarov said that as soon as the resolution
    is adopted the environmental operation will be carried out on the
    occupied territories which have been set alight.

    Ulviyya Ismayilova, ANS.