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UN resolution calls conduct an environmental operation to suppress t

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  • UN resolution calls conduct an environmental operation to suppress t

    UN resolution calls conduct an environmental operation to suppress the fires
    in the affected territories

    08.09.2006 18:00
    Anush Dashtents

    According to the statement issued by RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
    in its 60th session the UN General Assembly adopted the draft
    resolution initiated by Azerbaijan titled "The situation on the
    occupied territories of Azerbaijan."

    Being seriously concerned with the fires at the contact line, UN
    General Assembly decided "urgently conduct an environmental operation
    to suppress the fires in the affected territories and to overcome
    their detrimental consequences."

    The Assembly took as a basis the intention of the OSCE o send
    a fact-finding mission and welcomed the parties' willingness to
    cooperate for this purpose.

    Speaking on behalf of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs, US representative
    Alexandro Wolf said that "the Russian Federation, France, and the
    United States of America, as the Co-Chair countries of the Organization
    for Security and Cooperation in Europe's Minsk Group, remain committed
    to promoting a peaceful, negotiated resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict. It should be noted also that without violating the consensus,
    the Armenian delegation did no join the resolution.

    Now let's present a little of prehistory. Despite the fact that the
    UN has adopted four resolutions on Nagorno Karabakh, it has never
    been engaged in the negotiations. This factor, however, does not
    keep Azerbaijan from the attempts to transfer the issues related or
    not related to the conflict settlement to the agenda of the General
    Assembly. This was the case particularly in the fall of 2004, when
    due to a serious diplomatic work, the report titled "The situation
    on the occupied territories of Azerbaijan" was included in the agenda
    of the General Assembly.

    To remind, Azeri authorities were assuring that official Yerevan
    is leading a policy of resettlement on the territories under the
    control of Karabakh forces. Armenia threatened that it would leave
    the negotiations if the UN yielded to the pressure of Azerbaijan. The
    OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries found a balanced way out of the
    crisis. Azerbaijan had to refuse from insisting on the discussion
    of the Karabakh issue in the UN. Instead, Yerevan and Stepanakert
    were to agree to allow the OSCE fact-finding mission to visit the
    territories under NKR control.

    Most probably, another OSCE fact-finding mission will arrive in
    the conflict zone, this time to investigate the case of fires. A
    it is known, because of the unprecedented heat this summer, fires
    occurred at the contact line, as well as on some territories under
    the control of Azerbaijan and Karabakh, and Baku insists that this
    is the intentional activity of Armenia.

    According to the MFA statement, Armenia's Permanent Representative
    to the UN Armen Martirosyan decalared at the plenary session of the
    UN General Assembly that Armenia was surprised with the presentation
    of the draft to the UN: " The authorities of Nagorno Karabagh had
    already accepted this proposal, and Armenia was certainly ready
    to use its good offices to facilitate such a mission. It was our
    understanding that Azerbaijan had also agreed. Given all this, it was
    surprising to see a draft resolution circulating at the UN on this
    same issue, especially since it called for a parallel mission under
    the UN auspices." According to the Armenian diplomat, this approach
    is unacceptable and pursues political objectives. This is the reason
    why Armenia did not join the resolution.

    Today acting press secretary of the MFA Vladimir Karapetyan commented
    on the situation for "Radiolur." In response to the question that
    Armenia did not join the resolution because it is not that pleasant
    for Yerevan and Stepanakert, Vladimir Karapetyan said, "Armenia
    dd not join because the title of the resolution is not acceptable
    for Armenia. Meantime, its content has already become acceptable
    in the result of the negotiations and the core of it is that the UN
    declares its support for the OSCE mission, leaving the primary role
    to the OSCE."