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UN General Assembly Calls for UN to Aid with Fires in Karabakh

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  • UN General Assembly Calls for UN to Aid with Fires in Karabakh



    foreign ministry said the 60-th session of the UN
    General Assembly has adopted a resolution calling for
    the UN to help prevent environmental damage from fires
    in the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.
    The ministry said Armenia had negotiated the draft
    resolution agreeing eventually to its content and
    wording. As a result, it said, the resolution in
    general is acceptable to Armenia. The resolution,
    says, in particular that the UN General Assembly 'is
    seriously concerned by the fires in the affected
    territories, which have inflicted widespread
    environmental damage."
    The resolution stresses the necessity to urgently
    conduct an environmental operation to suppress the
    fires in the affected territories and to overcome
    their detrimental consequences and welcomes the
    readiness of the parties to cooperate to that end and
    considers such an operation to be an important
    confidence-building measure.
    It also calls upon, in this regard, the
    organizations and programs of the United Nations
    system, in particular the United Nations Environmental
    Program, in cooperation with the OSCE to provide all
    necessary assistance and expertise, including, inter
    alia, the assessment of and counteraction to the
    short-term and long-term impact of the environmental
    degradation of the region, as well as in its
    The resolution asks the Co-Chairs of the Minsk
    Group of the OSCE to provide a report to member States
    of the General Assembly by April 30, 2007. The
    Armenian ministry said Armenia's permanent
    representative to the UN, Armen Martirosian, delivered
    a statement at the session saying that the draft
    resolution at hand addresses an issue, which 'we
    thought had been brought to a close, two weeks ago,
    through discussions with the OSCE Chairman-in-Office,
    the Minsk Group Co-chairs and the OSCE
    Chairman-in-Office's Personal Representative. A
    decision was taken to send a mission of experts under
    the OSCE to assess the fires."
    "The authorities of Nagorno Karabakh had already
    accepted this proposal, and Armenia was certainly
    ready to use its good offices to facilitate such a
    mission. It was our understanding that Azerbaijan had
    also agreed. Given all this, it was surprising to see
    a draft resolution circulating at the UN on this same
    issue, especially since it called for a parallel
    mission under the UN auspices.
    This approach was unacceptable. We considered such
    a step to be an obstacle to continuing negotiations.
    And, since it was clearly intended to pursue other
    political ends, Armenia opposed this motion. However,
    as a result of our consultations with the Minsk Group
    Co-chairs, we have come to agreement on a text that
    simply reiterates support for the OSCE mission. In
    this regard we would like to welcome the readiness of
    all the parties to negotiate in the spirit of
    compromise under the able and very effective mediation
    of the Minsk Group Co-chairs.
    Nevertheless, although we support the content of
    the agreement, we continue to remain opposed to the
    general idea of this agenda item and a UN resolution
    under it. That is the reason Armenia dissociates
    itself from the consensus on this resolution.