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Eastern Prelacy: St. Gregory of Datev Institute Celebrates 20th Anni

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  • Eastern Prelacy: St. Gregory of Datev Institute Celebrates 20th Anni

    Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    138 East 39th Street
    New York, NY 10016
    Tel: 212-689-7810
    Fax: 212-689-7168
    e-mail: [email protected]
    Contact: Iris Papazian

    September 8, 2006


    NEW YORK, NY-It all started more than twenty years ago thanks to a visionary
    Archbishop and a nucleus of dedicated priests. It evolved through the years
    and adapted to the needs of the Armenian American community, and this year
    the St. Gregory of Datev Institute commemorated a milestone with the
    celebration of the 20th anniversary of what now is a popular youth-oriented
    summer program.
    Under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate
    of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America, a banquet to mark the two
    decades of Datev took place on July 8 at the Holiday Inn in Morgantown,
    Pennsylvania, nearby the retreat center where the Institute holds its summer
    sessions each year. The Datev Institute is sponsored by the Eastern
    Prelacy's Armenian Religious Education Council (AREC).

    Mr. Hagop Kouyoumdjian served as the honorary chairman of the 20th
    anniversary commemoration and chairman of the fundraising committee. Mr.
    Kouyoumdjian and his wife Ica, dedicated supporters of the Armenian Church,
    are especially devoted to youth programs. Mr. Kouyoumdjian's efforts on
    behalf of Datev made possible the establishment of an endowment fund
    specifically for Datev. It is the hope of the Prelacy that this fund will
    continue to grow ensuring the future continuity of the Datev program. (See
    accompanying story about this year's Datev program).
    The gala celebration was attended by the seventy Datev students who
    attended this year's program, along with many alumni, clergy, and friends
    throughout the eastern region of the United States and Canada. The master of
    ceremonies for the evening was the director of the Institute and Vicar of
    the Prelacy, His Grace Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian, who had just returned
    from Lebanon where he received his Episcopal consecration by His Holiness
    Aram I.
    Jeanette Nazarian, chair of the program committee, welcomed the guests.
    As the first female student to attend the Institute, she provided background
    and insight into what makes this program so special for the Armenian
    American community. "The Institute has provided Armenian American youth with
    not only a stellar education in Christian faith, but also a friendly
    environment in which to grow and nurture relationships that last a
    lifetime," she said.
    In his remarks, Bishop Anoushavan provided a brief history of the
    Institute and thanked all those who contributed to its success. He noted:
    "The Institute was established in 1987 by His Eminence Archbishop Mesrob
    Ashjian, of blessed memory, as a training program for altar servers. In
    1990, the Institute opened its doors to female participants, particularly
    those involved in the various ministries of the church. Within a few years,
    in an effort to meet the spiritual needs of various segments of our
    communities, the Institute accepted all youth interested in learning more
    about the Armenian Christian faith. By the mid-1990s, the Datev Institute
    modified its goals and objectives, and evolved into a full-fledged
    youth-oriented program. With the election of a new Prelate in 1998 this
    impetus continued and we are proud to say that under the leadership of our
    Prelate Archbishop Oshagan, the Datev program is one of the most successful
    programs of the Eastern Prelacy."

    The history of Datev was told in words and images through a 20th
    anniversary booklet written and designed by Melissa Selverian, and an
    audiovisual presentation prepared by Datev alumnus Mikhail Mekaelian.
    Interspersed in the 32-page booklet amongst the text and photos were
    "Spotlights on a Datevatzi," bringing to life the thoughts of graduates of
    the program. Looking through the booklet one gets a good sense not only of
    Datev's past, but its bright future as well. The booklet was distributed to
    everyone attending the celebration, and sent to all donors and friends of
    The audiovisual presentation provided everyone a delightful retrospective
    on the past twenty years of the program. The audience-especially all of the
    Datevatzis-looked on as the fond memories of the great friendships forged
    and positive experiences with students and instructors were recalled. Two of
    those instructors-Haroutiun Misserlian and Rev. Fr. Antranig Baljian-spoke
    about the memories they cherished. Two Datev alumni, Dn. Jack Karakelian
    (class of 1991) and Ms. Mary Gulmezian (class of 2004), reflected on their
    experiences and what the Institute has meant for them.
    The musical portion of the evening included hymns by a choir of Datev
    students under the direction of Dn. Nishan Baljian, and a violin interlude
    by a current Datevatzi, the talented Arpi Shetilian.
    Following the various presentations, Archbishop Choloyan spoke to the youth.
    Directing his words to them, His Eminence spoke about the importance of
    communicating their newly acquired knowledge to their respective
    communities. He encouraged all to return to their communities with new
    motivation to participate in the life of the church.
    "Amongst all of the programs of the Eastern Prelacy," His Eminence said,
    "the Datev Institute has a unique position and role. The Institute is where
    our young generation receives its vital instruction in language, religion,
    liturgy, and history-all of which augments the attentive participation of
    our younger generation in the life of our church and nation. The Datev
    Institute deserves everyone's wholehearted support. We are confident that in
    the future the roots of Datev's mission will be further strengthened in its
    fertile soil."
    Before concluding, His Eminence expressed his thanks to Bishop
    Anoushavan, the director of Datev, to the guest lecturers and faculty,
    especially Dn. Shant Kazanjian, Director of the Prelacy's Armenian Religious
    Education Council (AREC), and the many volunteers. "We pray that the
    protective arm of Almighty God will stretch over and protect the Institute,
    the administration, the teachers and students so that through their service
    to our Lord they will enjoy the grace and happiness of the spiritual growth
    of our people," said the Prelate.
    Evening entertainment was provided by the wonderful sound of the Aravod
    Band, which includes several Datev alumni. The popular musicians donated
    their services as a token of their esteem for the Datev program.
    Current and former students celebrated the 20th anniversary of Datev with
    renewed resolve to give the Datev program the support that it richly
    For more information about the Datev Institute, visit the Prelacy website

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