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Derbyshire Town Named 'Most English' Place In The Country

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  • Derbyshire Town Named 'Most English' Place In The Country


    Brussels Journal, Belgium
    Sept 10 2006

    Grey Wolves in Politics: The Immigrant Far-Right Joins the European Left
    >From the desk of Paul Belien on Sun, 2006-09-10 21:21

    The immigrant vote is becoming ever more important in Europe. In
    many countries foreigners are allowed to vote in local elections
    (in addition to thousands of immigrants who have been granted
    citizenship). In last spring's municipal elections in the Netherlands
    the immigrant vote tipped the balance clearly in favour of the Left.

    Indeed, immigrants in Western Europe, who often migrated in order to
    enjoy generous welfare benefits, are rentseekers who vote in favour
    of maintaining the welfare systems of the states that invited them in.

    Pim Fortuyn tilted Dutch politics to the Right, but I think this was
    only a temporary phenomenon, and would have been temporary even if
    Fortuyn had not been assassinated. Pieter Dorsman pointed out that,
    contrary to what the mainstream media write, Dutch politics has not
    turned Right, but I doubt whether the main causes are the divisions
    among the Right following Fortuyn's assassination and the disastrous
    handling of the Hirsi Ali case. I suspect that European politics will
    swing dramatically to the Left in the coming decades, owing to the
    growing influence of an immigrant vote eager to retain and expand
    the welfare benefits.

    Of course, the immigrants will not be able to remedy the economic
    flaws of the welfare state. Hence, there is no doubt that the welfare
    systems will collapse. Moreover, the immigrant electorate will thwart
    any attempts to gradually remedy Europe's economic catastrophe through
    abandoning the self-defeating welfare politics. This makes it even
    more likely that the system will collapse in chaos, possibly even
    (as Fjordman fears) in violence when the rentseekers will use force
    instead of the vote to grab what they feel they are entitled to. Many
    indigenous Europeans are considering emigration. Partly because they
    no longer feel secure and at home in their own country, and partly
    because the welfare state claims most of their income, while they
    have little hope that this will change in the future.

    In last Spring's municipal elections in the Netherlands, 92% of the
    non-indigenous electorate voted for parties of the Left. Moreover,
    they voted almost exclusively for candidates of their own ethnic
    groups on the parties' electoral lists, driving out indigenous
    candidates. Instead of starting their own parties immigrants have
    begun to take over existing ones.

    Belgium is holding municipal elections on October 8th. It is striking
    that in immigrant neighbourhoods, such as the Turkish Antwerp district
    of Old Berchem, one only sees posters of candidates from the ethnic
    background specific to the neighbourhood. As the immigrants voters
    constitute a growing segment of the population, especially in large
    and middle-sized cities, all parties, except the "islamophobe"
    Vlaams Belang (VB, Flemish Interest), have begun to put forward
    foreign candidates. Filip Dewinter, the VB leader in Antwerp, told
    the newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws this weekend that his party (which
    is currently the largest in town with 33% of the vote) might win
    the elections again this year, but cannot continue to do so. "I am
    a realist. The number of potential voters for our party is declining
    year by year. Currently a quarter of the population are immigrants.

    These people do not vote for us. Every year 4,000 indigenous
    Antwerpians move out and 5,000 immigrants move in," he said.

    "In ten years' time the number of new [naturalized] Belgians in
    Antwerp has doubled to 55,000 [Antwerp has 460,000 inhabitants] -
    half of whom are Moroccans. [...] If the number of foreigners in
    Antwerp continues to grow by 1.5% a year, as it currently does, then
    in twenty years from now there will be more people of foreign than
    of indigenous extraction in this city. [...] Our party has foreign
    members, but I do not want to be a hypocrite. At present we do no
    put forward 'alibi Ali' candidates. But I know that it is bound to
    happen some day. We extend our hands to welcome every foreign-born
    person who wants to become a Fleming among the Flemings."

    It is doubtful, however, that many rentseeking immigrants, even those
    who are situated ideologically on the far-right, would want to join
    a party that is generally perceived as being opposed to the European
    welfare system. Belgian parties had to submit their electoral lists
    this week. Ironically, Belgian establishment parties such as the
    Socialist Party and the Christian-Democrat Party, who both claim to
    abhor the far-right, have put forward Turkish candidates who belong
    to far-right, islamist and anti-Socialist groups.

    This is ironic in two respects. Firstly because these same parties
    solemnly announced that, even if the VB wins on 8 October, they will
    refuse to form local coalitions with the VB because they consider the
    VB to be... far-right. And secondly, because far-right immigrants,
    who belong to groups that hate Socialists and Christians at home, are
    joining Socialist and Christian parties in their European host country.

    Mehmet Ozcelik, a member of the Socialist Party caucus in Berchem,
    is close to the Grey Wolves, an extremist group which denies the
    1915 Turkish genocide of 1.5 million Armenians and which is accused
    of assassinating political adversaries. The Grey Wolves are also said
    to have organised the anti-Kurdish riots and raids on Kurdish shops in
    Brussels in 1994 and 1998. Last April 8th, Mr Ozcelik was present at a
    Brussels meeting of the Turkish far-right Nationalist Movement Party
    (Milliyetci Hareket Partisi, MHP) in honour of the late Alparslan
    Turkes, a Turkish Fascist and racist who founded the MHP.

    Mesut Yucel is another Antwerp Socialist candidate for the October
    elections. Mr Yucel is a party hopper, who entered politics six years
    ago on the list of the far-left Green Party. Like Mr Ozcelik, he is a
    member of the Belcika Turk Federasyonu (BTF, Association of Turkish
    Organisations in Belgium), a group which links various Grey Wolves'
    cells in Belgium.

    In Ghent, another city with a large concentration of Turks, one of
    the Christian-Democrat candidates is Fuat Korkmazer. Mr. Korkmazer
    was the chairman of Turk Ocagi (TO), a cultural organisation of the
    Grey Wolves. He only resigned from his function as TO chairman last
    Friday, after having been exposed in the Flemish press. According
    to the papers he had been appointed TO chairman at a BTF meeting
    attended by Devlet Bahceli, the current party president of the
    far-right MHP. On April 8th. Mr Korkmazer, too, attended the BTF
    meeting in Brussels in honour of the late Alparslan Turkes.

    Pierre-Yves Lambert, a Brussels police officer, told the Belgian
    newspaper De Morgen last week that political parties must be careful
    whom they recruit. "The Parti Socialiste in [the Brussels borough
    of] Schaarbeek also has a Grey Wolf within its ranks," he said,
    "while the second candidate of the MR [Francophone Liberal Party] in
    [the Brussels borough of] Sint-Joost-ten-Node withdrew his candidature
    after it was revealed that he had told a Turkish paper that he would
    make his party revise its position on the [Armenian] genocide."

    The leading Turkish politician in Brussels is Emir Kir, a Socialist
    member of the Brussels regional government. Mr Kir is the Brussels
    secretary for public monuments and is campaigning for the demolition of
    the Brussels monument commemorating the 1915 genocide of the Armenians. 20

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress