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Anti-Criminal Movement In Armenia Stepping Into A New Stage

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  • Anti-Criminal Movement In Armenia Stepping Into A New Stage

    09 Sept 06

    The Lragir has learned about a call addressed to political parties
    and organizations, which are establishing the Anti-Criminal Movement.

    We think some extracts of this statement may interest the reader.

    ... Before using the notion of the criminal, especially the criminal in
    power, one should know what it denotes. In speaking about criminalized
    politics, this notion should be made clear first. And there is nothing
    to invent anew: for over a thousand years the community, which denies
    the laws of the state, is called a criminal community. The community
    of people who live under their own law and impose their own law on
    the rest of the society through violence, coercion and bribe. The
    notion of "own law" denotes the rules of behavior accepted within
    the given community, the violation of which is punished severely.

    The aim of the criminal is to usurp the system of government and take
    away the rights of citizens, and guarantee their welfare at the expense
    of others. The famous notions of the criminal world, the criminal
    moral and punishment are merely a form of existence of the criminal.

    Therefore, before making anti-criminal efforts it is worthwhile to
    define this phenomenon in Armenia. And the situation is such that
    the community of people who deny the law of the state of Armenia have
    usurped government offices and the corresponding powers, turning the
    system of government into a means of legal pressure on the citizens.

    This practice guarantees the welfare of the members of this community
    at the expense of others. Along with the government levers coercion,
    corruption and violence are applied as well.

    Consequently, the group of figures who have usurped the state machine
    can be called a criminal community. All the provisions of the law,
    which are directed against every representative of the criminal
    community in the world, are applicable to them. Moreover, in the
    current situation there is an additional accusation, which can be
    defined as state crime (for every act of violation of the law by a
    government official can be defined as state crime).

    The following offenses committed by Armenian government officials
    can be considered a state crime: creation and sustenance of the
    machine of electoral fraud, misappropriation of the public property,
    accruing slush funds, violence against citizens, bribing persons and
    organizations (namely the media), etc.

    All the abovementioned arguments are sufficient ground for accusing
    Armenian high-ranking government officials of criminal activities.

    Moreover, their activities corresponding to the definition of state
    crime. This evaluation enables figuring out the state criminals,
    the members of the criminal community, which has usurped the power.

    Currently, the following persons are at the hub of this community
    (we have learned some names from the list): Serge Sargsyan, Gagik
    Beglaryan, Mher Sedrakyan, Ruben Hairapetyan, Sashik Sargsyan, Karineh
    Kirakosyan, Galust Sahakyan, Hovik Abrahamyan, Aghvan Hovsepyan, Flora
    Nakshkaryan. The list of the members of this community is being made
    clear. The main political shelter of this community is considered to
    be the organization called the Republican Party of Armenia.

    ... All the political forces of Armenia, as well as the active
    members of the forming anti-criminal movement should understand the
    abovementioned arguments what the criminal in power is. The incorrect
    definitions and accusations enable state criminals to deny these
    accusations hypocritically. The phrases "where is the criminal here?",
    "we have never been in prison, there are no facts", etc, which are
    very popular with Armenian officials and are upheld by the mass media,
    are the result of incorrect definitions and accusations, which give
    a chance to the criminal in power.

    ... The public does not need to offer facts. The duty of the society
    is to take the criminal it detects to the court. The law enforcement
    agencies must provide facts. The society can see all these crimes,
    and knows the criminals in face. If the crime is not proved legally,
    it does not mean that there is no crime. It may only mean that the
    criminal is at large for the time being.