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We Do Remember The 2749 Victims

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  • We Do Remember The 2749 Victims


    [02:41 pm] 11 September, 2006

    Today funeral services will be held in many countries of the world in
    memory of the terrorist attack held in the USA five years ago which
    too the lives of 2749 people.

    For instance, funeral service will start in New York at 08:46 (at
    5:46 by the Yerevan time); exactly at the time when the first airplane
    crashed one of the Twins.

    The names of all victims will be read loudly in the site where once
    the Twins stood. This year the relatives of the victims will read
    the list. Each of them will read 14 names.

    The services will be interrupted three times with minutes of silence
    in memory of the crash of the second airplane with the second Twin. In
    the evening, just before the twilight, two big lights symbolizing the
    site of the crash of the Twins will be switched on. During the daytime
    the cars passing by the site of the crash of the third airplane and
    Pentagon will slow down and signal in memory of the victims.

    There will be funeral service in Armenia as well.

    Flowers and wreaths will be put on the memorial complex built in
    the city of Ararat in 2001 in memory of the September 11 victims. By
    the way, the memorial complex is located beside the monument to the
    victims of the Armenian Genocide. It is comprised of two high stones
    symbolizing the Twins.