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Who Kocharyan Will Support Eventually

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  • Who Kocharyan Will Support Eventually

    Hakob Badalyan
    11 Sept 06

    Before the General Assembly of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation
    was held, everyone had thought that only the Republican Party could
    hold the most outstanding assembly. It became clear, however, that
    the possibilities of the ARF Dashnaktsutyun are not inferior. No
    other political party's assembly was marked by the presence of the
    head of the administration of the president and the speech of the
    foreign minister. It is also notable that the Republican Party had
    accepted the invitation of the ARF Dashnaktsutyun on a rather high
    level, and besides the leader of the party the chair of the Council
    of the Republican Party also showed up. They brought Galust Sahakyan
    along. The reason is not, of course, that God loves trinity, and the
    Republicans love God. The reason was to show to Dashnaktsutyun that
    despite the public "judgment" of Arman Sahakyan the Republicans do
    not have a grudge on one another.

    The assembly of Dashnaktsutyun was an opportunity to stage a show.

    However, it was necessary that the show were especially evident to
    the Dashnaks to prevent them from starting to think about using the
    situation inside the Republican Party. And sure enough Dashnaktsutyun
    had such likelihood, which became clear from the guests of the General
    Assembly. Their aim was to show to the Republican Party that they are
    as serious opponents as Bargavach Hayastan Party. Perhaps, the reason
    for the presence of the head of the Kocharyan administration and the
    greeting speech of the foreign minister was the same. Now everyone
    is racking their brains over the question whom Robert Kocharyan will
    give more support, Bargavach Hayastan or the ARF. In other words, who
    the most serious opponent of the Republican Party will be. In fact,
    it is difficult to realize, and it is possible that the Republicans
    came in three, because it is perhaps difficult to understand the
    abovementioned alone.

    Maybe Robert Kocharyan managed to confuse the Republican Party. If the
    Republican Party is unable to realize whose "uniform" the president
    will be wearing in fighting against them, naturally it cannot prepare
    duly for the fight. After all, the level of preparation greatly
    depends on how well one knows their opponent.

    Meanwhile, the Republican Party does not even appear to know its
    rival. Before this they were convinced that Bargavach Hayastan is
    their opponent and they even advised Dashnaktsutyun to mind their
    own business. Now they can see, however, that not everything is so
    distinct. It is also possible that by honoring the General Assembly of
    Dashnaktsutyun Robert Kocharyan is confusing not only the Republican
    Party but also Dashnaktsutyun. The president has every reason
    for this. By distracting the Republican Party's attention towards
    Dashnaktsutyun Robert Kocharyan may clear the way for Bargavach
    Hayastan. Not only the Republican Party but also Dashnaktsutyun
    can feel this. And perhaps there was an arrangement between the
    Republican Party and the ARF that the Republican Party showed up as
    a prominent trinity to show to the president what a powerful force
    they can make if by a sudden miracle the Republican Party and the
    ARF Dashnaktsutyun start loving each other. And for the time being,
    perhaps as a warning, they express this love in a casual manner,
    the marriage of the children of Vahan Hovanisyan and Sashik Sargsyan.

    In fact, one should not think that the grown-ups would turn the
    feeling of the young people into a political category. And if before
    the old friends did not betray each other, now the relatives-in-law
    will not betray each other. The president may know this. The problem
    is the information that soon Gagik Tsarukyan and Andranik Manukyan,
    the minister of transport will become relatives. Not politicizing the
    feelings of their children either, we should remember nevertheless
    the serious political plans and essential role of their fathers in
    the political process.

    And almost everything connected with them will willy-nilly be
    politicized, especially that none of them has stated something definite
    about their political actions. It is only clear that everyone wants
    to enter the parliament. And since only this is known, we may suppose
    that they are likely to take every step for their political aims.

    However, the political forces should realize that in order to enter
    the parliament they should become related to the public rather than
    one another. In this case, the aim would seem realistic. Although
    it is not bad, of course, that they become bound to one another. It
    is definitely in the interests of the public, even if they appear by
    miracle in the parliament bound to one another. At that time everything
    will be ready, and no time will be wasted on finding them one by one;
    they will only have to transport them.