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TEHRAN: Speaker: Bullying Powers Frighten Nations By Presenting An U

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  • TEHRAN: Speaker: Bullying Powers Frighten Nations By Presenting An U


    Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran
    Sept 11 2006

    Majlis Speaker Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel said on Tuesday that the world
    bullying powers constantly present an ugly and unreal image of Iran
    and try to frighten other nations by raising unfair charges against
    the Iranian nation.

    A report released by Majlis Media Department said that the speaker
    made the remark while speaking at the University of Armenia.

    "The Iranian nation managed to rid itself of the hegemony of foreign
    powers through a religious revolution launched by masses of people
    without politically relying either on the West or on the East. Thus
    through establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran a new and
    independent path was selected," he said.

    "The propaganda against Iran's peaceful nuclear program is the clear
    sign of such animosity, which is associated with our nation's will
    to protect its cultural and political identity.

    "Besides, Iran's foreign policy based on friendly ties with other
    countries and mutual respect in relations with world nations aiming
    to further promote global peace, tranquility and welfare is another
    cause for the enemies' hostile approach," he added.

    He referred to the friendly ties between Iranians and Armenians and
    compared such friendship to a tree with a deep historical root whose
    trunk, branches and leaves are today manifested before our eyes in
    solid grandeur.

    "Several centuries before the advent of Islam, Armenians considered
    Iran as a safe residence and religious difference of ideas have never
    created any gap between Muslims and Armenians neither in pre-Islam
    nor post-Islam eras.

    "They have always lived a comfortable life in Iran and have protected
    their rituals and churches. They have had friendly relationships and
    close cooperation with their Iranian countrymen," he added.

    Turning to multifaceted bilateral relations, Haddad-Adel said that
    Iran and Armenia cooperate in various political, cultural and economic

    The speaker said that both sides are determined to expand mutual ties
    by making optimum use of each other's actual potentials and facilities.

    He pointed to the life lived by Iranian and Armenian along with each
    other in the course of history as the most superior and laudable
    example of peaceful coexistence between followers of various religions
    in the world.

    Underlining that scientific and university interconnection is one
    of the options of such relations, he stated, "Fortunately, given the
    good potentials of Yerevan State University with a 90-year history,
    both sides will benefit from exchange of university instructors,
    students and scientific achievements."

    Putting the number of Iranian students at 2.5 million, he pointed to
    Iran's trend of growth in various scientific branches and declared
    readiness for cooperation with Armenia in the sector.

    "Iranology as well as Persian language and literature have long been
    taught in Yerevan State University. Iranologists and professors of
    Persian language attach great value to such an ancient tradition.

    "Armenia is one of the most reputed hubs of Iranology in Caucasia
    and Central Asia. After the disintegration of the ex-Soviet Union,
    the trend continued more freely and even was strengthened," he said.

    The official said that the Armenians' Interest in Persian language and
    literature as well as their attraction to outstanding Iranian poets,
    in particular Ferdowsi, is considered as one of the factors for the
    spiritual bonds between the two sides.

    "University instructors who are bound to promote science and knowledge
    in their own countries, have a heavy burden on their shoulders,"
    he said.

    Haddad-Adel said that such a task is not restricted to advancement of
    science and technology in the community rather keeping the nations
    updated on the real developments of the world of today is more

    "The facts which were once revealed, will not only result in the
    vigilance of nations, but will make them realize the truth and revise
    their false ideas formed under the impact of wrong propaganda of the
    world tyrannical powers," he concluded.

    Haddad-Adel arrived in the Armenian capital, Yerevan, Monday on the
    first leg of a two-nation visit to the region.

    His official visit takes place in response to the invitation of his
    Armenian counterpart.

    The speaker is accompanied by a number of executive officials and
    Majlis deputies.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress