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Political Duel

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  • Political Duel


    [06:45 pm] 13 September, 2006

    Armen Ashotyan from the Republican Party and leader of the Democratic
    Party Aram G. Sargsyan, the guests of "Mirror" club, were to debate
    about foreign policy, particularly about regional problems, but
    gradually the debate was taken to the inner political field.

    The sides debated mixing together the present and the past. The
    journalists blamed Aram Sargsyan for repeated thoughts for the last
    seven years. Asked the question if the opposition does not blame
    itself for four years' idleness Aram Sargsyan said, "Not four but two"
    and noted that the opposition has not done anything after the famous
    April 2004 events. "What could they do if their opponent followed
    the principle of brutal force? " He added that the only mistake of
    the opposition was that "they did not lead the people to destroy
    those authorities".

    Has Aram Sargsyan himself made any mistakes? To the journalist's
    hint about entering Robert Kocharyan's administration he answered,
    "I rectified my error resigning after a year".

    Armen Ashotyan noted that the issues are of mutual interest. He said
    that if the authorities consisted only of "thieves and robbers" as Aram
    Sargsyan claimed, it would be easy for the opposition to distinguish
    itself. But the opposition did not make use of that chance. According
    to Ashotyan, "maybe they did not have enough chances, or they may
    have failed to assess the situation".

    Ashotyan blamed his opponent for not having a political plan
    and for intolerance towards the Republican Party and "Prospering
    Armenia". According to him, the governing parties have those political
    features which the people need today.

    Aram Sargsyan was angry at the fact that "his opponent protects the
    authorities". Ashotyan's last announcement that there are no political
    crimes in Armenia made not only Sargsyan but also the journalists
    outrageous. Vainly did they try to remind him about irrefutable facts
    about suchlike crimes.

    After the end of the debate Aram G. Sargsyan informed "A1+" that next
    time he is invited to a similar debate he will turn the invitation
    down, or he will try to make sure that the debate will be about
    "serious themes".