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The Curse Of Radical Islam As A Political Religion

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  • The Curse Of Radical Islam As A Political Religion


    Assyrian International News Agency.
    Posted GMT 9-13-2006 14:33:17

    "Muslims must . . . educate their children to Jihad.

    This is the greatest benefit of the situation: educating the children
    to Jihad and to hatred of the Jews, the Christians, and the infidels;
    educating the children to Jihad and to revival of the embers of Jihad
    in their souls. This is what is needed now . . ." --Sheikh Muhammad
    Saleh al-Munajjid, an imam in Saudi Arabia.

    "Islam makes it incumbent on all adult males, provided they are not
    disabled or incapacitated, to prepare themselves for the conquest of
    [other] countries so that the writ of Islam is obeyed in every country
    in the world . . ." --Ayatollah Khomeni (1902-1989), religious leader
    of Iran

    "The leader who needs religion to govern his people is weak . . . We
    have to rid ourselves of superstition.

    Anybody is free to believe in anything, but we need freedom of
    thought." --Ataturk (1881-1938), founder of modern Turkey.

    Some readers have told me that I do not write enough about the
    political side of Islam, especially as it relates to the mixing of
    religion and politics and to the fringe element of radical Islam which
    is supportive of international terrorism. As a matter of fact, I have
    written extensively on the question, but in French (see my 2001 book
    "L'Heure juste"). Here, then, is my position on this topic.

    All proselytist religions tend to mix politics and religion
    because one of their objectives is to control how people think and
    behave. On this score, I would say Islam ("submission" or "surrender"
    in Arabic) doesn't fare well, because it tends to institutionalize
    a symbiosis between politics and religion. It is a religion that
    tends theoretically to concentrate temporal and spiritual authority
    in a single entity. Structurally, in Islam, the Caliph and the Sheik
    are supposed to be the same person, wielding spiritual and political
    powers over the people. Mind you, something approaching the same result
    prevailed in Christianity after the 4th century, when the Church and
    the Throne formed close alliances, the clergy confirming the power of
    kings and emperors, and the rich and powerful aristocracy protecting
    the equally rich and powerful religious hierarchy. It is only with
    the advent of the Renaissance that Christian Europe began talking
    about democracy as the most humanist form of government.

    The more progressive and modern Muslim countries that have advanced
    the most economically, socially and politically, such as Turkey,
    Malaysia or Indonesia, are those that have rejected the unhealthy,
    near complete mixing of religion and politics that is called for by
    fundamentalist Islam. In other Muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia
    and Qatar, a more extreme brand of Islam prevails. This movement in
    Sunni Islam, (the dominant form of Islam), is called Wannabism or
    "Salafism," and it distinguishes itself by not only refusing Western
    values and ideologies, such as nationalism, socialism and capitalism,
    but also by rejecting the Western concepts of freedom, liberty,
    economics, constitutions, political parties, revolution, social
    justice and the very idea of a rationalist, secular culture. The other
    minority branch of Islam, Shia Islam can also be considered extremist,
    especially in contemporary Iran, in the sense that it reserves to the
    clergy a dominant political role in an Islamic country. It is mainly
    concentrated in Iran, although Shiites also live in Iraq, Lebanon,
    Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and India.

    It can be argued that before Islam, which appeared in the early part of
    the 7th Century, Arab civilization was more advanced and more peaceful
    than after the imposition of the new faith through violence. It had
    participated fully in the rich Greek, Assyrian, Persian, Chaldean and
    Babylonian civilizations, to which we owe mathematical breakthroughs,
    such as the concept of zero found in the Greek and Hindu decimal
    systems and the Pythagorean Theorem in Babylonian mathematics.

    Regarding Islamic respect for science, it has to be said that one
    of Muhammad's successors, the Caliph Omar of Damascus, distinguished
    himself by having centuries-old literary treasures destroyed, besides
    setting afire the large Egyptian library of Alexandria, a wonder
    of the Ancient World. Caliph Omar is reported to have justified his
    order to destroy the books in the library of Alexandria by saying that
    "they will either contradict the Koran, in which case they are heresy,
    or they will agree with it, so they are superfluous."

    Since many religions have theologies that stress so-called divine
    revelation over human reason, it is not surprising that religious
    extremists can be opposed to human intellectual progress, especially
    if such progress is perceived as a threat to their political power. Not
    surprisingly also, such a bias against the human intellect and against
    scientific achievements is bound to have a detrimental influence
    on the economic, social and political development of countries that
    embrace such an attitude. Indeed, the absence of intellectual freedom
    and censorship are the two biggest enemies of human progress.

    During the 9th and 10th centuries, Islamic civilization redeemed itself
    somewhat by having many ancient scientific and philosophical tracts
    translated from ancient languages, especially Greek, into Arabic.

    It is these translations which were imported into Europe and which
    played such a central role in bringing about the European Renaissance,
    from which Western civilization still draws most of its inspiration.

    Islam was born in war and grew the same way. From the time of Muhammad
    (c. 570--632), in the 7th century, the means of Muslim expansion
    was always the sword and military conquest. Islam, at least at the
    beginning, was not a "religion of peace," to mimic the expression
    used often by President George W. Bush. It was fundamentally a
    military movement that used forced conversion to Islam to expand
    its dominion. Muhammad began the first violent movement in Medina,
    after a declaration of a Jihad against so-called 'infidels'.

    There, for example, the Jews who refused to convert to Islam were
    driven from the land or beheaded.

    Approximately 15 years later he marched on Mecca with an army of
    about 20,000, and later against the Assyrians, the Armenians and the
    Coptics in Egypt.

    Those who converted to Islam were spared. Those who refused to convert
    were beheaded. So much for a compassionate Islam.

    It has been argued convincingly that the imposition of Islam upon
    the Arabs was a regressive development.

    With Islam, the Arab civilization lost much of the scientific
    accomplishments and the tradition of intellectual vitality that it
    had inherited from the Greek and Assyrian civilizations.

    The fundamental question of the religious foundation of violence and
    terrorism needs attention. It is the most pressing, because the world
    is not going to tolerate very long being subjected to blackmail and
    having its prosperity and freedom threatened this way.

    It is no surprise that terrorist leaders use the mask of religion to
    diabolize their enemies and to cloak their cruelties and atrocities
    in a pious justification. The cover of religion to justify terrorism,
    especially suicide terrorism, and the killing of innocent people
    also has the advantage of making it easier to recruit so-called
    martyrs and fanatics, if not utterly deranged people, who would not
    be as easily mobilized for a purely political cause. That may be one
    reason why today's religious-based terrorism is more deadly than the
    nationalist-based terrorism of 40 or 50 years ago.

    Extremists in any religion can find passages in their 'holy books'
    that condone violence against others.

    Suffice it to say that they overlook the book's other teachings about
    "peace," "justice," "kindness," "courtesy," and "compassion" toward
    others, to concentrate on the admonitions which call for intolerance
    and aggression against so-called "infidels."

    Some religious ideologues can reinforce the violent tendencies of
    the most exalted people by emphasizing the most violent religious
    teachings. For instance, an Egyptian scholar, Sayied Qutb, argued
    in the 1950s, in his book of Quranic interpretation, entitled
    "Fe-zelal-al-Qur'an," that a state of permanent war is normal between
    Muslims and non-Muslims, ignoring that the Qur'an (Koran) dictates
    that its teachings be understood in full, not in bits and pieces
    (Surah 20:114), as it relates mainly to individual morality, not to
    politics. The religious-based Al Qaeda terrorist movement takes its
    violent inspirations from such impractical subversive teachings. It
    is part of the Jihadist ideology of hatred and destruction.

    Faced with the threat of Islamist terrorism, the important task for
    the rest of the world is to avoid antagonizing the moderate Muslims
    who are largely in the majority in their countries. Both for reasons of
    domestic support and for acceptance by the Muslim masses, governments
    anxious to fight and contain international terrorism should, now more
    than ever, retain the moral high ground and not be the aggressors. They
    should reject the negative, misleading and self-fulfilling propaganda
    rhetoric of "Islamo-Fascism," "war of civilizations" or even worse,
    of "war of religions," and concentrate on concretely assisting Muslim
    countries in acceding to modernity and prosperity, while supporting
    their efforts in combating anti-modernity religious-based terrorism.

    Therefore, to pursue a policy of openness, assistance and fairness
    toward Muslim countries would seem to be the most just and the most
    constructive approach, while simultaneously maintaining a firm attitude
    against gratuitous international terrorism. Sad to say, this is not
    the kind of rational and sophisticated policy being followed by the
    current American administration, which seems bent on glorifying and
    multiplying the most extremist Islamist organizations, while alienating
    and silencing the most reform-minded people in the Muslim world.

    On this score, the best thing the Bush-Cheney administration could
    do in fighting international Islamist terrorism would be to announce
    a phase out of its military occupation of Iraq, while persuading
    its close ally, Israel, to end its own military occupation of
    Palestine, and take concrete steps to solve once and for all the
    rotten Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    On the other hand, the worst thing the Bush-Cheney team could do would
    be to start bombing Iran. The latter would be a most counter-productive
    move and would feed both extremism and terrorism.

    By Rodrigue Tremblay Online Journal Guest Writer

    Rodrigue Tremblay is professor emeritus of economics at the University
    of Montreal and can be reached at rodrigue.tremblay@ He
    is the author of the book 'The New American Empire'. Visit his blog
    site at