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Arkady I. Volsky, 74, Founder Of Russian Business Lobby, Dies

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  • Arkady I. Volsky, 74, Founder Of Russian Business Lobby, Dies

    By Andrew E. Kramer

    The New York Times
    Published: September 13, 2006

    MOSCOW, Sept. 12 - Arkady I. Volsky, a confidant of the Soviet leader
    Mikhail S. Gorbachev and founder of Russia's most prominent business
    lobby, died here on Saturday. He was 74.

    The cause was complications of leukemia, according to the Union of
    Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the business lobby he founded in
    1991 and directed until last year; it became known as a club for the
    Russian oligarchs.

    Mr. Volsky belonged to a generation of officials whose careers
    straddled the breakup of the Soviet Union. He worked under four Soviet
    general secretaries and three Russian presidents and served as a
    peace negotiator in two wars. His successor at the business lobby,
    Aleksandr N. Shokhin, described him as "a man of the Soviet system
    who was accepted by the capitalists."

    Mr. Volsky grew up an orphan in Dobrush, Belarus, in the 1930's and
    worked on the floor of the Zil truck and limousine plant in Moscow,
    eventually becoming the factory's party boss.

    Then, Mr. Volsky had his biggest career break without even interviewing
    for the job. It came under Yuri V. Andropov, the former K.G.B. chief
    who became general secretary, Mr. Volsky recalled in a recent interview
    with the newspaper Kommersant, republished on Tuesday.

    Mr. Andropov called Mr. Volsky to his Kremlin office; the two had
    never met. "My legs felt like cotton," Mr. Volsky said. Mr. Andropov
    said simply he would appoint the younger man as his top economic
    adviser. Mr. Volsky said he replied, "Maybe I should tell you about
    myself first." To which, Mr. Volsky recalled, the former spy chief
    replied: "Do you really think you know more about yourself than I
    know about you?" He started work the next day.

    Mr. Volsky rode out the choppy Soviet leadership struggles of the
    early 1980's to become a close aide to Mr. Gorbachev, serving as
    a peace negotiator during the Nagorno-Karabakh war between ethnic
    Armenians and Azerbaijanis.

    Earning his democratic credentials, Mr. Volsky was a supporter of
    the dissident Andrei D. Sakharov. His ties with Communist factory
    bosses, meanwhile, led him to found the business lobby in 1991, which
    paradoxically was seen as a group opposed to capitalist reforms
    because of the party background of its members. But soon enough
    Russian industry was privatized, and Mr. Volsky began representing the
    interests of the new owners, the rich businessmen known as oligarchs.

    The Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs now represents the big
    mining and energy businesses.

    "He was always very flexible; he was friendly with any regime,
    Gorbachev, Yeltsin or Putin," Irina M. Khakamada, a political reformer,
    said in a telephone interview.

    In his political work, under President Boris N. Yeltsin, Mr. Volsky
    opened a negotiating channel with the Chechen rebels. It made headway,
    though a separate Russian team reached a cease-fire deal before
    Mr. Volsky's group.

    Mr. Volsky is survived by his wife, Lyudmila; one son; one daughter
    and six grandchildren.