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Toronto '06 Discovery Interview: Ozer Kiziltan

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  • Toronto '06 Discovery Interview: Ozer Kiziltan

    TORONTO '06 DISCOVERY INTERVIEW: Ozer Kiziltan: "Unfortunately, war and
    violence affected me more than other filmmakers or films."
    September 13, 2006

    Every day through the end of the 2006 Toronto International Film Festival,
    indieWIRE will be publishing interviews with filmmakers in the Discovery
    section of the festival, which TIFF describes as "provocative feature films
    by new and emerging directors."

    Nineteen filmmakers were given the opportunity to participate in an e-mail
    interview, and each was sent the same questions. Director Ozer Kiziltan is
    at Toronto with his feature film, "Takva - A Man's Fear of God" is about a
    single middle-aged Turkish man who has a crisis of faith.

    How old are you? Where did you grow up? Where do you live now?

    I was born in Istanbul in 1963 and I am still living in this beautiful city.

    What were the circumstances that lead you to become a filmmaker?

    While I was in my last semester studying Law at Istanbul University,
    suddenly I thought that I would be a great film director and I left the Law
    Department and I began studying Cinema & TV. My degree ended up coming from
    that department. I live in a part of the world where lot of stories are
    waiting to be heard and communicated to others. I thought the best way to
    tell these beautiful stories was through movies and I still think so.
    "Takva" is my first feature film, but I directed several TV series for
    Turkish television and I still do. I associated in 1997 with a few filmmaker
    friends in a production company, Yeni Sinemacular (New Filmmakers). So far,
    I have worked in different positions in four feature films made by Yeni
    Sinemacular. "Takva" is our fifth film together. All the films we've made
    together have had acclaim in Turkey and also been shown in many
    international festivals and even won some awards. "Takva" is my turn as a
    director, and I am waiting impatiently for the reactions.

    How/where did the initial idea for your film come from?

    "Takva" is the most recent project of production company Yeni Sinemacular.
    While Onder Cakar wrote the script and the project was in development,
    everything was designed in accordance with my cinema language. I had been
    waiting for a long time to make a film as a director. "Takva"seemed to be
    the right project for me.

    What were some of the biggest challenges you faced in either developing the
    project or making and securing distribution for the movie?

    The main problem - not for myself, but for all the crew - was that our
    knowledge of Islamic culture and its actuality in Istanbul today was very
    weak. We had to do a lot of research work for a long time during the

    How did you finance the film?

    Yeni Sinemacular, together with Turkish-German director Fatih Akin's
    production company Corazon applied to many institutions, such as the Turkish
    Minister of Culture, Eurimages, Goethe Institute, etc. for financing and the
    film has been made with a very limited budget.

    What are your biggest creative influences?

    Unfortunately, war and violence -- Kosovo, Chechen wars, September 11 and
    the Philistine massacres - affected me more than other filmmakers or films.
    They still keep affecting me after finishing "Takva".

    What is your definition of independent film?

    I think what makes a film independent is hidden in its power to stay free
    from both the film's own budget issues and also from the cliches of the
    movie industry's financial interests. As long as filmmakers don't lose their
    freedom, the spirit of independent cinema will survive.

    What are some of your favorite films?

    "Potemkin," "Amadeus," "Mephisto," "Natural Born Killers".

    How do you define success as a filmmaker? What are your personal goals as a

    To continue making films, again and again.

    Can you tell us a bit about your next projects?

    Together with Yeni Sinemacular, we are trying to develop several projects -
    a project comparing love and war written by a Macedonian woman screenwriter,
    one on Armenian issues and racial problems. I don't know of any other
    projects about the issue of women and Islam in the "Takva" style. Who knows,
    maybe we will do that too. I guess "Takva" will determine our way.