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Ashgabat Holds First Ever International Specialized Publishing Exhib

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  • Ashgabat Holds First Ever International Specialized Publishing Exhib


    12.09.06 15:00

    As the Ashgabat correspondent of reports, nearly 30
    publishing houses and printing centers, biggest printing houses and
    polygraphic companies, newspaper and magazine editorials from 16
    countries of the Eurasian continent are participating in it.

    The publications of various types and new books published by the
    leading printing houses of Central Asia, Great Britain, Armenia,
    Belarus, Germany, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, China and other countries
    are exhibited in the Exhibition Palace of Ashgabat. The technological
    stands, at which polygraphs may carry out post printing processing
    of production demonstrating all subtleties of their work, attracted
    special interest of visitors.

    During the exhibition, presentations of the printing products of
    different publishing houses and book shops are being held. Writers,
    poets, historians, literary critics and journalists from European and
    Asian countries invited to the Turkmen capital will talk about the
    most common trends of development of the modern printing industry at
    their meetings.

    Turkmenistan's printing production is widely displayed too. Most of
    the production is published on paper turned out by Yashlyk Pulp and
    Paper Complex. The country's central Publishing center and regional
    printing centers represent the publishing service of the state. There
    is also big diversity of production represented by private publishers.

    A special exposition displayed on the occasion of the fifth anniversary
    of releasing Rukhnama book by President Saparmurat Niyazov tells about
    the traditions of the ancient Turkmen people, cultural and spiritual
    revival of the nation after the country gained independence.

    As the State News Service (TDH) reports, the head of Turkmenistan
    congratulated the organizers, participants and guests of the
    international exhibition of polygraphic production on convening
    the event. In his address the President stressed that the radical
    transformation has taken place in the publishing system of the country
    in the years of independence reaching high levels in the short time.

    According to the Turkmen leader, from the first days of independence
    the decision to comprehensively develop publishing service and set up
    national paper production industry was taken. The production of the
    operating Pulp and Paper Production Complex boasts high quality and
    meets the world standards. It is able to satisfy demands of consumers
    of not only Turkmenistan and the whole region.

    "The technological peculiarity of this complex is that paper is
    produced from local raw materials - cotton lint mixed with wheat straw,
    the President said. As far as quality is concerned, paper produced
    in our complex can compete at any international contest".

    In previous years the reconstruction and modernization of the country's
    Publishing Center, Ashgabat and provincial printing houses were
    carried out. They were equipped with the state-of-the-art printing
    equipment and modern technology.

    Saparmurat Niyazov expressed confidence in the exhibition's success
    set to promote further development of the publishing industry in
    the country.