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Armenian Foreign Minister: Baku Goes Backward

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  • Armenian Foreign Minister: Baku Goes Backward


    September 15, 2006

    "Co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group are seriously discussing the
    issue of next meeting of Armenia and Azerbaijan's foreign minister,
    but our position is unambiguous: the meetings should not turn into
    an end in itself," Armenia's Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan has
    announced answering questions of reporters in Yerevan on September 14.

    "We are ready for a meeting at any time, however, favorable conditions
    is needed to achieve a result.

    Azerbaijan spares no effort to draw away attention of the international
    community from the MG process. It is a fact," the minister says. "As
    it is already known, the UN that earlier rejected putting the 'frozen
    conflict' issue on the session agenda initiated by GUAM yesterday
    suddenly changed its mind. With a several votes advantage the issue
    was put on the agenda. This is a situation when an attempt is being
    made to divert attention from the Minsk Group," the foreign minister
    notes adding that the meeting of foreign ministers is still under
    question, until there is no clarity in what direction the processes
    in the UN are developing. According to the minister, Azerbaijan, that
    earlier gave its consent on most issues in the document proposed by
    the Minsk Group, including a referendum, self-determination etc., now,
    probably, wants to go backwards and for achieving this goal it has
    chosen attempts to withdraw attention from the Minsk process and take
    the issue for consideration at the UN. So, the current situation should
    be assessed and after that our future steps are to be determined, the
    foreign minister notes. The official also says that current results
    in the conflict settlement do not claim for changing the strategy at
    present moment.

    Speaking on a possibility of sending Armenian peacekeeping troops to
    Lebanon, Vardan Oskanyan noted there has been no such decision made
    yet. "Until the mandate is clarified, Armenia will make no decision,"
    Oskanyan says adding that even before the operation Lebanon addressed
    Armenia asking for to send its sappers to demine its territories,
    as Armenia has some experience of such activity. "Later on, when
    Israel gives relevant maps and the situation is fully under control,
    Armenia will be able to take part in demining," the foreign minister
    explained, Arminfo reports.