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Putting Secessionist Conflicts Under The International Spotlight

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  • Putting Secessionist Conflicts Under The International Spotlight


    Civil Georgia
    2006-09-14 13:52:45

    GUAM-member states have successfully lobbied for a discussion of
    "protected conflicts" in the Black Sea-South Caucasus region at the
    61st UN General Assembly, despite Russia's objection.

    The decision to include the issue in the working program of the General
    Assembly session -which was pushed for by GUAM-member states Georgia,
    Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova - was adopted "following a contentious
    procedural debate," according to the UN press center.

    The approval has reversed a decision adopted by the General Committee
    that recommended on September 12 to exclude the item entitled
    "protracted conflicts in the GUAM area and their implications for
    international peace, security and development" from the agenda.

    16 countries, including the Baltic States, GUAM-member states (Georgia
    was absent at the session), the United States, United Kingdom,
    Australia, Canada, Guatemala, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Romania and
    Turkey voted in favor of including the item into the agenda of the
    General Assembly session.

    15 countries - Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Cyprus, Eritrea, Greece,
    Guinea, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Panama, Russian Federation, South
    Africa, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe - voted against; while 65 abstained.

    The representative of Ukraine spoke on behalf of the GUAM-member
    states, saying that "GUAM's aim was not to change the format of
    existing negotiations, but to have the chance to bring the matter to
    the international community through the Assembly."

    The Russian Federation's representative voiced his objection to the
    move, saying that "the insistence on including the item was aimed
    at undermining existing mechanisms to negotiate settlements of the

    Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili is expected to leave for New
    York to participate in the UN General Assembly Session on September 19.

    Discussing the secessionist conflicts at the Session is part of
    Georgia's policy to intensify international efforts to peacefully
    resolve the Abkhazia and South Ossetian conflicts. In recent weeks
    especially, officials in Tbilisi are focusing more on the South
    Ossetian conflict.

    The issue is also expected to be high on the agenda during
    Georgian Foreign Minister Gela Bezhuashvili's visit to Brussels on
    September 14-17, where he will meet with top officials from EU and
    NATO. Following this trip Bezhuashvili plans to visit Washington and
    then New York.

    Meanwhile, some strongly worded statements have been voiced towards
    the secessionist authorities in breakaway South Ossetia following
    the Georgian authorities' intensive calls on western powers to react
    on what Tbilisi describes as "outrageous provocations" staged by the
    unrecognized republic's leadership.

    Recent weeks have seen a series of incidents in the conflict zone,
    including firing on a Georgian army helicopter, a clash that led to the
    deaths of four people, and sporadic overnight shootouts. Secessionist
    authorities' announcement of plans to hold an independence referendum
    and presidential polls on November 12 has further fueled tensions.

    Officials in Tbilisi have warned that the Georgian side may use force
    if Tbilisi fails to secure "an appropriate" international support.

    On September 12 a group of western diplomats, including British,
    French, German, Italian and U.S. Ambassadors in Georgia, traveled to
    Tskhinvali and met with South Ossetian leader Eduard Kokoity. Western
    diplomats have strongly condemned the September 3 helicopter incident,
    triggering the anger of the South Ossetian leadership.

    On September 13, Secretary General of the Council of Europe Terry
    Davis said secessionist authorities in South Ossetia "are wasting
    time and effort on the organisation of a 'referendum on independence'
    in November."

    Also on September 13, EU envoy for the South Caucasus issues Peter
    Semneby said that the referendum will be "meaningless" to the
    European Union.

    At the same time, the Russian Foreign Ministry has backed an upcoming
    independence referendum in Moldova's breakaway region Transdnestria,
    scheduled for this Sunday, and said in a statement issued on September
    13 that the European Union should not ignore the results of the
    referendum. The Russian State Duma Council, the lower house of the
    Parliament, plans to send its observers to the November 12 polls in
    breakaway South Ossetia.