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ANKARA: Deployment Debate Conjures Up Ottoman Ghosts

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  • ANKARA: Deployment Debate Conjures Up Ottoman Ghosts

    Aljazeera By Jonathan Gorvett in Istanbul, Turkey
    14 Sept 2006

    The Turkish parliament's decision to send troops to Lebanon comes at
    the end of a sometimes furious debate, countrywide.

    Drawing in politicians, academics, media stars and ordinary citizens,
    the discussion has not only focused on the current Lebanon-Israel
    tension, but has also homed in on the distant past.

    In this argument, both the heroes and the ghosts of Turkey's
    forerunner, the Ottoman Empire, have become the battleground.

    Recip Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish prime minister, said in a national
    TV broadcast a few days before the vote: "It would be treason to our
    history, our future and the high interests or our people to stay away
    [from Lebanon]."

    He was urging his people and his own party to commit Turkish troops
    to the UN force now being deployed in the battle-scarred eastern
    Mediterranean country.

    Until its final collapse following the first world war, the Ottoman
    Empire, run largely from Istanbul by ethnic Turks, ruled over Lebanon,
    Syria, Iraq, Palestine and much of the rest of the Middle East.

    Sedat Laciner, director of the Ankara-based think-tank, the
    International Strategic Research Organisation (USAK), said:
    "Historically, Turkey has had a great role in the region.

    "Turks governed the region for centuries, so it's very natural for
    us to be involved."

    Armenian factor

    However, this historical role also has its ghosts - and Lebanon is
    home to some of the most persistent.

    About 120,000 Armenians live in Lebanon, with many of them the
    descendants of those who fled Ottoman territory back in 1915. That was
    when they claim the Turks launched a genocidal campaign against them.

    Lebanon's parliament also recognises these claims, which are denied
    by Turkey.

    The Armenian Catholic primate of Lebanon thus dubbed Turkish troop
    deployment as "morally unacceptable" last week and Lebanese Armenians
    have been protesting against Turkish involvement outside UN buildings
    in Beirut and New York for the past few days.

    Armenians oppose presence of Turkish troops on Lebanese soil

    Yet many others are very much in favour of the Turks' involvement,
    as Turkey has had long-standing ties with both sides in the current

    Laciner said: "The Israelis, the Lebanese government, the Syrians -
    even Hezbollah - have all welcomed the idea of Turkish troops.

    "Everyone in fact wants Turkish troops there except the Armenians."

    Others are clearly worried, though.

    Onur Oymen, deputy head of the main opposition party, the Republican
    People's Party (CHP), told "Apart from Qatar, no Muslim
    country has committed troops. Why? Why hasn't Egypt, for example,
    or Saudi Arabia? Both big countries with big armed forces?"

    Growing change

    Meanwhile, many analysts see the prime minister's enthusiasm for the
    deployment as part of a growing change in Turkish foreign policy since
    his Justice and Development Party (AKP) - which has Islamist roots -
    came to power in 2002.

    Mensur Akgun, of the liberal Istanbul-based think-tank TESEV, said:
    "This government has quite a different attitude towards the Arab
    world from its predecessors.

    "The AKP is quite realistic and hard headed. Talking about
    neo-Ottomanism flatters the pride, but in the end doesn't really
    amount to much"

    Mensur Akgun, TESEV, a liberal Turkish think-tank

    "They are not burdened with the myopic view of some here that the
    Arabs stabbed us in the back during the first world war."

    The Arab revolt against Ottoman rule during that war was a major blow
    against Ottoman hopes of victory. The revolt was famously backed by
    Britain and France, Turkey's first world war enemies.

    Laciner agrees: "This willingness by the AKP to become involved in
    the Middle East is a departure from traditional policy.

    "The first governments of Turkey after the end of the Ottoman Empire
    deliberately turned away from the Middle East, as they saw it as a
    place that was backward and tradition-bound.

    "They wanted to be Europeans and thus saw contact with the Middle East
    as basically dangerous for this project. Since the AKP came to power,
    however, Turkey has mended many of its fences with the Arabs and has
    realised it cannot turn its back on its history and its geography."


    Relations with Syria have improved considerably in recent years, as
    have links with Iran, which supplies Turkey with a lot of its natural
    gas. Turkish companies have also been highly active in neighbouring
    Iraq. This policy has been widely dubbed "neo-Ottomanism" by the
    Turkish press.

    Yet others see this shift as a natural result of the region's
    geopolitics and Turkey's wider goals.

    The respected commentator and analyst Cengiz Candar said: "The Middle
    East is the number one region these days in global politics.

    Some see deployment as crucial to Turkey's efforts to join the EU

    "At the same time, Turkey has been trying to say to the European Union,
    'look, we are the vital bridge between the West and Islam, between
    Europe and the Middle East, so make us a member'. Turkey can't very
    well say that and then refuse to get involved in efforts such as this,
    in which the EU has a leading role."

    Indeed, Turkey's efforts to join the EU are seen by many as a major
    reason for the deployment - along with a desire to please the UN. Here
    the key connection is Cyprus, with the divided island a long-standing
    sticking point for Turkish EU membership.

    Candar said: "There's no direct link of course, but Turkey wants the
    UN to revive its ideas for reunification of the island and can hardly
    ask them to do that after turning down the UN's request for Turkey
    to become involved in Lebanon."

    Yet the strategy has considerable risks.

    Oymen said: "We have to keep our distance from what I believe is an
    attempt to create a buffer zone to the north of Israel.

    "The UN resolution says we will have to disarm Hezbollah. This raises
    the possibility of us having to fight fellow Muslims."

    No disarmament

    The government insists, however, that Turkish forces will not have
    to disarm anyone and its commitment will be largely maritime-based.

    Erdogan told his parliamentary group last week: "We will pull our
    troops out if asked to disarm Hezbollah."

    "Turks governed the region for centuries, so it's very natural for
    us to be involved"

    Sedat Laciner, Director, International Strategic Research Organisation

    Meanwhile, on neo-Ottomanism, the jury is still out.

    andar said: "Turkey's historic links are now largely an emotional

    "People think the Middle East was always our territory. But the public
    and the politicians are actually quite ignorant of Turkey's Middle
    Eastern history, in fact. And when this emotional link is translated
    into practical politics, it's a different matter altogether."

    'Not imperialism'

    Akgun agrees: "This is not the imperialism of previous centuries.

    "The AKP is quite realistic and hard headed. Talking about
    neo-Ottomanism flatters the pride, but in the end doesn't really
    amount to much."

    In the street, however, it amounts to quite a lot more.

    Akif Beykoz, a student at Istanbul University's languages and
    literature faculty, said: "Since the end of Ottoman times, the Middle
    East has been a mess.

    "Now the Americans are there, the Israelis are doing what they
    want. It's time we had a say."