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AUA: Theony Condos Receives Gold Medal from Min. Of Education

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  • AUA: Theony Condos Receives Gold Medal from Min. Of Education

    September 15, 2006

    American University of Armenia, Affiliate of University of California
    300 Lakeside Drive, 5th Floor
    Oakland, CA 94612
    Tel: (510) 987-9125
    Fax: (510) 208-3576

    Contact: Maggie Mead
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Theony Condos Receives Gold Medal of Republic of Armenia Ministry of
    Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia

    Yerevan- September 8, 2006. On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the
    establishment of the American University of Armenia (AUA), the Republic of
    Armenia Ministry of Education and Science has awarded Doctor Theony
    Condos the Gold Medal for her many contributions in its development.

    The award citation reads: "For being at the forefront of the development of
    AUA and in particular with the affiliation with the University of
    California, for being the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, manning its
    committees as well as being the Special Assistant to the President of AUA,
    for her role in the admission of the American model of educational institute
    in the Republic of Armenia; for having coordinated much of the effort of the
    WASC accreditation over the past several years; for establishing a bridge
    with the Greek community of Armenia and addressing some of its educational
    concerns and for being an adviser regarding the AUA strategic development".

    Minister of Education and Science Levon Lazarian presented gold Medal of RA
    Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia to Theony
    Condos during an official reception.

    "A passionate sense of mission, unyielding dedication and absolute
    integrity characterize Theony's contributions to the AUA. She has been a key
    figure in the establishment and development of the University, including the
    very important process of preparing for WASC accreditation. We all owe her a
    deep debt of gratitude," pointed out Armen Der Kiureghian, Dean of the
    College of Engineering at AUA, Professor of Civil Engineering.

    ----------------------------------- ---
    The American University of Armenia Corporation (AUAC) is registered as a
    non-profit organization in the United States and as the Armenian University
    of Armenia Fund (AUAF) in Armenia. The American University of Armenia (AUA)
    is affiliated through AUAC with the Regents of the University of California.
    Receiving major support from the AGBU, AUA offers instruction leading to the
    Masters Degree in eight graduate programs. For more information about AUA,