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Analysts/politicians say National Assembly election is `crucial'

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  • Analysts/politicians say National Assembly election is `crucial'

    Preparing for `war': Analysts/politicians say National
    Assembly election is `crucial'

    By Gayane Lazarian
    ArmeniaNow reporter

    Rhetoric and movement and accusations and even murders have signaled,
    already, what is likely to become a contentious race for seats in
    Armenia's next Parliament. One analyst says the contest `will resemble
    a war'.

    Shavarsh Kocharyan

    It is eight months until voters will go to polls, but in this startup
    period one theme unites those interested in knowing who will fill the
    131 seats: the May 2007 election and the 2008 presidential election
    will be crucial for Armenia.

    `The pre-election situation is unique. On one hand, the authorities
    continue to implement non-democratic methods of government. On the
    other hand, the Constitutional reforms have for the first time created
    an opportunity to change the situation and liberate Armenia from
    authoritarianism,' says the Chairman of the National Democratic Party
    of Armenia Shavarsh Kocharyan.

    Stepan Zakaryan, member of the Peoples Party of Armenia, believes the
    presidential election 2008 will be conditioned by the parliamentary
    election in 2007.

    `Usually elections to the National Assembly are conditioned by the
    presidential elections. Today the situation is the opposite and this
    is a new thing,' Zakaryan says. `The mobilization of the Republican
    Party is the response of the authorities to the new situation that
    unifies the administrative and the criminal resources.'

    Political analyst Suren Surenyants qualifies the situation as a fuse
    of authorities and the criminal structures and says the latest
    dramatic murders (see ??) are evidence of the latter. He says also,
    any illegitimate regime would find itself in a critical situation like

    Hrant Khachatryan, the chairman of the Constitutional Right Union,
    believes the coming election will give opportunity to make the
    relations between the criminal and the anti-criminal forces clear.

    Surenyants says the pre-election period is a new phase for the
    opposition to appear in a new format.

    The Country of Law (`Orinats Yerkir') political party has made a
    statement on its new initiative aimed at ensuring legal electing
    process at the coming 2007 parliamentary elections. For this purpose
    two main leads were stressed: legislative changes, calling upon the
    National Assembly to make amendments to electoral code, and civic will
    expression in form of civil movement, which would unite political
    powers, NGOs, civil, social movements.

    `Otherwise the country will face political upheaval,' says the
    vice-chairman of Ornats Yerkir, Mher Shahgeldyan.. `Such a crisis
    would shake the citizens' confidence and would be accompanied by moral
    decline. Armenia will have problems with joining the international
    family. And the international democratic community will lose its
    interest in Armenia,'

    Raffi Hovannisian, the chairman of the Heritage (`Zharangutyun')
    Party, believes none of the opposition parties can, alone, prevent
    election fraud.

    `The society should decide for itself to whom Armenia belongs, who
    will be the true master of the country. I am for big solutions by the
    opposition, because local ones are not productive,' says
    Hovannisian. `We are cooperating with the old and new players of the

    However, Armenian society strongly holds on to the belief that the
    opposition in the country is weak. It is a belief grounded in the
    opposition's inability to unseat the current regime through eight
    years of trying, and a perceived helplessness that can be traced to
    the infamous events of April 2004 when excessive authoritarian force
    literally beat down the opposition, in view of the Presidential

    Many believe the parliamentary election will result in the
    reproduction of the regime.

    Surenyants explains that such reproduction of power would mean a
    factual loss of independence.

    `What can the opposition do if all the leverages are in the hands of
    the criminal authorities?! Murders in the streets have become a common
    matter!' says Aram Martirosyan, 57, Yerevan resident.

    Surenyants says the opposition is blamed because the incumbent
    authorities still run the country.

    Hrant Khachatryan

    `I should say also that the opposition is powerful. Its resistance
    was broken in the 2003 only by means of fraud and the use of force and
    mass detainments on April 12th 2004,' says the analyst. `This means
    the authorities used the method of force against the organized

    The People's Party of Armenia says there is need to restore in voters
    a belief that their voice does matter.

    Grigor Harutyunyan, a member of the National Assembly from the
    People's Party, says: `All those who have participated in the fraud
    during the last election must be held to answer. We have to have
    independent air on TV, because the fair elections will be impossible
    without it. Election is not limited to the very act of
    voting. Elections begin much earlier.'

    Shavarsh Kocharyan is confident the people, the opposition and the
    international organizations are the three structures able to hamper
    the reproduction of the incumbent regime. But in order for this to
    happen, voters must see an alternative to the authorities.

    `Unfortunately the developments in the opposition during the recent
    year do not facilitate the emergence of an alternative. Never since
    its independence has the country encountered a situation like this
    when the disappointment of the society is accompanied by the
    opposition's loss of authority,' he says.

    The Constitutional Right Union believes the reason of the lack of a
    developed political field is embedded, because the state never created
    a serious precondition for it; moreover, it has always been impeding
    its development.

    Hrant Khachatryan mentions besides making statements and speeches, the
    opposition is engaged also in fortifying its political positions to
    have grounds to expect a real unification as well as to get means to
    fight against fraud and criminal intimidation. He says the opposition
    forces are now engaged in identifying the number of efficient members
    able to withstand the election violence.

    Davit Hakobyan, the chairman of the Marxist Party of Armenia holds to
    another opinion. He believes there are no grounds for the unification
    of the opposition and it will take part in the parliamentary election