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ANKARA: Political Row on Eurlings Report in Brussels

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  • ANKARA: Political Row on Eurlings Report in Brussels

    Journal of Turkish Weekly, Turkey

    Political row on Eurlings report in Brussels

    Friday , 15 September 2006

    Turkish deputies who went to Brussels this week to urge the change on
    a key European Parliament report ended up in bitter argument -- with
    each other.

    The European Parliament report on Turkey, prepared by EP Committee on
    Foreign Affairs Rapporteur and Dutch MEP Camiel Eurlings, criticized
    Turkey on a number of issues, including Cyprus, a slowdown in the EU
    reform process, the situation in the southeast, problems with
    religious minorities, cultural rights and civilian-military
    relations. It raised particular concerns about last November's
    Semdinli incident, during which a bookshop in the southeast was
    allegedly bombed by members of the security forces, and called for an
    impartial and objective investigation of it.

    Turkey has provided a detailed response to criticisms set out in the
    report. Turkish parliamentarians have been working in Brussels to
    ensure changes in the report before it is voted by European
    Parliament's General Assembly. However, Turkish parliamentarians are
    at odds because of conflicts concerning the section in the report on

    Onur Öymen, deputy leader of the Republic People's Party (CHP) blamed
    the ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party parliamentarians for
    supporting the European Parliament report on headscarf issue. Oymen
    stated that debating headscarf issue in international platforms will
    cause national problems.

    Oymen also blamed Murat Mercan, the head of Turkish delegation in
    Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE), to act
    unilaterally, as he sees fit. Oymen said that Mercan held a meeting
    without CHP parliamentarians, "Turkish government and main opposition
    party have to act together in the international arena. They must speak
    in the same voice. Mercan has participated meetings with EU officials
    alone," he added.

    Holding a press conference, Mercan said that the Turkish side aimed to
    change the EP's report regarding Turkey. Noting that they had an
    impression that so-called Armenian genocide would probably not be put
    forth as a precondition, Mercan announced that Turkish delegation will
    continue to hold talks in Strasbourg, France next week.

    Turkey forewarned European Parliament

    Turkey communicated its displeasure to the European Parliament before
    a press conference held under the EP roof by the Terrorist Kurdistan
    Workers' Party (PKK) militants, who urged the release of their leader
    Abdullah Ocalan, diplomatic sources told TNA yesterday.

    PKK militants late Tuesday urged for the release of their leader
    Abdullah Ocalan during a meeting held with the support of a
    parliamentarian group under the roof of the European Parliament.

    Diplomatic sources said that Turkey had information about the press
    release and stated that Ankara submitted its opposition to
    EP. "Although Turkey could not prevent to press release, EP officials
    said that each group in parliament has the right to organize a press
    meeting," sources added.

    Underlining that press release did not reflect the views of the EP,
    sources stated that Turkey will resubmit its opposition to EP about
    PKK terrorists press release.

    The New Anatolian, 15 September 2006