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Armenia: International Religious Freedom Report 2006

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  • Armenia: International Religious Freedom Report 2006

    All American Patriots (press release), Sweden

    World : Armenia: International Religious Freedom
    Report 2006
    Posted by Patriot on 2006/9/16 14:23:01 (42 reads)

    Armenia: International Religious Freedom Report 2006

    Released by the US Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor

    This report is submitted to the Congress by the Department of State in
    compliance with Section 102(b) of the International Religious Freedom
    Act (IRFA) of 1998. The law provides that the secretary of state, with
    the assistance of the ambassador at large for international religious
    freedom, shall transmit to Congress "an Annual Report on International
    Religious Freedom supplementing the most recent Human Rights Reports
    by providing additional detailed information with respect to matters
    involving international religious freedom."

    Armenia: The constitution, as amended December 8, 2005, provides for
    freedom of religion; however, the law places some restrictions on the
    religious freedom of adherents of minority faiths, and there were some
    restrictions in practice. The Armenian Apostolic Church, which has
    formal legal status as the national church, enjoys some privileges not
    available to other religious groups.

    There was no overall change in the status of respect for religious
    freedom during the period covered by this report. Some denominations
    reported occasional acts of discrimination by mid- or low-level
    government officials and isolated incidents of police harassment. An
    amendment to the 2004 law on alternative military service took effect
    on January 26, 2006, criminalizing evasion of alternative labor
    service. Conscientious objectors maintained, however, that military
    control of the alternative labor service amounted to unacceptable
    military service.

    The generally amicable relationship among religious groups in society
    contributed to religious freedom; however, societal attitudes toward
    some minority religious groups were ambivalent.

    The U.S. government discusses religious freedom issues with the
    Government as part of its overall policy to promote human
    rights. During these discussions, the U.S. government emphasizes to
    authorities that continued eligibility for the $235 million Millennium
    Challenge Compact remains contingent upon the Government's performance
    in meeting good governance indicators, which include standards of
    respect for religious freedom.

    Section I. Religious Demography

    The country has an area of 11,500 square miles and a population of 3

    The country is ethnically homogeneous; approximately 98 percent of the
    population was ethnically Armenian. Many Azeris left the country
    during the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh from 1988 to 1994,
    increasing the country's religious and ethnic homogeneity. Religious
    observance was strongly discouraged in the Soviet era, leading to a
    sharp decline in the number of active churches and priests, the
    closure of virtually all monasteries, and the nearly complete absence
    of religious education. As a result, the number of active religious
    practitioners was relatively low. For many citizens, Christian
    identity was an ethnic trait, with only a loose connection to
    religious belief. An estimated 90 percent of citizens nominally
    belonged to the Armenian Apostolic Church, an Eastern Christian
    denomination with its spiritual center at the Etchmiadzin cathedral
    and monastery. The head of the church, Catholicos Garegin II
    (alternate spelling Karekin), was elected in 1999 at Etchmiadzin with
    the participation of Armenian delegates from around the world.

    There were comparatively small communities of other religious
    groups. There was no reliable census data on religious minorities, and
    reports from congregants themselves varied significantly. The
    Government does not provide official figures for numbers of religious
    adherents, but congregants offered the following unconfirmed
    estimates: Catholic, both Roman and Mekhitarist (Armenian Uniate)
    (120,000); Yezidi, an ethnically Kurdish cultural group whose religion
    includes elements derived from Zoroastrianism, Islam, and animism
    (40,000 nominal adherents); unspecified "charismatic" Christian
    (10,000); Jehovah's Witnesses (8,750); Armenian Evangelical Church
    (8,000); Molokan, an ethnically Russian pacifist Christian group that
    split from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century (5,000);
    Baptist (2,000); the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
    (Mormons) (2,000); Greek Orthodox (1,200); Seventh-day Adventist
    (950); Pentecostal (700); Jewish (600); and Baha'i (200). There was
    no estimate of the number of atheists.

    Yezidis were concentrated primarily in agricultural areas around Mount
    Aragats, northwest of the capital, Yerevan. Armenian Catholic and
    Greek Orthodox Christians were concentrated in the northern region,
    while most Jews, Mormons, and Baha'is were located in Yerevan. In
    Yerevan there was also a small community of Muslims, including Kurds,
    Iranians, Indians, and temporary residents from the Middle East.

    Several minority religious groups sponsor missionary programs in the
    country, including both expatriate and local participants. Levels of
    membership in minority religious groups remained relatively unchanged.

    Section II. Status of Religious Freedom

    Legal/Policy Framework

    The constitution, as amended on December 8, 2005, provides for freedom
    of religion and "the exclusive mission of the Armenian Apostolic Holy
    Church as a national church in the spiritual life, development of the
    national culture and preservation of the national identity of the
    people of Armenia." The law stipulates some restrictions on the
    religious freedom of adherents of faiths other than the Armenian
    Apostolic Church. The constitution also provides for freedom of
    conscience, including the right either to believe or to adhere to
    atheism. The 1991 Law on Freedom of Conscience, amended in 1997 and
    again in 2001, establishes the separation of church and state but
    grants the Armenian Apostolic Church official status as the national

    Extended negotiations between the Government and the Armenian
    Apostolic Church resulted in a 2000 memorandum providing a framework
    for the two sides to negotiate a concordat. Although they had not
    concluded negotiations by the end of the period covered by this
    report, the Government and the church used the memorandum as a basis
    for dispute resolution and policy agreements.

    The law requires all religious denominations and organizations to
    register in order to operate without restrictions. There were no
    reports of the Government refusing registration to religious groups
    that were qualified for registration under the law. The Department of
    Religious Affairs and National Minorities, which replaced the former
    Council on Religious Affairs (CRA), oversees religious affairs and
    coordinates activities with the cabinet's chief of staff. A
    high-ranking official from the former CRA serves as the prime
    minister's advisor on religious affairs. The Office of the State
    Registrar registers religious entities, and the Department of
    Religious Affairs and National Minorities performs a consultative role
    in the registration process. To qualify for registration, petitioning
    organizations must "be free from materialism and of a purely spiritual
    nature," and must subscribe to a doctrine based on "historically
    recognized holy scriptures." A religious organization must have at
    least 200 adult members. Religious groups are not required to
    register, but unregistered religious organizations may not publish
    newspapers or magazines, rent meeting places, broadcast programs on
    television or radio, or officially sponsor the visas of visitors. By
    the end of the period covered by this report, the Government had
    registered fifty-six religious organizations, some of which were
    individual congregations within the same denomination.

    Yerevan's one surviving eighteenth-century mosque, which was restored
    with Iranian funding, was open for regular Friday prayers. Although
    not registered as a religious facility, the Government did not
    restrict Muslims from praying there.

    The law permits religious education in state schools. Only personnel
    authorized and trained by the Government may teach in schools. The
    history of the Armenian Apostolic Church forms the basis of this
    curriculum; many schools cover global religions in elementary school
    and the history of the Armenian Apostolic Church in middle
    school. Students may choose not to attend religious education
    classes. Religious groups are not allowed to provide religious
    instruction in schools, although registered groups may do so in
    private homes to children of their members. On occasion, priests from
    the Armenian Apostolic Church teach classes in religious history;
    however, the use of public school buildings for religious
    "indoctrination" is illegal.

    The military employs Armenian Apostolic chaplains for each division,
    but no other religious groups are represented in the chaplaincy.

    The Government's human rights ombudsman and the head of the Department
    of Religious Affairs and National Minorities met with many minority
    religious organizations during the period covered by this report.

    Restrictions on Religious Freedom

    During the period covered by this report, most registered religious
    groups reported no serious legal impediments to their
    activities. However, the 1991 freedom of conscience law prohibits
    "proselytizing" (undefined in the law) and restricts unregistered
    groups from publishing, broadcasting, or inviting official visitors to
    the country. The prohibition on proselytizing applies to all groups,
    including the Armenian Apostolic Church; however, the term used for
    proselytizing implies that someone has been taken away from a "true"
    faith, and the prohibition effectively restricts only minority
    religious groups.

    According to the head of the Department of Religious Affairs and
    National Minorities, some minority religious groups, including the
    Molokans and some Yezidi groups, have not sought registration.

    Although the law prohibits foreign funding of foreign-based
    denominations, the Government has not enforced the ban and considers
    it unenforceable. A 1991 law required all religious organizations,
    except the Armenian Apostolic Church, to obtain prior permission to
    engage in public religious activities, travel abroad, or invite
    foreign guests to the country. In 2001 this law was rescinded by
    presidential order and, in practice, no travel restrictions were
    imposed on any religious denomination.

    On July 13, 2005, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon)
    officials reported that police officers briefly detained, harassed,
    and threatened two foreign missionaries. The missionaries said that
    one of the officers, after warning them to leave the country, placed
    the barrel of his unloaded gun against one missionary's head and
    pulled the trigger. Church officials filed a police report, and the
    Government opened an investigation. According to the Department of
    Religious Affairs and National Minorities, Armenian Apostolic Church
    officials filed a counter-complaint against the Mormons within a week
    of the incident, alleging the missionaries were illegally
    proselytizing on church grounds. Police officials claimed the officers
    questioned the missionaries and asked them to stay away from the
    church but denied that the questioning constituted harassment. On
    October 4, 2005, a police inspector sent Mormon representatives a
    letter informing members that the national police intended to drop the
    investigation and leave the incident unresolved. Other religious
    groups reported isolated events involving police officials questioning
    missionaries and their acquaintances about their activities.

    Abuses of Religious Freedom

    The law on alternative military service took effect in 2004 and
    allowed conscientious objectors, subject to government panel approval,
    to perform either noncombatant military or civil service duties rather
    than serve as conscripted military personnel. The law was applied to
    subsequent draftees and those serving prison terms for draft
    evasion. Conscientious objectors maintained, however, that military
    control of the alternative labor service amounted to unacceptable
    military service. An amendment to the law, which took effect on
    January 26, 2006, criminalized evasion of alternative labor service.

    According to leaders of Jehovah's Witnesses in Yerevan, twenty-five
    members of their religious group remained in prison for refusal, on
    conscientious and religious grounds, to perform military service or
    alternative labor service. An additional eighteen members signed
    statements saying they would not leave the country pending the
    completion of preliminary investigations, and six more were assigned
    conditional punishment ranging from one to three years.
    Representatives of the Jehovah's Witnesses stated that all of the
    prisoners were given the opportunity to serve an alternative to
    military service rather than prison time, but that all refused because
    the military retained administrative control of alternative
    service. Twelve of those in prison reportedly received two-year

    There were reports that hazing of new conscripts was more severe for
    minority group members such as Yezidis and Jehovah's Witnesses. Some
    Yezidi leaders reported that police and local authorities subjected
    their religious community to discrimination. Other Yezidi leaders
    denied the allegations.

    There was no officially sponsored violence reported against minority
    religious groups during the period covered by this report. Other than
    Jehovah's Witnesses who were conscientious objectors, there were no
    reports of religious prisoners or detainees.

    Forced Religious Conversion

    There were no reports of forced religious conversion, including of
    minor U.S. citizens who had been abducted or illegally removed from
    the United States, or of the refusal to allow such citizens to be
    returned to the United States.

    Section III. Societal Abuses and Discrimination

    The generally amicable relationship among religious groups in society
    contributed to religious freedom; however, societal attitudes toward
    some minority religious groups were ambivalent.

    The Armenian Apostolic Church is a member of the World Council of
    Churches and, despite doctrinal differences, has friendly official
    relations with major Christian denominations, including the Eastern
    Orthodox churches, the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, and
    some Protestant churches.

    Suppressed through seventy years of Soviet rule, the Armenian
    Apostolic Church has trained priests and committed material resources
    to fill the spiritual void created by the demise of communist
    ideology. Nontraditional religious organizations are viewed with
    suspicion. Representatives of foreign?based denominations frequently
    cited as evidence statements including "one God, one country, one
    church," noting they had been warned against "stealing souls" from the
    Armenian Apostolic Church.

    Societal attitudes toward most minority religious groups were
    ambivalent. Many citizens were not religiously observant, but the link
    between religion and Armenian ethnicity is strong.

    According to some observers, the general population expressed negative
    attitudes about Jehovah's Witnesses, because the latter refused to
    serve in the military, engaged in little understood proselytizing
    practices, and because of a widespread but unsubstantiated belief that
    they pay the desperately poor to convert. Jehovah's Witnesses
    continued to be targets of hostile sermons by some Armenian Apostolic
    Church clerics and experienced occasional societal discrimination. The
    press reported a number of complaints for allegedly illegal
    proselytizing lodged by citizens against members of Jehovah's

    Some members of the press stoked suspicion of nontraditional religious
    organizations. On April 4, 2006, an opposition newspaper published a
    short editorial alleging that "a top police official" had information
    that "religious sects" including Mormons and Pentecostals had enlisted
    well-known criminals to protect the "sects'" interests against the
    Government. The paper's publishers claimed the unnamed source of the
    article was "credible" and that the allegations were factual, but
    despite repeated requests, they declined to elaborate on them.

    On April 5, 2006, a pro-government tabloid published a short editorial
    entitled, "Is the American University of Armenia being Mormonized?"
    The writer claimed that the newspaper had learned from sources that "a
    Mormon" would be appointed vice rector of the American
    University. According to the authors, if the rumors were true, the
    country would have taken a serious step, negative in the tabloid's
    view, toward "Mormonization."

    Flanked by Armenian Apostolic priests during an April 19, 2006, press
    conference, Armenian Center for Rehabilitation and Assistance to
    Victims of Destructive Cults Director Alexander Amaryan continued his
    public assertions that the presence of nontraditional religious
    institutions "threatens the spiritual life of Armenia." Armenian
    Apostolic priests alleged "religious sects," which they identified as
    Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons, "conquered members of our flock" by
    "abducting children and church members, and criticizing national

    Unlike in previous years, the Jewish community reported no incidents
    of verbal harassment during the period covered by this report. On
    March 18, 2005, a court issued a three-year suspended sentence to the
    leader of the Union of Armenian Aryans, in response to his conviction
    on charges of public hostility for calling for the country to be
    "purified" of Jews and Yezidis.

    Section IV. U.S. Government Policy

    The U.S. government discusses religious freedom issues with the
    Government as part of its overall policy to promote human rights. The
    U.S. ambassador and embassy officials maintain close contact with the
    Catholicos at Etchmiadzin and with leaders of other religious and
    ecumenical groups in the country. During the period covered by this
    report, U.S. officials consistently raised the issue of alternatives
    to military service with government officials. The embassy also
    maintained regular contact with resident and visiting regional
    representatives of foreign-based religious groups such as the Mormons
    and raised their concerns with the Government. Embassy officials
    closely monitor trials related to issues of religious freedom and take
    an active role in policy fora and nongovernmental organization
    roundtables regarding religious freedom.

    The U.S. embassy hosted several roundtable meetings and receptions in
    honor of U.S. representatives of religious organizations. Leaders of
    local minority religious groups were regularly welcomed at these

    Released on September 15, 2006

    Source: US State Dept.