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Ghukassian: we keep the window open

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  • Ghukassian: we keep the window open

    Azat Artsakh, NKR
    Sept 15 2006


    In his recent visit to the region of Hadrut Arkady Ghukassian
    answered the questions of journalists. The president made some
    interesting statements with regard to the question of sending an OSCE
    monitoring group to study the fires. Does the head of NKR share
    Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian's opinion that if
    Azerbaijan is willing to cooperate over extinguishing fires at the
    front line, it should turn to the NKR government? Was there any
    invitation from the monitoring group, and does the president of NKR
    consider the possibility of cooperation with Azerbaijan realistic?
    Arkady Ghukassian: `First, I would like to note that it was our
    proposal when Azerbaijan started all that fuss about fires. It is
    clear that it was caused artificially because they are the author of
    both fires and propaganda. The problem is that we have invited
    international organizations for a number of times to conduct a
    monitoring, because we also want the international community to have
    a clear picture of the situation in Nagorno Karabakh, namely at the
    border. And since the OSCE mission is likely to arrive, naturally
    they must cooperate with the Nagorno-Karabakh government. There has
    been no official information yet, but as soon as it is there, we are
    ready to accept them. I believe that this mission will make an
    unbiased conclusion on the situation in Karabakh. And the purpose of
    Azerbaijan is the same.' Mr. President, what do Bryza's controversial
    statements prompt, is the window of settlement shut this year?
    Besides, you said in a recent radio interview that the international
    recognition is the settlement. Is it so? Arkady Ghukassian: `The
    international recognition was always a variant, this idea is not new
    because we believe that the future of Karabakh is the de jure
    international recognition of its status. As to the window, we have
    never closed the window, on the contrary, we always keep the window
    open, and I am hopeful that the window is not closed, and we are
    ready to start a constructive dialogue with Azerbaijan.' What is you
    opinion on reporting the problem to the UN? Arkady Ghukassian: `I
    think this is a destructive approach because it is clear that the
    OSCE Minsk Group has attended to this problem over these years and
    the attempts to involve other international organizations will result
    in a disorder, which is not favorable for the conflict parties.
    Unfortunately, Nagorno Karabakh is not represented to these
    international organizations, and Armenia expressed its opinion
    clearly that it is against that any international organization starts
    attending to the issues, which are dealt with by the OSCE. I think
    the right instrument is the diplomatic instrument, and I think the
    Armenian diplomacy should be more active. Unfortunately, a situation
    has occurred today when the diplomatic corps of Azerbaijan constantly
    attacks, and we have to be on the defensive. I think it is high time
    that we attack.'
