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Does Armenia Find Itself on the Verge of an Environmental Disaster?

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  • Does Armenia Find Itself on the Verge of an Environmental Disaster?
    September 12, 2006


    While predatory deforestation is in full progress in the Republic, the
    Minister of Environment is involved in big business.

    /The former Minister of Environment Karine Danielyan claims that today
    Yerevan, and Armenia as a whole, are on the verge of an environmental
    disaster. According to her, during the last 10 years the incidence of
    cases of bronchial asthma, upper respiratory tract and acute
    intestinal infections has increased sharply. ?The ?lungs? of the
    city, the green zones which were supposed to clean the city air, were
    eliminated?, the former Minister noted. However it looks like the
    acting head of the Republic?s environmental department does not share
    the concern of his predecessor./

    Armenia?s ecology today finds itself in the most pitiable condition in
    the whole history of the country. This is being spoken out by
    representatives of the various environmental and public organizations
    of the Republic. Since the time when the former businessman and
    politician Vardan Avazyan took the position of Armenia?s Minister of
    Environment in 2001 the situation in the environment protection
    department has practically gone out of control. Not having any
    experience of environmental work, Avazyan preferred to be involved in
    the issues which were more familiar to him, that is, to participate in
    negotiations with potential investors forcing them to pay the
    ?environmental tributes?, and in other ?money matters?. As for the
    nature, it was left to itself and at the disposal of the few
    businessmen who managed to find understanding with the Minister.

    The results of such a policy turned out to be predictable. The former
    Minister Karine Danielyan who currently is Chairman of the public
    organization ?In the Name of Stable Development? is willing to share
    her negative estimate of the environmental situation in Armenia even
    at the international community level. Currently the organization
    together with the UN environment program is preparing a report on the
    environmental situation in the country. Also ?In the Name of Stable
    Development? has carried out a sociological poll, according to which
    57% of respondents were not satisfied wit the condition of environment
    in Yerevan, and 32.2% estimated it as disastrous. 84% of the
    inhabitants are concerned about destruction of the ?green? areas of
    the capital due to building up of permanent commercial establishments,
    57% are extremely dissatisfied with the profuse insanitation in the
    capital, and 51% consider the atmosphere over Yerevan to be extremely
    polluted. 52% think that it is the environmental condition of the city
    that causes the negative impact on the health of the city dwellers,
    besides, 41.5% complained about the pollution of drinking water, 38%
    complained about the noise, and 25% about the pollution of soil.

    Judging by publications in the local mass media, deforestation in the
    last five years has become disastrous over the whole territory of
    Armenia. This, in particular, was recently reported by Susan
    Yagoubyan-Klein, Regional director of the ?Planting Trees in Armenia?
    Program. She noted that the tendency is ?terrifying?, as in the past
    years the forest coverage of the Republic?s territory constituted 25%,
    and in the 90?s around 20%. ?Never before was Armenia closer to the
    environmental disaster?, S. Yagoubyan-Klein said. She emphasized that
    if such a tendency is allowed to continue, in 20 years Armenia will be
    facing a real threat of desertification.

    S. Yagoubyan-Klein also noted that the unlawful cutting of trees
    continues up to this day.

    In the meantime the current Minister of Environment of RA Vardan
    Aivazyan is still not inclined to overestimate the problems existing
    in the Republic. Speaking at the recent hearing held in the Parliament
    titled ?Environmental Problems in Yerevan?, Aivazyan, replying to the
    criticism aimed at himself, joked, ?If we look at everything in
    absolute terms, then we should prohibit playing the violin, as a wood
    rosin emission takes place in the course of playing?.

    The Minister?s relative tranquility is understandable, as he is busy
    with issues which are rather distant from protection of green
    plantations. As observed by the eyewitnesses, Aivazyan is a lot more
    enthusiastic about conflicts and disputes with various ?economic
    subjects?, and about other issues which are somehow or other connected
    with the ?real cash?. The main ?enemies? of the Environment Minister
    today are large ore and gold mining companies operating on the
    territory of the Republic. Revision of old contracts, refusal to issue
    mining licenses, laying down the additional conditions to the existing
    agreements: all these worrisome but lucrative concerns steal away a
    lot of Aivazyan?s time and strength.

    As a result multi-billion projects agreed on and approved at the
    highest government and even inter-government level are facing a threat
    today ?thanks? to the restless and clearly irrelevant activity of one
    single Minister. Therefore it is quite expectable that not only
    independent ecologists, but also Aivazyan?s colleagues in the
    government of Armenia are dissatisfied with his activities. For
    several months now the local media has put new wind in the rumors of
    possible resignation of Aivazyan. They say that the Minister?s ?lot?
    will be decided on already in February.

    It is characteristic that the Minister himself saw the reason for the
    rumors of his possible resignation not in the evidently disastrous
    environmental situation in Armenia, but in the ?intrigues of external
    forces? which, in the official?s opinion, in his person are nearly
    infringing the sovereignty of the entire Republic. As it often happens
    in such cases, patriotism pushed into the foreground has become
    Aivazyan?s last resort. Under the slogan of protecting the country
    from foreign influence, he is trying as hard as he can to create for
    himself an image of a fighter for the interests of Armenia. However,
    thanks to Aivazyan?s efforts, the country is already left without
    forests and tomorrow it may be left without foreign investors who are
    already perplexed by the Minister?s behavior.

    12.09.2006 Ruben Azaryan,