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State Is Pushed To Sell Itself

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  • State Is Pushed To Sell Itself

    By Evelyn Iritani, Times Staff Writer

    Los Angeles Times, CA
    September 18, 2006

    A bill on the governor's desk mandates a new effort to boost foreign
    investment and trade.

    California produces some of the world's finest foods, movies and
    software, but unlike other states, it has no outposts abroad to market
    its goods to eager buyers.

    Unless you count Armenia, a former part of the Soviet Union, where
    the trade office is funded by donations from California's Armenian
    American community.

    ADVERTISEMENT The Golden State exported more than $116 billion
    worth of goods last year and handled 40% of the country's container
    traffic. After Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger took office in 2003, he
    vowed to be a "super-salesman" for the state, whose $1.6-trillion
    economy ranks among the world's largest.

    Now, a group of lawmakers and business leaders is prodding the governor
    and the state to get back to promoting the state's industries.

    Senate Majority Leader Gloria Romero (D-Los Angeles) successfully
    pushed legislation requiring the state Business, Transportation
    and Housing Agency to develop a strategy for attracting foreign
    investment and trade. That bill, which was passed by a wide margin,
    has been sent to the governor's office.

    Schwarzenegger has not taken a position on the legislation, said
    Darrel Ng, a spokesman for his office.

    The state once staffed a dozen trade offices abroad, including in
    Tokyo, Shanghai and London. But during the budget crisis of 2003, the
    Legislature shut down the California Technology, Trade and Commerce
    Agency, which had a $13-million budget and 91 employees, and closed
    11 of the 12 outposts.

    State Sen. Jack Scott, a Democrat from the Pasadena area, which has
    a large Armenian American community, was able to save the Armenia
    office because it was privately funded.

    Romero said state officials needed to determine whether they should
    reopen offices abroad and if so, how they should be managed and
    funded. The state also needs to look at the effects of tax policies
    and other regulations on foreign companies, she said.

    "We have been flying blind in California," she said.

    "We don't have a trade policy."

    Garrett Ashley, a former Schwarzenegger aide whom the governor picked
    to head the state's international trade efforts, said California has
    suffered because it lacked the resources to sell itself overseas.

    "I think there's no question that a state the size of California
    and the significance of California needs to have a presence in the
    international business arena and a way to promote itself," Ashley said.

    Jock O'Connell, a trade consultant in Sacramento, agrees that the
    state's trade strategy needs an overhaul. But he said foreign trade
    offices were a waste of taxpayers' money because they were too
    difficult to manage from afar and often became politicized.

    "The common point of view in the private sector is these trade offices
    serve political, not commercial, purposes," he said.

    The state would be better off using its resources to modernize
    California's highway system, railroads and ports, O'Connell
    said. Airports should be a high priority because more than 50% of
    the state's exports, including electronic components and perishable
    commodities, are shipped by air.

    The governor has asked voters to approve a $20-billion transportation
    bond measure in November that includes $3.1 billion to facilitate
    the movement of goods.

    On trade missions to Japan, Israel and China, the governor used his
    celebrity to hawk California wine, produce and other products. The
    governor is taking another group of officials and executives to Mexico
    in November.

    After Schwarzenegger's Asia trip, Air China signed multimillion-dollar
    contracts with United Airlines to have its San Francisco maintenance
    facilities service the Chinese airline's Boeing 747 and 777 engines,
    according to the governor's office. Schwarzenegger also helped persuade
    Virgin America, the new budget U.S. airline partly owned by British
    entrepreneur Richard Branson, to locate its headquarters in the Bay
    Area hub.

    Famima, one of Asia's biggest convenience store chains, decided to
    expand into California after its chief executive saw a billboard in
    Tokyo featuring Schwarzenegger, the governor's office said.

    In two years, Famima has opened six of its high-end convenience stores
    in Southern California and plans to have a bunch more in place by
    year end.

    But some foreign employers have recently left the state for better
    offers, citing high operating costs and taxes. Last year, Nissan Motor
    Co. announced it was moving its U.S. headquarters, which employed
    1,300 people, from Gardena to Nashville. Carlos Ghosn, chief executive
    of the Japanese auto firm, said Tennessee's "favorable business and
    taxation climate" played a role in the decision to move.

    The Organization for International Investment, a Washington-based
    lobbyist for foreign firms, has asked the California Franchise Tax
    Board to amend its "discriminatory" policy of taxing transactions
    between those firms and their California-based subsidiaries, including
    royalty payments and interest on loans.

    The board has agreed to consider that petition at its meeting

    "I think this is a case of the state sending a mistaken signal of
    hostility to these companies when it's not intending to," said Todd
    Malan, executive director of the group.

    State officials argue that they are only trying to collect taxes on
    income that is legitimately tied to business within California.

    But Alex Spitzer, senior vice president of taxes for the
    U.S. subsidiary of Switzerland-based Nestle, said the state's tax
    policies were one reason his company decided to put a $359-million
    factory in Indiana instead of California. The food giant employs
    7,500 people in California.

    The disputed tax policy, he said, "is reflective of the attitude
    California projects that, 'We love the jobs but not the businesses
    that create them.' "

    * [email protected]