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House Teams Vow To Unearth Arturs' Saga

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  • House Teams Vow To Unearth Arturs' Saga

    By Benard Onyari

    Kenya Times, Kenya
    19 Sept 06

    PARLIAMENTARY committees investigating the conduct of the two
    Armenian brothers have vowed to pursue the probe vigorously as soon
    as Parliament reconvenes next month.

    The chairman of the committee on Security and Justice Ramadhan Kajembe
    said his team was committed to unearthing the truth on the saga.

    "One thing Kenyans should be assured of is that we are committed
    to give them answers to the questions over the so-called Armenian
    brothers. Our quest will commence immediately Parliament reopens,"
    he said.

    Speaking yesterday, Kajembe however noted that the committees had no
    powers to compel individuals to appear before it.

    The Armenian brothers have been at the centre of controversy since
    their presence in the country came to the limelight in March following
    a revelation by Lang'ata MP Raila Odinga.

    However, the duo spiritedly defended themselves at various press
    conferences, arguing that they were genuine businessmen keen on
    investing in real estates and manufacturing among others.

    The two committees', Legal Affairs and Administration of Justice
    led by Paul Muite and Kajembe, kicked off their investigations after
    the two Armenians caused a stir at the Jomo Kenyatta International
    Airport, Nairobi.

    The two are alleged to have resisted attempts to have their visitors'
    luggage checked by customs officers.

    Following the airport security scare, the Armenians snatched the
    luggage and after a gun stand-off with security officials, sped off
    with the police in hot pursuit.

    The brothers are also suspected to have had a hand in the March 2
    raid at a media house where computers were carted away, newspapers
    burnt and a transmission unit vandalised.

    However, following the airport gun drama, the said brothers were
    briefly held before they were hurriedly deported.

    The conduct of the Armenians then led to the parallel investigations
    one led by the former Police Commissioner Shedrack Kiruki and another
    by the joint parliamentary watchdogs.

    The Kiruki Commission appointed by the President, which has so far
    completed its probe and handed over its report, has been termed as
    a cover-up in different quarters.

    Muite, the Kabete legislator, is on record saying that his team
    believed there were influential officials "high up in Government"
    who protected the two foreigners.

    Among those who have been summoned by the committees are Narc activist,
    Mary Wambui and daughter Winfred Wambui, interdicted CID boss Joseph
    Kamau and the Commissioner of Police, Hussein Ali.