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"Karabakh Issue Is A Stake In The Hands Of Superpowers"

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  • "Karabakh Issue Is A Stake In The Hands Of Superpowers"


    [05:11 pm] 19 September, 2006

    "The Karabakh issue is a stake in the hands of superpowers. Armenian
    officialdom refers to the Karabakh issue only when the inner political
    procedures activate.

    But the conflict regulation is independent of the will of the
    Karabakh, Armenian and Azeri authorities," said Galoust Sahakyan,
    leader of Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) in the club "Mirror"
    today. Mr. Sahakyan is convinced that the Karabakh conflict won't
    be regulated in 2006. He doesn't exclude that it won't be regulated
    by 2012.

    David Shahnazaryan, member of Armenian National Movement, advised our
    authorities not to connect the regulation of the Karabakh conflict
    with the elections. As for Sahakyan's statement that the Karabakh
    issue is a stake in the hands of superpowers, Mr. Shahnazaryan said,
    "We must confess that the Karabakh conflict has become an uninteresting
    and useless toy for superpowers."

    "The country's foreign policy in connection with Karabakh resembles
    a lost game. The issue is quickly replaced before the UNO. The RA
    Foreign Ministry announces that if Azerbaijan puts the issue in the
    UNO agenda, we shall cease the negotiations. Next day we come to know
    that the issue of the Azeri territories occupied by the Armenian side
    was put into the agenda.

    For the first time Armenia accepted the issue of the occupied
    territories," noted Mr. Shahnazaryan. He claims that the Armenian
    authorities could have put the issue of the ruined Armenian monuments
    in Nor Jugha and in Nakhijevan into the UNO agenda instead.

    "I am convinced that the RA authorities will disagree with me saying
    this issue is UNESCO's consideration."

    Mr. Shahnazaryan is convinced that the announcements about the NKR
    involvement into the negotiation procedure will be in vain, "These
    announcements will never be taken for granted as Robert Kocharyan has
    announced many times that he represents both Karabakh and Armenia. The
    Karabakh authorities must distinctly announce that Mr. Kocharyan
    doesn't represent Karabakh but they cannot do it. The suggestions of
    Karabakh conflict regulation have been the same since 1997."

    This resembles the same phase version with a few slight changes."

    Galoust Sahakyan added that he appreciates that rough position in
    the NKR issue but they are inadmissible for him.

    Mr. Sahakyan's announcement seemed weird to us as at the beginning of
    the meeting he said that the Karabakh issue is a stake in the hands of
    superpowers and then named those superpowers, "USA, Russian Federation,
    France, etc." Thus, we see that he noted the names of the OSCE Minsk
    group member countries.