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COAF Founder and Chairman Speaks at Armenia-Diaspora Conference

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  • COAF Founder and Chairman Speaks at Armenia-Diaspora Conference

    Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) - Yerevan Office
    53-55 Pavstos Byuzand Street, 375010
    Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
    Contact: Inessa Grigoryan
    Tel: (+374 10) 522076; 562068
    Fax: (+374 10) 522076
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Children of Armenia Fund - New York Office
    630 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2100,
    New York, NY 10111, USA
    Contact: Anna Sargsyan
    Tel: 212 - 994 - 8201
    Fax: 212 - 994 - 8299
    E-mail: [email protected]

    For immediate release

    COAF Founder and Chairman Speaks at Armenia-Diaspora
    Conference<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
    "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office&qu ot; />

    <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns =
    "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags " />Yerevan, Republic of
    Armenia, September 18, 2006 ¾ Today, Dr. Garo Armen, founder and
    chairman of the Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) addressed the
    delegates of the Armenia-Diaspora Conference. The plenary session
    dealing with Rural Poverty Eradication Program was attended by over
    1,000 delegates from around the world, including the United States,
    Canada, South America, Europe, Eurasia, and the Middle East.

    Dignitaries addressing this session of the conference included the
    Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, as well as the Minister of
    Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Agriculture, and the Minister of
    Territorial Administration.

    Dr. Armen led the delegates through a virtual journey through rural
    Armenia, describing the conditions in most of the villages and
    prescribing the exact formula for poverty eradication. Speaking from
    his personal experiences, he described the crumbling and
    heart-breaking conditions in which he had found Karakert a few years
    ago. He also recalled the delegates' experiences as they toured the
    School of Lernagog [soon to be renovated as part of COAF's Model
    Cluster project] the day before. For Dr. Armen, the conditions in
    which today's children live, learn, and grow ¾ or the overall
    wellbeing of the next generation of the Armenian leadership ¾ create
    the most critical and unquestionable need that every Armenian must
    focus on without delay. "The children of Armenia are our focal
    point; they are the key drivers of our development program."

    Then, he delineated the key elements of what makes COAF's rural
    development program comprehensive and all-encompassing. Aside from
    the reconstruction of the infrastructure, including the renovation of
    public buildings, schools, kindergartens, community centers, and
    health clinics, Dr. Armen articulated the importance of
    simultaneously realizing economic, social, educational, and health
    programs. "Even the softest of our social programs have a tremendous
    positive impact on these communities. COAF has witnessed how its
    cluster monthly Shrjadarts or its inter-village transportation system
    created a few months ago has made an uplifting impact on the
    villagers," cited the speaker.

    Dr. Armen also mentioned that what makes COAF's program so strong in
    accomplishments and sustainable results is its ability to mobilize
    larger resources and engage other organizations in the implementation
    of its program. Getting special recognition in his speech were the
    organizations, with which COAF partnered for the implementation of
    the first integrated rural development program: UNDP, USAID and the
    World Bank, along with a dozen other partners. More importantly, Dr.

    Armen stressed COAF's partnership with the local municipality and
    general population, highlighting the importance of community
    participation, community ownership, and learning from the community.

    # # # # #
