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Pope Benedict's historic reference is to enlighten Muslims than enra

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  • Pope Benedict's historic reference is to enlighten Muslims than enra

    Pope Benedict's historic reference is to enlighten Muslims than enraging them

    KurdishMedia, UK
    Updated: 9/18/2006 5:29:01 AM GMT

    9/20/2006 - By Khasraw Saleh Koyi

    For 14 centuries, Muslims' way of thinking and believing has been
    controlled by a number of unsubstantiated religious taboos, which
    if broken the perpetrator gets punished for, including by cutting
    off the limbs and beheading. These taboos are the product of mere
    interpretations of various Quranic verses and prophet Muhammad's
    sayings 'over a long time span' by Islamic religious authorities of
    different sects and motivations'.

    Depicting prophet Muhammad and describing his character qualities
    have been viewed as critical parts of these taboos. Last year's
    Danish cartoon episode, and the recent reference of Pope Benedict
    that Muhammad condoned violent means to spread Islam religion are
    solid evidence that even non-Muslims are expected to abide by Islamic
    rules of not daring such taboos.

    It is unfortunate that even at these highly modern times when human's
    free will, independent intellectual thinking, and liberal imagination
    are proven to be responsible for all the scientific, technological
    and artistic wonderful achievements that serve all humanity, there
    are those who in the name of Muhammad and Allah continue to abide by
    some obsolete and inhuman mentality which has and continues to cost
    mankind huge numbers of lives and tremendous sufferings.

    The Armenian genocide on the hands of Muslim Turks during the latest
    years of the Ottoman Empire (which later on prompted the Jewish
    holocaust by the Nazis); Muslim Arab campaign of 'Quranic' Anfal by
    Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq in the late 1980s to genocide the
    Kurds; The tragic event of 9/11 in the US as planned and executed by
    Al-Qaeda; Continued suicide bombings and revenge killings that has
    been consuming thousands of innocent lives and causing huge levels
    of property devastations 'every month' in Iraq and Afghanistan are
    all committed by fellow Muslims, in the name of Islam and its idols
    such as Allah and prophet Mohammad. By any stretch of imagination of
    any human being with minimum capacity for logical thinking and human
    compassion, these acts are all considered to be hideously criminal
    and anti any peaceful and viable spirituality.

    It must be quite difficult for non-Muslims not to believe that such
    violent acts by some Muslim groups does not receive the tacit approval
    from the main stream of the Muslim world, especially in the absence of
    any known condemnation by the Muslim masses, anywhere in the Islamic
    countries. If the exercise of violence in the name of Islam is not part
    of the religious conviction of the Muslims and it is exercised only by
    a small percentage of fanatics who don't represent the Islamic faith,
    then why the majority of the Muslims accept to stand by and let such
    fanatics discredit them and their religion?

    Many simpleminded Muslims may interpret Pope Benedict's expressed
    intent as anti Islam. But the truth may be quite the opposite. Like
    many logical individuals who are concerned about the latest tide of
    Islamic violence and brutality in the name of their prophet and Allah,
    the pope may have decided to point to a potential misgiving which can
    only be understood and averted if it gets a worthwhile attention. He
    may have intended to generate an inter-religious debate both to reveal
    the good and the ugly in Islam religion.

    Being a devoted Christian with a wealth of knowledge about spirituality
    in historic and realistic terms, he is a man of goodwill and
    determination to do mankind the best he can. He must be full aware
    of the extent of the damage the rigid nature of the Islamic faith
    has on the intellectual state of the average Muslims.

    Being for tolerance and compassion to bring mankind closer together
    in cooperation and understanding, it is in the core of the spiritual
    faith of the Pope to identify and speak about the ills of mankind,
    with violence of any nature being one of them.

    Thanks to the reasonable and necessary levels of tolerance and
    open-mindedness, the quality of human life in the Christian world is
    much better than that of the Muslim world. While peace, acceptance,
    fairness, kindness, cooperation and understanding form some of the core
    virtues and disciplines in the lives of Christian societies, violence,
    repression, vengeance, controlling of others lives and properties by
    force, are the types of virtues and disciplines that are nurtured by
    state and religious authorities in the Muslim countries with Turkey,
    Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia being just a few notorious examples.

    To those moderate Muslims who have earned their individual pride
    from their logical and free thinking and analysis, it is time that
    they use their words and pens to speak out of the truth as it can be
    substantiated by rational thinking and behaviour than by primitive
    religious moulding of their spirituality and believes.

    There is just no way for false and fake believes to stand against the
    might of the sum of mankind's independent intellectual thinking and
    reasoning. The sooner for the Muslims to recognise the weaknesses of
    their religion, the better is the chance of their survival in harmony
    with others and in pride and dignity. A religion is only as good as
    being able to enlighten mankind to lead a peaceful, fulfilling and a
    happy life. If not dealt with effectively, let there be no doubt that
    the existing strain of primitive taboos in Islam religion continues
    to rob off Muslims from exercising their humanity fully and honourably.