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Statement Of President Robert Kocharian On The Occasion Of Independe

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  • Statement Of President Robert Kocharian On The Occasion Of Independe


    Sept 21 2006

    YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 21, ARMENPRESS: Your Holiness, Soldiers, officers
    and generals, Dear compatriots and guests, I congratulate all of us on
    the occasion of the 15th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic
    of Armenia.

    For the people with millennia long history the last fifteen years of
    statehood is just a blink. However, it took in a war, energy crisis,
    blockade, and all the hurdles of the transitional period. The starting
    point for establishing Armenian statehood was extremely difficult. But
    the spirit of our people was high and great was the desire to overcome
    all the difficulties in the name of freedom and dignity. In the flames
    of war that spirit gave birth to heroes and formed the army, which
    we are proud of. The armed forces of the Republic of Armenia are a
    powerful defender of the Motherland of all Armenians. The Republic
    of Armenia is the greatest achievement of determined hard work of
    many generations.

    Today Armenia is a steadily developing country.

    Successful reforms are underway in all areas of life.

    The high tempo of economic growth makes Armenia a new, more promising
    country. It is of vital importance, since competitive and effective
    economy is the main guarantee for the building of a truly democratic

    A number of strategic programs, which are being implemented in our
    country, are aimed at the general development and advancement of our
    people and our country, and particularly, at the resolution of social
    problems. Among priorities the state has identified poverty reduction,
    improvement of life quality, and equal development of the country as
    a whole.

    In the establishment of the Armenian state the input of Diaspora
    is hardly to be overestimate. Since day one it has mobilized all
    its resources and stood by our state. Symbolically, the third
    Armenia-Diaspora conference is also being held during these
    jubilee celebrations. It is also important that through the years
    of independence the factor of Diaspora has been revaluated, and our
    relations have become reciprocal and complementary.

    In foreign relations Armenia has proved to be a stable, reliable and
    predictable partner. We continue to successfully deepen the engagement
    of our country in international affairs, preserving and strengthening
    at the same time traditional ties.

    The just resolution of the NK conflict remains the highest
    priority. And it can only be based on the respect and recognition
    of the Artsakhi people's right to self-determination. Nothing
    should threaten security and development of the Nagorno Karabagh
    Republic. Dear compatriots, Such a precious jubilee is both
    inspiring and binding - we must do the utmost for the strengthening
    of Armenia. We should spare no effort to build a new country being
    citizens of which will make proud many generations of our people. Once
    again I congratulate on the occasion of the 15th Anniversary of

    Long live the Republic of Armenia! Long live the glorious Army
    of Armenia!