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AAA: Senate Affirms Policy Of Regional Cooperation In South Caucasus

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  • AAA: Senate Affirms Policy Of Regional Cooperation In South Caucasus

    Armenian Assembly of America
    1140 19th Street, NW, Suite 600
    Washington, DC 20036
    Phone: 202-393-3434
    Fax: 202-638-4904
    Email: [email protected]




    September 21, 2006

    CONTACT: Christine Kojoian

    E-mail: [email protected]


    Adopts Amendment to Prevent Armenia's Isolation

    Washington, DC - The Armenian Assembly today praised a key Senate
    committee for affirming U.S policy in the South Caucasus by prohibiting
    funding for a bypass rail link sponsored by the Turkish and Azerbaijani
    governments and aimed at excluding Armenia from economic and regional
    transportation opportunities.

    Lawmakers approved the Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Act of 2006,
    which included an amendment ensuring that no Export-Import funding
    is used for a costly and unnecessary rail line connecting Turkey,
    Georgia and Azerbaijan while bypassing Armenia. Committee Chair
    Richard C. Shelby (R-AL) and Ranking Member Paul Sarbanes (D-MD)
    included an amendment offered by Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) in the
    manager's amendment. The provision was modeled after the South Caucasus
    Integration and Open Railroads Act (S. 2461), which was introduced by
    Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA), together with Menedez, earlier this year.

    "Armenia is a valued friend of the United States and our government
    ought not to be supporting programs or initiatives in the South
    Caucasus that exclude that country from participation," said
    Santorum. "The manager's amendment adopted today by the Committee on
    Banking will make sure such a scenario does not happen."

    "We cannot continue to stoke the embers of regional conflict by
    supporting projects that deliberately exclude one of the region's most
    important members," said Menendez. "Fundamentally, this amendment
    is about fairness and about inclusion, rather than exclusion. With
    this amendment, we are sending a simple message -- that we believe
    that the United States should support an integrated and inclusive
    approach to economic and regional development in the Caucasus region."

    The amendment, adopted by the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban
    Affairs Committee, states that "The [Export-Import] Bank shall
    not guarantee, insure, or extend (or participate in the extension
    of) credit in connection with the export of any good or service
    relating to the development or promotion of any railway connection
    or railway-related connection that does not traverse or connect with
    Armenia and does not traverse or connect Baku, Azerbaijan, Tbilisi,
    Georgia, and Kars, Turkey."

    "Attempts to isolate Armenia are counterproductive to stated U.S.

    policy goals of regional cooperation and economic integration in the
    South Caucasus," said Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny.
    "We commend the leadership of Senators Santorum and Menendez for
    introducing legislation that would prevent Armenia's neighbors from
    isolating her, as well as the efforts of Senators Shelby and Sarbanes
    in supporting the passage of today's legislation."

    Ardouny also noted that today's action reinforces a vote by the
    House of Representatives and sends a strong message to Baku and
    Ankara that such attempts only serve as a destabilizing factor in the
    region. On July 25, the House approved a similar amendment sponsored
    by Representatives Joseph Crowley (D-NY), together with Congressmen
    Edward Royce (R-CA) and Brad Sherman (D-CA).

    U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Fried and Ambassador to
    Azerbaijan Anne Derse have both noted that the rail plan does not
    foster regional cooperation.

    "Removing trade barriers would improve regional integration and
    enhance economic cooperation and development," said Fried. "The
    proposed railway would bypass Armenia and thus not be beneficial to
    regional integration."

    The proposed railway is estimated to cost upwards of $800 million
    and is expected to take years to construct. An existing line, which
    crosses Armenia, is in working condition and could be operational in
    a matter of weeks at very little cost. Armenian government officials
    have repeatedly said that a new costly railway is unnecessary given
    that a railroad linking Armenia, Georgia and Turkey already exists.

    The Senate bill (S. 2461), which also has a counterpart in the House
    of Representatives, would prohibit assistance for the promotion or
    development of a railroad that would connect the three countries
    and exclude Armenia. The House bill, introduced by Armenian Caucus
    Co-Chair Joe Knollenberg (R-MI), along with Co-Chair Frank Pallone,
    Jr. (D-NJ) and Caucus Member George Radanovich (R-CA), is supported
    by nearly 100 lawmakers to date.

    The Export-Import Bank is a federal government agency which provides
    loans, loan guarantees and insurance to support exports of U.S. goods
    and services to international markets.

    The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based
    nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness
    of Armenian issues. It is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt membership



    Editor 's Note: Photograph available on the Assembly Web site at the
    following links: 5/2006-085-1.JPG

    Caption: Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA), left, and Executive Director
    Bryan Ardouny discussed the Senate rail bill (S.2461) on Capitol Hill
    last week.

    Senator Menedez issued the following statement:

    Export-Import Bank Reauthorization

    Armenia Railroad Amendment

    September 21, 2006

    First, I would like to thank both the Ranking Member and the
    Chairman for your leadership today in marking up the Export-Import
    Reauthorization Bill. This important piece of legislation makes sure
    that the United States continues as an economic leader in the world
    and supports U.S. companies as they work to export their goods and

    I would also like to thank both Ranking Member Sarbanes and Chairman
    Shelby for accepting my amendment today, with minor changes, as part
    of the Export-Import Bank Reauthorization. I would also like to thank
    the many Members of this Committee on both sides of the aisle who
    supported this amendment. As many of you know, this amendment is based
    on free-standing legislation which Senator Santorum and I introduced
    and which was cosponsored by both Senator Allard and Senator Sarbanes.

    Fundamentally, this amendment is about fairness and about inclusion,
    rather than exclusion. With this amendment, we are sending a simple
    message -- that we believe that the United States should support an
    integrated and inclusive approach to economic and regional development
    in the Caucuses region.

    The amendment today would prohibit the Export-Import Bank from
    supporting a railroad in the Caucuses region which deliberately
    excludes Armenia. Instead, we would like to support a railroad which
    includes all of the relevant countries in the Caucuses.

    This amendment is consistent with current Administration policy and
    supports regional stability and integration in the Caucuses region.

    As many of you know, Armenia is a landlocked country between Turkey,
    Georgia, Azerbaijan and Iran and can only get goods in and out of
    the country by going through one of these countries.

    So, Armenia is economically dependent on links such as railroads
    through these countries. Unfortunately, Turkey and Azerbaijan won't
    allow Armenia to use these links and have carried out an economic
    blockade against Armenia.

    The latest example is the proposed Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku
    railroad, a project that not only ignores an existing rail link which
    traverses Armenia, but creates a new one that deliberately bypasses it.

    Similar to the proposed Baku-Ceyhan pipeline, this rail link would
    specifically go around Armenia, despite the fact that a straight link
    that passes through Armenia would be far more cost-efficient.

    Now, geographically, we all know that a pipeline or rail line that
    seeks to connect Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan would logically,
    geographically have to pass through Armenia. One would have to
    make a special effort to bypass Armenia, making any such project
    unnecessarily more expensive.

    Azeri President Aliyev has stated publicly that the aim of the rail
    project is to isolate Armenia by enhancing the ongoing Turkish and
    Azerbaijani blockades and to keep an existing Kars-Gymri rail link that
    connects Turkey, Armenia, and Georgia shut down. This ill-conceived
    project runs counter to U.S. policy, is politically and economically
    flawed, and serves to destabilize the region.

    Let me quote our Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Anne Derse, during her
    confirmation hearing this May. In response to questions submitted
    to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee by Senator Sarbanes,
    Ambassador Derse said, "because the proposed railway would bypass
    Armenia, and thus not be beneficial to regional integration, we have
    no plans to support such a railway financially."[1] As I'm sure you
    are all aware, Ambassador Derse was confirmed by the Senate thereafter
    and is now our representative in Baku.

    It would seem to me that, as the U.S. representative to Azerbaijan,
    it is incumbent upon her to remain consistent with existing U.S.

    policy. Not supporting the rail link that would exclude Armenia would
    be in line with that policy, a policy that seeks to foster regional
    cooperation and economic integration and supports open borders and
    transport and communication corridors.

    We cannot continue to stoke the embers of regional conflict by
    supporting projects that deliberately exclude one of the region's
    most important members.

    As I stated previously, there is already a railway which connects
    these countries and passes through Armenia which could be used to
    build a trans-Caucuses railroad. Why would we spend additional funds
    to build a new railroad link that goes around Armenia?

    The amendment prevents the U.S. from supporting a costlier and
    longer route.

    I would also like to note that an almost identical amendment was
    passed on a bipartisan and non-controversial basis as part of the
    House Ex-Im Bank Reauthorization bill (H.R. 5068) and I look forward
    to working with both the Ranking Member and Chairman to make sure
    these sections are included in conference.

    In conclusion, I would again like to thank the Ranking Member,
    the Chairman, and their staffs, for all of their hard work on
    this amendment. As I said in the beginning, with this amendment we
    are supporting fairness in the Caucuses region, we are supporting
    economic integration and regional stability, and we are affirming
    current Administration policy.

    I urge all of the Members of the Committee to join me in supporting
    the adoption of this amendment.
