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Development of IT Sphere Depends on Our Educational System

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  • Development of IT Sphere Depends on Our Educational System

    AZG Armenian Daily #181, 23/09/2006



    Armenia's big capacity in IT sphere may decrease
    instead of increasing year after year, if the state
    and the private sector doesn't allocate enough sources
    for its development. Garegin Chukaszian, head of the
    IT Fund, mentioned that in the course of the press
    conferences only one of 15-20 journalists works with a
    laptop, while the rest are deprived of that
    opportunity. "We need serious changes in our
    educational sphere and without passing to a mass
    computer system one can forget about the development
    of this sphere," he said.

    Hovhannes Mousaelian, head of Synopsis Armenia,
    Garegin Chukaszian, head of IT Fund, and Karen
    Vardanian, head of Union of IT Companies, touched upon
    the current issues and the prospects for the
    development of the sphere in the course of the press
    conference in "Armenpress" hall.

    The press conference was initiated on the occasion of
    the IT month organized by RA PM Andranik Margarian.

    Mr. Mousaelian stated that the educational sphere is
    the most important one for achieving obvious success
    in the IT sphere. He brought the example of the
    educational model of "Synopsis," thanks to which the
    company has 220 university students that will continue
    their further education in Moscow.

    Karen Vardanian emphasized the importance of
    increasing the awareness of our society about the
    information security. He said this may be achieved by
    only educational programs.

    It is envisaged that in the course of the IT month
    there will be held open competition for programmers.
    Besides, on September 26 RA President Robert Kocharian
    will give awards to the best students of the sphere.
    The specialists stated that three international
    congresses to be held in October will also be of great
    importance. The first one will be entitled
    "Opportunities for IT Development in Developing Land
    Countries" (October 3-6), "The Human Rights in the
    Information society, Assistance to Children and Youth
    " (October 5-6) and Internet world congress dedicated
    to cultural diversity (October 6-7).

    Besides, a specialized IT exhibition will be held,
    where various companies will represent their
    telecommunication and IT technologies. The month will
    be completed by two competitions on October 8.

    By Ruzan Poghosian