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U.N. envoy dismisses fear of Kosovo precedent

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  • U.N. envoy dismisses fear of Kosovo precedent

    U.N. envoy dismisses fear of Kosovo precedent

    Sept 23 2006

    UNITED NATIONS, Sept 22 (Reuters) - The U.N. envoy charged with
    proposing a solution to Kosovo's final status on Friday dismissed
    arguments that granting the breakaway Serbian province independence
    would set a dangerous precedent.

    Martti Ahtisaari said after briefing the Security Council on talks
    he is conducting between Belgrade and Pristina, "We would be totally
    paralyzed if people would say, don't do this because it may have an
    effect on something else."

    "This is a special case," the former Finnish president told reporters,
    arguing that Kosovo's history made it different from any other conflict
    in the Balkans or the Caucasus.

    Major powers in a six-nation Contact Group overseeing Balkan diplomacy
    authorized Ahtisaari this week to propose a final status for Kosovo
    widely expected to lead to U.N.-imposed independence against Belgrade's
    will by the end of this year.

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk warned Western nations
    that granting independence to Kosovo, whose population is 90 percent
    ethnic Albanian, could have a ripple effect from the Black Sea to
    the Caucasus.

    "A lot of separatist regimes in the region are waiting for a solution
    of the Kosovo problem in order to undertake their action to separate,"
    he said in a Reuters interview.

    "Kosovo might be the precedent on which separatist regimes may take
    their decisions. This may undermine the efforts of the international
    community to bring settlements in Transdnestr, Abkhazia, South Ossetia
    and Nagorno-Karabakh."

    He was referring to so-called "frozen conflicts" in breakaway regions
    of the former Soviet republics of Moldova and Georgia, where minorities
    backed by Moscow are seeking to secede, as well as in Azerbaijan.

    Kosovo has been in limbo under U.N. administration since 1999 when
    NATO waged an air war to drive Serbian forces out of the southern
    province to stop ethnic cleansing ordered by the late Yugoslav
    President Slobodan Milosevic.


    Ahtisaari said the solution to any of these conflicts would need
    the consent of the U.N. Security Council, where the United States,
    Russia, China, Britain and France have veto power.

    "This precedent discussion is perhaps more political than anything
    else. It's a reminder that somebody may in the debates in the Council
    use those arguments. But I don't think it has more importance than
    that. Because otherwise it would prevent us from solving this,"
    he added.

    Leaders of the Bosnian Serb republic have suggested in campaigning
    for an Oct. 1 election they would see independence for Kosovo as
    legitimizing their own right to secede.

    Western governments this week brushed aside Russian and Serbian pleas
    to slow the process and allow more time for talks, and decided to
    press ahead for a settlement this year.

    Asked whether he feared that Serbia or the Kosovo Albanians might
    walk out of the talks, Ahtisaari said he did not think they would.
    "Both sides have assured me -- whenever I have called them, they have
    come," he said.

    U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton told reporters,
    "We think it's important after seven years of uncertainty for Kosovo
    that the people of Kosovo and Serbia and the region deserve to have
    their status resolved."

    Serbian President Boris Tadic, a pro-Western reformer, told the U.N.
    General Assembly this week that Belgrade had offered Kosovo greater
    autonomy than any other region in Europe.

    But significantly he did not echo nationalist Prime Minister Vojislav
    Kostunica's insistence that Kosovo must remain forever Serbian.