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Oregon Senator Praises President's Special Envoy To Bring America's

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  • Oregon Senator Praises President's Special Envoy To Bring America's

    Oregon Senator Praises President's Special Envoy To Bring America's Power To Bear On Darfur
    By office of Senator Gordon Smith

    Glendale Oregon News, OR
    Sept 23 2006

    WASHINGTON, DC - Recently, U.S. Senators Gordon H. Smith (R-OR) and
    Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) released statements regarding the
    president's appointment of former USAID Administrator Andrew Natsios
    as Presidential Special Envoy to lead America's efforts to protect
    the people of Darfur. In legislation introduced in August, Senators
    Smith and Kennedy called for the appointment of a special envoy to
    work with the international community to advance the ceasefire and
    disarm the Janjaweed militia.

    "This is a much needed step to stop the bloodshed and killing,"
    Senator Smith said. "A Sudanese leader needs to know the eyes of the
    world are watching their actions closely. Mindless murder is
    intolerable. Sudan must allow the UN peacekeeping force to secure
    the region."

    "Convincing the Sudanese Government to end the genocide must be the
    Envoy's top priority," Senator Kennedy said. "If the Sudanese
    Government continues on its perilous course of intransigence, there
    must be economic and diplomatic consequences. The United States must
    make it clear that our government is prepared to impose economic
    sanctions and restrict the travel of Sudan's leaders and their

    Sudan's membership in international organizations, restrictions on
    loans to and investment in the Sudanese Government, and bilateral
    diplomatic relations should also be on the table. It must be crystal
    clear that the United States is prepared to urge our allies across
    the globe to do the same. Our basic humanity compels us to remember
    the Holocaust, the Armenian, Rwandan and Cambodian genocides. We
    must act, and act now."

    The Peace in Darfur Act of 2006 (S.3801), introduced by Senators
    Smith and Kennedy, outlines several formidable actions that need to
    be taken to enforce the Darfur Peace Agreement. The bill calls for:

    The Government of Sudan to immediately allow a UN peacekeeping force
    to operate in Darfur and implement the Darfur Peace Agreement
    NATO, if requested by the UN, to enforce the no-fly zone over Darfur
    and to provide airlift, logistical and intelligence support to the
    The international community to support the current African Union
    Mission in Sudan and a follow-on UN peacekeeping mission to Darfur,
    and to promptly act to fill the outstanding humanitarian assistance
    The President of the United States to impose economic sanctions if
    Sudan fails to implement the peace agreement
    An additional $150 million in funding to be authorized by the U.S.

    Congress that can be spent in fiscal years 2008 through 2012 to fill
    the unmet humanitarian needs in Darfur.

    To contact Senator Smith, go to ction=Contact.Home

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