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Slain On Altar Of National Fervour

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  • Slain On Altar Of National Fervour

    by William Rubinstein

    The Times Higher Education Supplement
    September 22, 2006

    Are mass murder and ethnic cleansing the essential foundations of
    the modern state? asks William Rubinstein

    Genocide in the Age of the Nation State Volume One: The Meaning of
    Genocide Volume Two: The Rise of the West and the Coming of Genocide
    By Mark Levene I. B. Tauris, 266pp and 463pp£ 24.50 and £ 29.50 ISBN
    1 85043 752 1 and 1 84511 057 9

    The Great Game of Genocide By Donald Bloxham Oxford University Press
    329pp, £ 21.00 ISBN 0 19 927356 1

    The study of genocide has emerged as one of the most contentious and -
    if this is the right word - popular growth areas in recent historical
    research. This flows from the centrality of the Jewish Holocaust to
    the modern consciousness of evil, as well as from the range of other
    murderous catastrophes during the past century in Armenian Turkey,
    the Soviet Union, Cambodia, Rwanda and elsewhere.

    The questions at the heart of genocide - can it be defined
    accurately? how does it arise? can it be prevented? - have spawned an
    ever-growing array of books, articles, journals and conferences in a
    subject notable for the extreme controversy these have often generated.

    Mark Levene of Warwick University, a highly regarded scholar
    of this subject, is engaged in a four-volume study of genocide,
    the first two of which are out now. The first one, The Meaning of
    Genocide, is an extended, wide-ranging discourse on the innumerable
    definitional difficulties in coming to terms with the many ambiguities
    of the term. The book is marked by a high level of intelligence
    and wide-ranging knowledge, although it is often necessarily
    controversial. In essence, Levene identifies genocide as a by-product
    of modern state development.

    He briefly discusses non-Western and pre-modern examples of genocide,
    such as the massacres carried out by Shaka in southern Africa, but
    his conclusions come down firmly on the side of those who argue
    that genocide primarily grows out of "radical state development"
    and "the historical transformations of human societies worldwide as
    a politically and economically interacting and universal system of
    modern - mostly nation - statesI At the outset it was the avant-garde
    modernising states, usually in their colonial or imperial guise,
    who were its prime exponent. Later it was primarily their foremost
    global challengers, later on, all manner of postcolonial polities."

    This volume is consistently interesting and obviously an important
    contribution to the subject, although the work is arguably too
    discursive, its contents arranged in a series of extended discussions
    about the various definitional modes that have been proposed for
    understanding genocide.

    The second volume, The Rise of the West and the Coming of Genocide,
    deals at length with European conquests of the frontier in America,
    Australasia and elsewhere. Much here is of considerable originality
    -for example, a discussion of the conquest of the Baltic areas by
    the Teutonic knights.

    More original still is an extended discussion of the situation in
    the French Vendee in 1794, when the Revolutionary general Francois
    Westermann carried out a systematic slaughter of the population
    while suppressing an antirevolutionary insurrection, leaving perhaps
    130,000 dead. Levene appears to see this slaughter as inherent in
    the modernising tendencies of the French Revolution.

    There are also extended discussions of the notorious suppression of
    the Hereros in southwest Africa and the crushing of a Muslim revolt
    in western China in the 1870s, which will be novel to most readers.

    Nevertheless, like any discussion of this controversial subject,
    Levene's interpretation is often problematical. As with many other
    historians of genocide, Levene may be too willing to see genocide as
    an inherent component of Western state-building when it is arguably
    no such thing.

    Virtually all the infamous examples of genocide that occurred between
    1914 and 1980 grew, plainly and immediately or indirectly, out of the
    First World War and its consequences: the Armenian genocide of 1915,
    the Jewish Holocaust and the other enormities of Nazi rule, Soviet
    communism and then, in China and Cambodia, Asian communism. It is as
    certain as any historical counterfactual can possibly be that none of
    these would have occurred in the absence of the Great War, which, by
    destroying the elite structure of most of Central and Eastern Europe,
    granted power to fringe political movements and leaders who would have
    remained in complete obscurity if normal prewar politics had continued.

    Whatever Germany's deeply rooted anti-Semitism and authoritarianism,
    it seems impossible that Hitler would have come to power were it not
    for the Great War, the defeat of 1918, the semi-legitimacy of Weimar
    and the Great Depression. Indeed, without the First World War, it
    seems unlikely that there would even have been a concept of genocide.

    Nor is it the case that modern Western state-building is normally,
    or often, marked by genocide.

    Bismarck's "small Germany" (excluding Austria), which existed between
    1871 and the mid-1930s, was constructed and maintained without the
    deliberate killing of a single civilian.

    Levene also ranges widely to consider genocide in the colonial world.

    He is well aware of the argument, put by Steven Katz and others, that
    the introduction of virulent diseases by Europeans was responsible
    for most of the sharp decline in indigenous numbers in the Americas
    and Australia, but he argues that such a view fails to take into
    account the "repeated abuse, rape and massacre, the scorched-earth
    destructionI the starvation, induced trauma and psychic numbing"
    that invariably (in his view) accompanied European settlement in
    these places. Levene enters here into an extremely emotive area and
    appears to be far too one-sided. There is no mention of the type of
    society the Europeans were likely to find when they arrived.

    Levene is far too sensible to indulge in the "myth of the noble
    savage", but his silence may be read as an implicit endorsement of
    such a view. What about Aztec Mexico, where human sacrifice was
    at the heart of society, with about 15,000 sacrifices a year, or
    150,000 per decade? The dedication of the Great Temple of Tenochtitl
    n in 1487 was accompanied by at least 14,000 human sacrifices, which
    some experts increase to 78,000. The royal court there included a
    zoo in which animals fed on the remains of the sacrifice victims, a
    "skull rack" with 60,000 skulls of these victims and "apartments for
    human freaks", in the words of Stuart Fiedel. It is inconceivable
    that the Spanish would not have suppressed this monstrous society,
    and by any moral standards they were perfectly right to do so.

    Levene refers in a footnote to the debate launched by the Australian
    historian Keith Windschuttle about European killings of Tasmanian
    Aborigines. Using on meticulous research, Windschuttle found that no
    more than about 120 Tasmanian Aborigines were killed by Europeans.

    Levene refers to Windschuttle's book as a "whitewash", but offers
    not an iota of evidence for this description and fails to note
    Windschuttle's exposure of shoddy, if not overtly fraudulent,
    research by previous historians who made claims for much higher
    levels of killings of Aborigines by whites that appear to be clearly
    exaggerated. This is admittedly an area of great controversy, but
    Levene is far from neutral.

    Many of these arguments have been made in the context of the
    "uniqueness" of the Jewish Holocaust. This debate has aroused fierce
    controversy, arguably exceeding in passion any other historical
    debate (as in Alan Rosenbaum's edited collection Is the Holocaust
    Unique?). Levene sensibly steers a middle course, accepting that
    the Jewish Holocaust was unique in many respects, especially in its
    refusal to make exceptions of virtually any Jews and in the relentless
    assembly-line like nature of the Nazi killing machine. But he also
    notes that other mass murders probably claimed more victims and were
    arguably just as horrible. He shrewdly observes that the Jewish
    Holocaust has created a "victimology" in which other groups have
    been keen to show that they also suffered catastrophically from past
    slaughters and - implicitly, if not explicitly stated - that they,
    too, are entitled to the moral credibility that has unquestionably
    come to the post-1945 Jewish world in sympathy for their suffering.

    Donald Bloxham's The Great Game of Genocide: Imperialism,
    Nationalism, and the Destruction of the Ottoman Empire is a detailed
    and sophisticated account of the Armenian genocide of 1915, placed
    in the wider context of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. This
    first-class work offers much new material and is probably the most
    detailed and complex account in English of these terrible events.

    Many of its conclusions are surprising, while others may not be
    welcomed by all historians who have participated in the study and
    debates about the Armenian catastrophe. Bloxham, for example, finds
    that Germany's role in the Armenian genocide, often highlighted
    as significant and a direct precursor to the Nazi Holocaust,
    has been exaggerated and overstated: "Evidence is non-existent of
    German approval of the Turkish measures once it was known what they
    ultimately meant."

    Bloxham is more careful than most historians to note the
    often-overlooked fact of anti-Muslim "ethnic cleansing" in the Balkans
    and Crete, which drove 1.5 million Muslims from these areas between
    the mid-1870s and 1914.

    He also places the Armenian genocide in the context of the fact that
    it arose as a response to a Russian invasion of eastern Anatolia in
    1914-15, a fact often omitted from accounts of these events.

    The book provides a detailed history of the radicalisation of the
    Committee of Union and Progress (the "Young Turks"), noting that the
    outbreak of the war was crucial to this process.

    Bloxham's work may indeed be seen by some pro-Armenian historians
    as at least moderately pro-Turk, in the sense that it offers a
    three-dimensional account of these events rather than being an
    automatic condemnation of the Ottomans. It is indeed difficult to
    make full sense of these events, and Bloxham has probably struck
    just the right note. The major leaders of the CUP and its genocide -
    Ahmed Cemal, Enver Pasha and Talaat Bey - still remain among the most
    faceless and anonymous of modern mass-murderers, a not-unimportant
    reason for the mystery and controversy that surrounds these events.

    William Rubinstein is professor of history, University of Wales,

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