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ANC of Australia meets with Lenanese Consul General of Sydney

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  • ANC of Australia meets with Lenanese Consul General of Sydney

    Armenian National Committee of Australia
    259 Penshurst Street
    Willoughby, NSW 2068
    Contact: Mr. Varant Meguerditchian
    Tel: 612 9419 8264
    Fax: 612 9411 8898
    Email: [email protected]

    MEDIA RELEASE: ANC of Australia Opposes Sending of Turkish Troops to

    September 20th, 2006

    Representatives of Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC of
    Australia) recently met with Lebanon's Consul General in Sydney, His
    Excellency Mazen Kabbara, to discuss the Australian-Armenian community's
    anxiety and concern in regard to the participation of Turkish troops in
    the UN peacekeeping forces in Lebanon.

    Mr Panos Manjian, Mr Vicken Kalloghlian and Mr Varant Meguerditchian,
    members of the ANC of Australia handed Mr. Kabbara a letter opposing the
    inclusion of the Turkish forces in the UN peacekeeping mission between
    Lebanon and Israel.

    The ANC of Australia representatives emphasised to the Consul General,
    that Turkey was unfit to take part in such a peace keeping mission
    because of its history of human rights violations, as perpetrators of
    the Armenian Genocide, illegal occupiers of Northern Cyprus and brutal
    former colonisers of Lebanon.

    During the colonisation of Lebanon, Turkey perpetrated massacres and
    mass hangings in the Martyrs Square in downtown Beirut and implemented a
    deliberate policy of starvation of the Christian population of Mount

    The Lebanese ambassador was attentive to the concerns and position of
    ANC OF Australia and promised that he would transmit the committee's
    letter and the concerns of the Australian-Armenian community to the
    Lebanese government.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress