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UNICEF, Government Of Armenia Promote Education For Minority Childre

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  • UNICEF, Government Of Armenia Promote Education For Minority Childre

    17:25 01/09/06

    UNICEF and the Ministry of Education & Sciences of Armenia joined
    their efforts Friday in promoting education for ethnic minority groups,
    living in Armenia.

    "The right to quality basic education is fundamental right of all
    children in all communities," UNICEF Representative, Sheldon Yett
    said in a ceremony marking the start of a new academic year in a
    Kurdish-populated community of Alagyaz, 50km north of Armenia's
    capital. "Investing in the education of all its citizens is one of
    the best investments a country can make. It is the lever with which
    children can lift themselves out of poverty and participate fully in
    their communities."

    The UNICEF Representative noted that the Ministry of Education &
    Sciences has promoted basic education for minority groups through
    the distribution of textbooks in minority languages and through the
    training of teachers in minority schools.

    The event organized jointly with the Ministry of Education & Sciences
    is part of the "Welcome, School!"

    project under which UNICEF provided school and recreation supplies
    to schools in Yezidi and Kurdish communities of Aragatsotn region.

    A UNICEF-commissioned survey on the status of education among ethnic
    minority groups of Armenia showed that children from vulnerable
    communities, including those from ethnic minority groups, face serious
    problems related to education. The school attendance rates for these
    children are significantly lower than the national average with a
    higher level of drop out after grade 8.

    "In many instances, this situation is linked to attitudes and beliefs
    that prevail in those communities," Yett said, adding that "parents
    sometimes prefer that their child works to help earn family income
    rather than allow the child to stay in the classroom." Girls are
    particularly vulnerable in that situation. The survey revealed that
    the majority of those children who do not continue studies after the
    grade 8 are girls.

    Traditional attitude held by the minority groups towards education is,
    however, not the only barrier.

    UNICEF and the Government of Armenia understand that for parents to
    be willing to send their children to school, the latter must have
    proper conditions and well-trained teaching staff, Yett said.

    "Unfortunately, many schools today lack basic supplies and equipment
    as well as professional teachers. Many children, particularly those
    in rural areas, have to share textbooks which also are often outdated
    and worn out."

    The UNICEF Representative emphasized that "getting all children into
    school and giving them appropriate quality education today will pay
    enormous dividends for next generation."

    Jointly with the Armenian Government UNICEF is trying to address
    these problems through the provision of school supplies in vulnerable
    communities, training teachers, promoting interactive teaching methods
    at schools and actively participating in education and child welfare

    "The Government of Armenia has always paid special attention to the
    needs of ethnic minority groups. With support from international
    organizations such as UNICEF the Ministry of Education & Sciences
    has been trying to find solutions to education problems of minority
    children. We have been able to meet some of our commitments
    already this year by funding the reconstruction of schools in 3
    minority-populated communities," Deputy Minister of Education &
    Sciences Bagrat Yesayan noted, adding that "the support to minority
    communities will continue."

    By promoting education and encouraging every child to attend school,
    UNICEF is trying to accelerate progress towards the achievement of
    the Millennium Development Goals, that Armenia together with the rest
    of international community pledged to meet by 2015.

    UNICEF established its presence in Armenia in 1994.

    UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate
    for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic
    needs and to expand their opportunities to meet their full potential.