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RFE/RL Iran Report - 09/26/2006

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  • RFE/RL Iran Report - 09/26/2006

    _________________________________________ ____________________
    RFE/RL Iran Report
    Vol. 9, No. 35, 26 September 2006

    A Review of Developments in Iran Prepared by the Regional Specialists
    of RFE/RL's Newsline Team

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    19 address to the UN General Assembly, U.S. President George W. Bush
    directed some of his comments to "the people of Iran," according to
    the White House website and Radio Farda. Bush told Iranians that the
    "greatest obstacle" to determining their own futures, having a
    rewarding economy, and a society that lets them fulfill their
    potential is their "rulers," who "have chosen to deny you liberty and
    to use your nation's resources to fund terrorism, and fuel
    extremism, and pursue nuclear weapons."
    Bush said Iran must abandon "its nuclear weapons ambitions,"
    adding that the United States does not oppose Iran's having a
    peaceful nuclear program. "We look to the day when you can live in
    freedom -- and America and Iran can be good friends and close
    partners in the cause of peace," Bush said.
    Bush went on to advise the Syrian people that "your
    government is turning your country into a tool of Iran," adding,
    "This is increasing your country's isolation from the world."
    President Mahmud Ahmadinejad addressed the UN General
    Assembly on the evening of September 19, "The New York Times"
    reported. Ahmadinejad said the UN Security Council, of which China,
    France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States are
    permanent members, is not impartial. "Excellencies, the question
    needs to be asked, if the governments of the United States or the
    United Kingdom commit atrocities or violate international law, which
    of the organizations in the United Nations can take them to account?"
    Ahmadinejad asked.
    In discussing the recently concluded conflict in Lebanon,
    Ahmadinejad said, "Apparently the Security Council can only be used
    to ensure the right of the big powers." He criticized the Security
    Council for not demanding a cease-fire in Lebanon more quickly.
    Ahmadinejad made repeated references to the council's legitimacy.
    Ahmadinejad addressed similar themes during a September 21
    press conference in New York. He said, "Some root causes of
    today's problems of humanity are coming from the world order that
    we believe remained since World War II," RFE/RL reported. Ahmadinejad
    continued: "This is an old system, it leads a few to see themselves
    as the owners of the world and see others as their belongings. Some
    like to rule the whole world and this has led to injustice in world
    relations." Ahmadinejad repeated his earlier criticism of the
    Security Council, and he called for a change in the status quo,
    saying, "All nations should have equal rights, all peoples and
    nations are respected, all have the right to have a respectable life,
    all have the right to access justice, all have the right to peace and
    Earlier, Ahmadinejad attended a two-day summit of the
    Nonaligned Movement in Havana that concluded with a September 16
    statement supporting a peaceful nuclear program in Iran,
    international news agencies reported. The statement also proposed a
    nuclear-free Middle East and urged Iran to cooperate with the UN
    nuclear inspectorate verifying the peaceful nature of its program, AP
    Ahmadinejad held talks with participating statesmen on the
    sidelines of the summit, including the presidents of Algeria,
    Belarus, Venezuela, Sudan, and Bolivia, and the crown prince of
    Qatar, the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported on September
    17. Ahmadinejad's program reportedly included signing five
    agreements with Cuba, and the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA)
    reported that he also met with ailing Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
    On September 17, Ahmadinejad traveled to Venezuela, where he
    was greeted by President Hugo Chavez and a 21-gun salute, IRNA and
    Fars News Agency reported. Ahmadinejad is expected to sign 25
    agreements to form joint ventures in the oil, petrochemicals, mining,
    and farming sectors to produce medicines, train steel-industry
    workers, and produce surgical equipment and plastic packaging, EFE
    and reported on September 17. Ahmadinejad said
    shortly after his arrival in Caracas that Iran and Venezuela have
    "common ideas" and "interests" as they fight "global hegemony," reported. (Bill Samii, Vahid Sepehri)

    U.S. REPORTERS BANNED BY IRAN. Iran's Islamic Culture and
    Guidance Ministry announced on September 20 that U.S. reporters will
    not be allowed to work in Iran, state television reported. The move
    reportedly came in response to Washington's alleged refusal to
    issue visas for all the reporters wishing to accompany President
    Mahmud Ahmadinejad during his visit to the United States to address
    the UN General Assembly.
    The State Department, however, denies refusing visas to the
    journalists, RFE/RL reported on September 21. It says Iranian
    officials withdrew the visa applications. (Bill Samii)

    Bank Saderat Iran announced on September 10 that all its activities
    comply with Islamic law and with international regulations, IRNA
    reported. The announcement added that the bank's extensive ties
    with foreign financial institutions make it immune to any actions by
    the United States.
    The Iranian bank was responding to a September 8 speech by
    U.S. Treasury Department Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial
    Intelligence Stuart Levey at the American Enterprise Institute in
    Washington. Levey announced that Bank Saderat is prevented access to
    the U.S. financial system because its activities aid terrorist
    organizations. "Iran provides Hizballah with hundreds of millions of
    dollars each year, which is why I have said that Iran is the central
    banker of terror," Levey said. "It is remarkable that Iran has a
    nine-digit line item in its budget to support Hizballah, Hamas, and
    other terrorist organizations at the expense of investing in the
    future of its young people." Levey went on to say that he and other
    U.S. officials will travel to the Middle East and Asia to discuss
    "measures we should all be taking to protect ourselves from
    Iran's use of the international financial system to advance its
    dangerous policies."
    In Singapore on September 16, U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry
    Paulson discussed Iran with finance ministers from the G-7 (Canada,
    France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United
    States), international media reported. Paulson reportedly warned
    against the activities of companies that are suspected of serving as
    fronts for Iranian weapons programs and which are reputedly used to
    support terrorism, "The New York Times" and "The Wall Street Journal"
    reported on September 18.
    Ibrahim Sheibani, governor of the Central Bank of Iran,
    announced on September 16 that Iran is converting some of its dollar
    reserves to other currencies, state radio reported. Sheibani said the
    step is a reaction to U.S. sanctions against the Bank Saderat,
    announced by Washington in early September. "We intend to pursue all
    legal means and we expect the International Monetary Fund to adopt an
    appropriate stance against this unilateral and illegal move,"
    Sheibani added. (Bill Samii)

    Ministry spokesman Seyyed Mohammad Ali Husseini said on September 17
    that the most recent "International Religious Freedom Report" from
    the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights,
    and Labor, which was released on September 15, is politically
    motivated, Fars News Agency reported. Husseini said the reports shows
    that Washington is not really interested in human rights or religious
    liberty, and he claimed the report's real purpose is to further
    U.S. foreign policy objectives. Husseini said the report is of "no
    The State Department report accuses the Iranian government of
    "restricting religious freedom"
    ( 2006/71421.htm). Shi'ite
    Islam is Iran's state religion, and the report referred to
    difficulties faced by the Baha'i, evangelical Christian, Jewish,
    Sufi, and Zoroastrian minorities: "There were reports of
    imprisonment, harassment, intimidation, and discrimination based on
    religious beliefs." The situation has worsened since the election of
    President Mahmud Ahmadinejad, the report alleges. (Bill Samii)

    Jewish-Iranian families filed a lawsuit in a New York federal court
    on September 7 claiming that the Iranian government kidnapped their
    relatives as they tried to escape Iran in 1994-97, Radio Farda
    reported. One day later, a summons relating to the case was delivered
    to Iran's former president, Hojatoleslam Mohammad Khatami, at a
    reception hosted by the Council on American-Islamic Relations in
    Arlington, Virginia. The lawsuit alleges that Khatami's policies
    precluded a trial and these same policies prevented the provision of
    information on those missing. One of the attorneys in the case, the
    Los Angeles-based Pooya Dayanim, told Radio Farda that U.S. law
    allows foreign victims of torture to file cases against the torturers
    in U.S. federal courts. (Bill Samii)

    of talks in Vienna between Iranian Supreme National Security Council
    Secretary Ali Larijani and EU High Representative for Common Foreign
    and Security Policy Javier Solana, unnamed diplomats reportedly told
    AP on September 10 that the two sides have reached a compromise in
    which Tehran would suspend uranium enrichment for a month or two if
    this can be portrayed in a face-saving way.
    However, Iranian envoy to the International Atomic Energy
    Agency (IAEA) Ali Asqar Soltanieh said on state television on
    September 10 that reports of a suspension are false. "Suspension, or
    as some news agencies say, 'a suspension for one or two
    months,' was not discussed in the talks and, based on my
    information from the meeting, I denied this," he said.
    Aside from that seemingly significant discrepancy, both sides
    were publicly enthusiastic about the discussions. RFE/RL quoted
    Larijani as saying that "we have made constructive progress" and
    adding: "We have reached common points of view on a number of issues
    that we have. And, as was mentioned by Solana, many of the
    misunderstandings were removed." Solana described the "hours of work"
    as "productive" and said some "misunderstandings" were "clarified."
    Solana said another meeting will follow within a week.
    Alaedin Borujerdi, the head of the Iranian parliament's
    National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, told ISNA on
    September 11 that talks between Larijani and Solana have shown that
    "the only way to come out of the present situation is to negotiate,
    and pressure on Iran" will not work. He said that in contrast to
    previous talks, the latest talks were held "in a suitable
    environment," and focused on Iran's response to a Western package
    of proposals on its contested program "and questions" EU states have.
    The two sides are set to continue talks, showing that EU states now
    favor talking to Iran, Borujerdi said. He said that EU states have
    concluded that "using political pressure and the [UN] Security
    Council lever will lead nowhere," ISNA reported. He accused the
    United States of trying to block a negotiated solution to the issue.
    U.S. Ambassador to the UN John Bolton is a "radical, irrational
    agent," he said, working against talks, "and it was repeated in the
    UN...that the draft of a second resolution [against Iran] is in
    Bolton's pocket."
    The governing board of the IAEA met in Vienna on September 13
    to discuss Iran's controversial nuclear program, RFE/RL's
    Radio Farda and news agencies reported. The board was to consider a
    statement drawn up by France, Great Britain, and Germany mildly
    critical of Iran's failure to suspend nuclear fuel-making and
    related activities in response to repeated Western requests, AP
    reported. The text of the statement uses "toned-down" language that
    will not jeopardize scheduled September 14 talks with Iran, AP quoted
    unnamed diplomats as saying.
    On September 13 in Vienna, U.S. envoy to the International
    Atomic Energy Agency Gregory Schulte said Iran's "refusal to
    suspend" uranium enrichment and related activities that could one day
    serve military purposes "and its refusal to cooperate is a choice of
    confrontation over...negotiation," AFP reported.
    Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Husseini said in
    Tehran on September 14 that "talks and negotiations are the only
    solution" to the diplomatic impasse over Iran's nuclear program,
    ISNA reported. He accused the United States of "intensifying pressure
    to damage the existing atmosphere and obstruct the current process of
    talks." The United States is using "threats and forcefulness to
    pursue its unilateral aims," and resorting to "blackmail by
    publicity" to "infect" the atmosphere against Iran and "sidetrack"
    talks, he said. Husseini said Iran and "the other parties" are trying
    to "find a solution" through talks; he urged Washington "to be a
    little patient" to "prove its sincerity in welcoming negotiations,"
    ISNA reported.
    Gholam-Reza Aqazadeh-Khoi, the head of Iran's Atomic
    Energy Organization, met on September 19 in Vienna with IAEA
    Director-General Muhammad el-Baradei, state television and IRNA
    reported. Aqazadeh said afterward that the IAEA does not appreciate
    Iran's extensive cooperation. Aqazadeh added that he briefed
    el-Baradei on Iran's talks on the nuclear issue with the EU's
    Javier Solana.
    In New York on September 19, President Ahmadinejad criticized
    the United Nations' stance on the nuclear issue, state television
    reported. "The UN approach toward global issues is an illogical one
    which manifests itself in various forms in Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon,
    and Sudan," he said. "The UN behavior toward Iran's nuclear
    program is also another example of this unjust behavior which should
    be corrected," the president added.
    Ahmadinejad again addressed the nuclear issue in a September
    21 press conference. He dismissed international concern over
    Iran's nuclear program during his September 21 press conference,
    and he ascribed this concern to alleged U.S. hostility and efforts to
    retard Iran's development, RFE/RL reported. "U.S. leaders have
    opposed our nation for the past 27 years, they are against any
    progress by our nation," he claimed. "They imposed eight years of war
    on us and the United States supported the aggressor [Iraq]. We
    hadn't done anything wrong, we had just been freed from a
    dictator who was supported by America [a reference to the Iranian
    According to Reuters, Ahmadinejad also said Iran is willing
    to negotiate over the possibility if its suspending
    uranium-enrichment activities, and he added that negotiations with
    the European Union are going well. "We have said that under fair
    conditions and just conditions we will negotiate about it," he said.
    (Bill Samii, Vahid Sepehri)

    Tehran, Cardinal Angelo Michela, was summoned to the Iranian Foreign
    Ministry on September 17 to hear Iran's displeasure at remarks
    made by Pope Benedict XVI in mid-September and interpreted as linking
    Islam with violence, IRNA reported. A speech by the Roman Catholic
    pontiff quoted 14th-century Byzantine Emperor Manuel II
    Paleologus's assertion that Islam brought the world only "evil
    and inhuman" things, such as "the command to spread by the sword the
    faith he preached."
    The director-general for Western Europe at the Iranian
    Foreign Ministry, Ibrahim Rahimpur, told the cardinal, "We do not
    expect the make comments one hears from [U.S. President]
    Bush on the anniversary of the September 11" attacks, IRNA reported.
    Rahimpur said the pontiff's conduct belies his stated interest in
    dialogue among religions, and complained that he had made an
    "incomplete" reference to a historical discussion. Rahimpur wondered
    aloud why Pope Benedict said nothing about the Persian scholar's
    reply to the controversial 14th-century quotation. "Clearly the
    Islamic world collectively interprets the pope's remarks as
    insulting, and he must show more awareness of his religious and
    political responsibility," Rahimpur said.
    Separately, Tehran's Armenian bishop, Sabouh Sarkissian,
    and Armenian members of Iran's parliament on September 17
    condemned the pope's remarks, IRNA reported. Iranian seminaries
    also closed down in protest at the remarks, RFE/RL's Radio Farda
    and AFP reported on September 17.
    Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei criticized the pope in
    a September 18 speech, state radio reported. Such comments result
    from ignorance and are insulting, Khamenei said. Khamenei said these
    statements are part of an effort to create crises and misrepresent
    Muslims. "I think the pope himself has been deceived in this case,"
    Khamenei added.
    Grand Ayatollah Nasser Makarem-Shirazi on September 20
    invited Pope Benedict XVI to a debate at any time or place, Fars News
    Agency reported. "The hostile remarks made by the pope are a clear
    example of the growing violence in the world," Makarem-Shirazi said.
    The Vatican issued several statements expressing "regret"
    that Muslims found the speech offensive, and Pope Benedict on
    September 20 stressed his "deep respect" for Islam and said the
    "polemical nature" of the 14th-century emperor's statement "does
    not reflect my personal conviction." (Vahid Sepehri, Bill Samii)

    FOREIGN MINISTRY GETS NEW SPOKESMAN. Seyyed Mohammad-Ali Husseini was
    named the Iranian Foreign Ministry's new spokesman in a September
    10 directive from Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki, Mehr News
    Agency reported. Previously director of the Supervision and
    Assessment Department in the Foreign Ministry, Husseini also has
    served as charge d'affaires in Jordan, Syria, and Tajikistan. He
    succeeds Hamid Reza Assefi, who has served as spokesman since 1999.
    (Bill Samii)

    IRAQI PRIME MINISTER VISITS IRAN. Nuri al-Maliki arrived in Tehran on
    September 12, where he held an initial round of talks with President
    Mahmud Ahmadinejad, ISNA and IRNA reported. Ahmadinejad said at a
    press conference that Iran is ready to help with Iraqi reconstruction
    and development, and specifically water-resources management, ISNA
    reported. Ahmadinejad said a secure and independent Iraq will benefit
    all regional states, and Iran will stand by its neighbor "to the
    end...we support the popular government derived from the people's
    vote and the Iraqi Constitution," IRNA reported.
    The same day, Iranian Trade Minister Masud Mirkazemi met in
    Tehran with trade and banking officials, the governors of four
    provinces bordering Iraq, and Iran's trade attache in Baghdad to
    discuss ways of boosting exports to Iraq, IRNA reported. Mirkazemi
    urged "cohesive, precise, and clear" policies to increase imports, a
    coordinated trading policy for frontier provinces, and closer
    controls over frontier markets, IRNA reported.
    Al-Maliki met with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in
    Tehran on September 13, receiving the cleric's pledge that Iran
    will give Iraq "practical support," IRNA reported. Khamenei said the
    "happiness and progress" of Iraqis constitutes the same for Iranians.
    "The Islamic Republic...considers itself obliged to provide the Iraqi
    people and government its practical support," he said. He expressed
    hope that the "daily suffering" of Iraqis, which he blamed "partly"
    on the previous "diabolical regime" and partly on "the presence of
    occupiers," will end soon. "With the departure of the occupiers, many
    of Iraq's problems will be resolved," Khamenei said.
    Al-Maliki thanked Khamenei for Iran's supportive stance,
    and said, "the expansion of relations with friendly and neighborly
    states is one of Iraq's foreign-policy priorities," IRNA
    Al-Maliki met on September 13 with Expediency Council
    Chairman Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani and Supreme National Security
    Council Secretary Ali Larijani, ISNA reported. Rafsanjani told him it
    is the "shortcomings" of the "occupying power" that are causing
    instability in Iraq: "the people of Iraq can rely on internal
    capabilities to resolve many problems." He said Iranians will do
    everything to help Iraq's government restore security to the
    land, but also help with reconstruction and development. "In suitable
    conditions, Iranians can swiftly help so the problems of the Iraqi
    people are resolved," he said.
    Larijani said separately that Iraq is Iran's "natural
    ally" and this alliance could take "evident" form now under
    al-Maliki's government. Iran's "fixed policy," he said, is to
    help assure Iraq's security and territorial integrity, ISNA
    reported. (Vahid Sepehri)

    consulates came under attack in separate incidents in the southern
    Iraqi city of Al-Basrah on September 19, Al-Sharqiyah television
    reported the same day. Police sources in the city said that two
    rockets hit the outer wall of the Iranian Consulate, and a third
    rocket landed on a nearby police car. A British military spokesman
    said one mortar shell landed inside the consulate's compound.
    There were no apparent injuries in either attack. Police in Al-Basrah
    said they arrested 130 suspected insurgents on September 19, dpa
    reported on September 20. An unidentified police spokesman said the
    arrests were part of a new security crackdown on the city. (Kathleen

    Rights Council is meeting in Geneva for the next two weeks, and some
    former members of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization gathered outside
    the meeting place to demand that 160 other former members be given
    refuge in the West, Radio Farda reported on September 18.
    The Mujahedin Khalq Organization (commonly known as the MKO
    or MEK, and which uses a variety of cover names including
    People's Mujahedin of Iran) is listed as a "foreign terrorist
    organization" by the U.S. State Department. The MEK was based in Iraq
    and operated against Iran at Saddam Hussein's behest; many of its
    members now reside in Camp Ashraf (100 kilometers from Baghdad) where
    they enjoy the Geneva Convention's "protected person" status, and
    some members have returned to Iran voluntarily.
    Milad Ariai, who left the MEK after 20 years, told Radio
    Farda that many of the 160 asylum seekers are citizens of Western
    countries. Because the MEK is regarded as a terrorist organization by
    many countries, he continued, the former members are having problems
    going to the West. (Bill Samii)

    Security Council Secretary Ali Larijani arrived in Damascus on
    September 20 for a one-day visit, SANA reported. Larijani met with
    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Vice President Faruq
    al-Shar'a, and topics of discussion reportedly included the
    international standoff over the Iranian nuclear program, Iraq,
    Lebanon, and Palestine. (Bill Samii)

    Governor-General Seyyed Solat Mortazavi told a September 10 meeting
    of provincial officials in the provincial capital of Birjand that the
    actions of Baluchi insurgents led by Abdulmalik Rigi have been
    stopped, Mehr News Agency reported. "With the grace of God and owing
    to an unprecedented action, all active members of the Rigi revolt
    have been arrested and full security has been [restored] in eastern
    Iran," he said.
    Rigi's group, called Jundullah, was blamed for a March 16
    attack on a motorcade traveling between the cities of Zahedan and
    Zabol in which more than 20 people were killed and seven others
    injured; in early April, it released a videotape in which it claimed
    to have killed an officer in the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (see
    "RFE/RL Iran Report," March 29 and April 18, 2006).
    Mortazavi attributed the actions of Jundullah to foreign
    powers, saying, "The arrogant powers, bent on undermining the
    security of the Islamic republic, seek to exacerbate ethnic and
    tribal differences and in so doing commit all sorts of crimes by
    using operatives like Rigi." (Bill Samii)

    Azizan was detained by Iranian authorities on September 18, Radio
    Farda reported on September 20. Azizan was protesting outside the
    Ardabil provincial governorate against the mysterious deaths of
    political prisoners Akbar Mohammadi and Valiollah Feyz-Mahdavi.
    Talash Kobra Ghorbanzadeh, Azizan's wife, told Radio Farda that
    her husband is in solitary confinement and has launched a hunger
    strike. Ghorbanzadeh said she was taken to see a prosecutor who asked
    about Azizan's associates and wanted to know who was behind his
    protest. Ghorbanzadeh reportedly responded that Azizan acted of his
    own accord but said the judge was not convinced. If Ghorbanzadeh does
    not cooperate, she said the prosecutor warned, her husband could be
    subjected to harsh measures. (Bill Samii)

    REFORMIST DAILY CLOSED. "Sharq," one of Iran's prominent
    reformist dailies, was ordered temporarily closed by the Press
    Supervisory Board for an allegedly insulting cartoon and editorial
    discrepancies, RFE/RL's Radio Farda and local media reported on
    September 12. The board ordered the closure because the license
    holder failed to name a new editor who would have "greater
    supervision" of the daily's contents, as the board had earlier
    It also deplored an offensive cartoon published on September
    7, interpreted as a reference to President Ahmadinejad. The cartoon
    reportedly depicted a donkey surrounded by a halo; Ahmadinejad has
    claimed that light surrounded him when he spoke once to the UN
    General Assembly in September 2005.
    Exiled cartoonist Nikahang Kosar told Radio Farda on
    September 12 that the system in Iran effectively obliges "legal
    mechanisms" to take action whenever any "small group" of people which
    he said are regime insiders find an article or cartoon offensive.
    Journalist Mashallah Shamsolvaezin told Radio Farda on
    September 11 that the government and Press Supervisory Board are
    violating press laws, and there is no legal basis for banning the
    Editors and managers of several "nongovernmental" dailies met
    with Expediency Council Chairman Ayatollah Ali Akbar
    Hashemi-Rafsanjani in Tehran on September 13, and heard his views on
    responsible reporting. He said newspapers are a "strategic" necessity
    in Iran, but need to respect truthful reporting and consider state
    interests, IRNA reported. Rafsanjani said "supra-legal restrictions
    on the press go against the interests of the revolution and country,"
    and it is "practically impossible" to block the news in a "global
    village" and amid an "information explosion." But he urged the press
    to "respect the interests of the people, regime, and country, and
    commit themselves to reporting realities and respecting" their
    "professional principles." He deplored the "bad tradition" of
    "insults and calumny" against politicians, "especially at elections,"
    IRNA reported. (Vahid Sepehri)

    DISSIDENT'S LAWYER FACES COURT ACTION. Khalil Bahramian, a lawyer
    defending a student activist who died in Tehran's Evin prison in
    late July, is now charged with "insulting the system," apparently for
    remarks he made after his client Akbar Mohammadi's death (see
    "RFE/RL Iran Report," August 10, 2006), RFE/RL's Radio Farda
    reported on September 11. Bahramian told the broadcaster that Evin
    prison authorities are taking legal action after unspecified comments
    he made on the constitutional rights of citizens and inmates. He said
    he has already attended one session in which he explained his
    statements to interrogators.
    Separately, judiciary chief Ayatollah Mahmud Hashemi-Shahrudi
    told a gathering of judiciary officials in Tehran on September 11
    that Iranian judges give out too many jail sentences, a practice he
    said is inspired by Western systems and against Islamic legal
    principles, Mehr reported. He said laws should be changed to allow
    judges to order the conditional release of many more inmates who have
    completed half their sentences, after due consideration. Prison, he
    said, is not "the solution or treatment for crimes" and "the basis of
    imprisonment as a penalty...must change, and substitute penalties
    should be used," Mehr reported. VS

    CONCERNS PERSIST ON STATE OF PRISONERS. Relatives have expressed
    concern about the condition of two detainees, former legislator Ali
    Akbar Musavi-Khoeini and former student Ahmad Batebi, "Aftab-i Yazd"
    reported on September 12, citing Iranian agencies. Tehran Province
    prison chief Sohrab Suleimani told ISNA on September 11 that Batebi
    enjoys a "suitable physical state" and is currently in Evin prison.
    Batebi's father says he has not seen him on a list of Evin
    Suleimani added that another detainee, Valiollah Feyz
    Mahdavi, died in prison recently "after hanging himself in the prison
    bathroom." In spite of "security elements, sometimes there are
    suicides in prison," Suleimani said, "and we do everything to
    minimize cases of such deaths," ISNA reported. The suicide version of
    his death is disputed.
    Separately, Zohreh Islami, Musavi-Khoeini's wife, told
    the Iranian Labor News Agency (ILNA) on September 11 that she spoke
    by phone to her husband once in the last seven days, but has been
    prevented from visiting. She said he has been under arrest "for 92
    days" and the judiciary has rejected his lawyer's request for a
    meeting with Musavi-Khoeini or his release on bail, ILNA reported. VS

    There is a rising number of "abused" women turning to drugs and
    prostitution in Iran, and this is becoming a grave problem in cities,
    RFE/RL's Radio Farda reported on September 14, citing rights
    activist Mehrangiz Kar. She said more women she termed "vulnerable"
    for their precarious financial conditions and difficult home
    conditions are turning to drugs and prostitution, and at an
    increasingly young age. They can expect very little support from the
    government or society, she added. She cited a recent report in which
    a woman staying at a state shelter or health-care facility killed her
    "illegitimate" child to rid herself of the "shame." Kar said some
    social workers chide the women in their care for their lifestyles and
    help bring about such crimes. Kar said the woman told the health-care
    worker that by killing her child she "wiped away the stain of shame
    and sent it to God." Kar said this statement effectively "put the
    government, society, and even social workers on trial." She urged the
    government to provide job training for such girls. VS

    Forces Logistics Minister Mustafa Mohammad Najjar announced on
    September 18 that several defense projects will commence in the
    coming days, Fars News Agency reported. Iran marks the annual "Sacred
    Defense Week" -- the commemoration of the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War -- in
    late September. Najjar said some of the MODAFL's new products
    will be displayed during a September 22 parade.
    Also on September 18, Admiral Sajjad Kuchaki, commander of
    the Iranian navy, announced domestic manufacturing of the Joshan
    missile boat, state radio reported. He also introduced the
    76-millimeter Fajr gun that can be used against surface vessels at a
    range of 16 kilometers or aerial targets at altitudes up to around
    7,000 meters. The gun's rate of fire can vary from 10 rounds per
    minute to 85 per minute. (Bill Samii)

    Agricultural Jihad Ministry's director-general for domestic
    commerce, announced on September 21 that red meat and chicken will be
    distributed at lowered prices in the coming month, IRNA reported. The
    holy month of Ramadan is expected to begin on September 23 or 24, and
    it will conclude with the festival of Eid al-Fitr. During Ramadan,
    devout Muslims fast during daylight hours and consume meals only
    during the night. Shafei said 10,000 tons of frozen chicken will be
    distributed and consumers will face only a 400-rial-per-kilogram
    markup. The ministry is considering the distribution of 20,000 tons
    of red meat, and possibly an additional 12,000 tons of imported red
    meat. (Bill Samii)

    head the Assembly of Experts, the influential assembly that oversees
    the work of the supreme leader, pits a pragmatic former president
    against a fundamentalist seminarian with close ties to the current
    president. Another possible choice, ex-president and reformist
    Hojatoleslam Mohammad Khatami, lies somewhere in the middle.
    The race could have serious long-term implications --
    particularly for would-be reformers.
    The Assembly of Experts is a powerful institution whose 86
    clerics' supervisory role includes the power to remove Iran's
    supreme leader from office. The fact that its members are popularly
    elected every eight years highlights the significance of the decision
    that faces voters in the December 15 ballot.
    One of the most controversial aspects of this election is the
    competition for the assembly's leadership.

    Reluctant Candidate?

    Ex-President Ali-Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, already a deputy
    speaker of the assembly, is largely backed by reformists, centrists,
    and mainstream conservatives. Leading figures in a conservative
    clergymen's association, the Tehran Militant Clergy Association
    (Jameh-yi Ruhaniyat-i Mobarez-i Tehran), visited Hashemi-Rafsanjani
    in mid-September to encourage his candidacy. One of those clerics,
    Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Mahdavi-Kani, advised Hashemi-Rafsanjani that
    he is "still one of the principal mainstays of the system and
    leadership," the Aref website reported on September 19. He said such
    status carries a responsibility to "stand and serve the system at
    sensitive junctures."
    Hashemi-Rafsanjani is a seasoned politician who served as
    president for two terms in 1989-97, was a legislator, and currently
    heads the Expediency Council. He reportedly told the clergymen's
    group that his participation is unnecessary and would make no real
    difference. He said he was already being criticized, and he pointed
    to his unsuccessful presidential campaign in 2005, which included
    personal attacks against him and his family. Similar attacks -- many
    of them centered on allegations of financial corruption -- have
    continued against Hashemi-Rafsanjani's associates. They smack of
    an effort to weaken the informal network through which he wields his
    considerable influence.

    The 'Crocodile'

    The man whom many view as Hashemi-Rafsanjani's likely
    rival is Ayatollah Mohammad Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi. Mesbah-Yazdi is
    punningly referred to by detractors as "Ayatollah Crocodile"
    ("Temsah") due to his hard-line views. He is current President Mahmud
    Ahmadinejad's spiritual guide and a founder of the conservative
    Haqqani seminary, with numerous associates in the executive branch of
    Two Haqqani alumni serve in the current cabinet --
    Intelligence and Security Minister Hojatoleslam Gholam-Hussein
    Mohseni-Ejei and Interior Minister Hojatoleslam Mustafa
    Pur-Mohammadi. Mesbah-Yazdi now heads the Imam Khomeini Educational
    and Research Institute, and several of its associates now work in the
    executive branch, including government spokesman Gholam Hussein
    Elham, First Vice President Parviz Davudi, and presidential adviser
    for clerical affairs Hojatoleslam Mohammad Nasser Saqa-yi Biria.
    A conservative weekly associated with Mesbah-Yazdi, "Parto-i
    Sokhan" from Qom, has published a number of attacks on
    Hashemi-Rafsanjani. A lengthy piece on August 23 purports to be
    seminarians' response to a letter from Hashemi-Rafsanjani. The
    ex-president is portrayed as questioning Iran's theocratic system
    and employing "distorted and truncated quotes" from the founder of
    the revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, to substantiate his
    views. The article goes on to imply that Hashemi-Rafsanjani has
    comforted Iran's enemies by voicing support for a Leadership
    Council to replace the current figure of the supreme leader.
    The same article suggests that allies of Britain sought to
    pass a constitutional amendment that would have extended
    Hashemi-Rafsanjani's term as president beyond 1997. It also
    condemns his failure to call for the death of a scholar who
    criticized the clergy in 2003 and his support for women's rights.
    The article goes on to attack the think tank associated with the
    Expediency Council, the Strategic Research Center, which includes
    perceived reformers on its staff like former President Khatami and
    former Supreme National Security Council Secretary Hojatoleslam
    Hassan Rohani.
    Occasional hints of reconciliation between the hard-line
    Mesbah-Yazdi and Hashemi-Rafsanjani generally prove not to be true.
    The two reportedly bumped into each other at recent meeting of the
    Assembly of Experts and had what one observer described as a "very
    friendly and warm encounter," "Sharq" reported on September 4. The
    hard-liner was quoted as saying he has "no blood feud with anyone"
    and stressing his long friendship with Hashemi-Rafsanjani. But he
    reportedly rushed to add that he and Hashemi-Rafsanjani "differ...on
    certain issues" and that their "religious responsibility" dictates
    that "friendship will play no role."
    Pro-reform activists have reacted to fundamentalist attacks
    against their favorites in many ways -- including downplaying
    Mesbah-Yazdi's prerevolutionary activities against the shah. He
    also has been linked with a banned millennialist entity, the
    Hojjatieh Society.
    A former interior minister and legislator better-known for
    his role in establishing the Lebanese Hizballah in the 1980s,
    Hojatoleslam Ali Akbar Mohtashami-Pur, recently likened
    Mesbah-Yazdi's followers to the Hojjatieh Society -- calling them
    "a movement within an organized cult...[that seeks] control of the
    Assembly of Experts," "Aftab-i Yazd" quoted him on August 26 as
    saying. Mohtashami-Pur warned that "a movement that thinks like the
    Hojjatieh always poses a danger to the people and the system."

    Reformist Target

    The fundamentalists are attacking other prospective leaders
    in the Assembly of Experts, too. One of their apparent targets is a
    symbol of the reformist movement, former President Khatami
    (1997-2005). A reformist party leader, National Trust Party head
    Ebrahim Amini, accused Khatami's opponents of "trying by various
    means to create doubt in public opinion about the positions of the
    reformists," "Aftab-i Yazd" reported on September 16. He accused
    those same elements of resorting to "character assassination."
    A leading figure from the center of the political spectrum,
    senior Executives of Construction Party member Mohammad Hashemi,
    echoed that accusation, "Aftab-i Yazd" reported on September 16. He
    said the bullying began after the 2000 parliamentary elections and
    has "gradually turned into an unethical tradition" through which
    fundamentalists stopped pressing solutions and started relying solely
    on political attacks on their opponents.
    The most vicious recent attacks on Khatami have come from
    Fatemeh Rajabi, the wife of government spokesman Gholam Hussein Elham
    and the head of the "Nosazi" website. In an open letter published in
    "Etemad-i Melli" on September 4, Rajabi suggested that a U.S. visa
    for Khatami's recent trip to the United States is his "reward for
    eight years of efforts from the Americans, and especially from .the
    Black House."
    Rajabi attacked Khatami's "presence and parading in
    America's cities" and disparaged his views on "modern Islam" She
    accused Iran's most prominent proponent of reform of distorting
    religion -- calling Khatami's Islam "the Islam of a life of
    pleasure, the Islam of doing business, the Islam of aristocracy, the
    Islam of seeking comfort, the Islam of seeking welfare, and in a
    word: American Islam." She called it "a lame excuse for someone who
    is dressed as Shi'ite clergy?"
    Criticized by reformists and by conservatives, and her
    brother, Mohammad Hassan Rajabi, according to "Kargozaran" on August
    1, Rajabi lashed out again. She said Khatami's ascribing of the
    2001 terrorist attacks on the United States to Muslims "delivered a
    major blow against Islam." She suggested that recent remarks by Pope
    Benedict XVI that elicited widespread condemnation among Muslims were
    "a natural echo of Khatami's remarks," "Aftab" reported on
    September 17.

    Strong-Armed Conservatives

    The role of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) could
    further cloud prospects for potential rivals to any but the most
    conservative candidates. The IRGC was accused of interfering in the
    2003 municipal elections on behalf of fundamentalists. The Basij, a
    branch of the IRGC, was accused after the 2005 presidential election
    of having behaved like a political party.
    Such allegations coincide with accusations of Guards Corps
    political activism that are either denied or refuted with references
    to Article 150 of the Iranian Constitution that tasks the IRGC with
    defending the revolution and its achievements.
    Recent statements by Guards Corps leaders are consistent with
    a pattern favoring the hard-liners. The chief of the IRGC joint
    staff, General Yadollah Javani, told a meeting of corps commanders
    that there are major political movements involved in the upcoming
    elections that have different interpretations of Iran's
    theocratic system (vilayat-i faqih), "Hemayat" reported on September
    10. He characterized opponents as believing that the popular vote
    legitimizes the system and that the theocracy's responsibility is
    satisfying the people. That movement is opposed by those who -- like
    revolutionary founder Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and presumably,
    himself -- believe God legitimizes the vilayat-i faqih system. Javani
    went on to say that the reformists are intent on returning to power,
    and they are trying to create divisions among fundamentalists.
    The supreme leader's representative in the IRGC
    counterintelligence department, Hojatoleslam Ahmad Salek, sounded a
    more ominous alarm. He warned that there is an effort afoot to
    undermine the vilayat-i faqih, "Kayhan" reported on September 17. He
    alleged that an unidentified five-member committee is trying to
    "infiltrate" individuals into the Assembly of Experts "in order to
    create deviations in that institution." He said their goal is to
    "bring about the disintegration and collapse of the Islamic political

    Are The Reformers Ready?

    Pro-reform parties are not standing by idly. They are trying
    to form a coalition to compete with the fundamentalists. "Aftab-i
    Yazd" on September 16 quoted Mohammad Salamati of the Mujahedin of
    the Islamic Revolution Organization as saying the reformist coalition
    has been finalized.
    But there also are questions about a draft election law that
    many observers fear would extend the hard-liners' considerable
    ability to restrict candidates for elected office. A former interior
    minister, Hojatoleslam Abdolvahed Musavi-Lari, noted that the group
    conducting the election -- the Interior Ministry -- is from the same
    political camp as the Guardians Council, which is supervising the
    election, "Aftab-i Yazd" reported on August 14.
    Musavi-Lari noted that the Guardians Council's power to
    vet candidates represents reformists' "main concern," since that
    body can decide "whether or not they will be allowed to remain on the
    The Assembly of Experts held its semi-annual meeting on
    August 29-30. Little information emerges from those closed-door
    affairs -- highlighted by the fact that final statements are
    remarkably similar from year to year.
    But as the current group prepares to give way to a new
    Assembly of Experts, it appears that a fundamentalist victory would
    cement the hold of President Ahmadinejad's allies over all
    elected branches of government. On the other hand, reformist gains
    would signal that a group that has been in disarray since 2003 has
    returned to the political fray -- and is not completely marginalized.
    (Bill Samii)

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    Copyright (c) 2006. RFE/RL, Inc. All rights reserved.

    The "RFE/RL Iran Report" is a weekly prepared by A. William Samii on
    the basis of materials from RFE/RL broadcast services, RFE/RL
    Newsline, and other news services. It is distributed every Monday.

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