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BAKU: "Right Of Choice": "We Will Have To Liberate Our Territories,

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  • BAKU: "Right Of Choice": "We Will Have To Liberate Our Territories,

    Interviewed by Iskender Guliyev

    Democratic Azerbaijan
    Sept 26 2006

    Accordingly to the member of Milli Mejlis Standing Commission on
    Security and Defense, Adil Aliyev, Azerbaijan has right to liberate its
    territories within the frames of international standards and UN Charter

    - Isn't it difficult for you to fulfill obligations of elected
    representative of the people?

    - It isn't right to restrict oneself to votes of people in order to
    be their elected representatives. It is necessary to represent every
    voter who votes for you. Representatives of intelligentsia, science
    and culture, specialists of different fields and representatives of
    senior generation, the unemployed, not sufficiently provided people
    are referred to the election district wherefrom I was elected. Every
    electorate has problems. First of all, elected representative of people
    is obliged to individually approach the problems of every voter. He
    should strive to solve them. I'm very pleased when people's problems
    are solved. However, there are moments when I feel unrest.

    That is why being representative of people is very responsible and
    difficult task.

    - Being deputy of Milli Mejlis, what processes going on within society
    seem to you more attractive?

    - Citizens of every country have problems. If you think that Azerbaijan
    has problem of unemployment and the other countries haven't, then
    you are mistaken. This problem is crucial in post-Soviet countries
    and in Europe. Maybe the problem of unemployment in CIS countries is
    somewhat different from the same one in Azerbaijan. However, the state
    program to prevent unemployment shows that Azerbaijan government takes
    appropriate measures to solve the problem. Apart from the problem of
    unemployment there is another crucial problem which troubles our state
    and people - it is Nagorno Garabagh conflict. Over 16 years have passed
    since the day of violation of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan,
    during this period 1 mln. people lost their homes having gained the
    status of refugees and IDP. Because of occupation and terrorist policy
    of Armenia, hundreds of Azerbaijanis were taken prisoner. Despite
    the number of resolutions adopted by international organizations,
    Armenian aggressors don't want to leave territories of Azerbaijan.

    Nevertheless having over 1 mln. refugees and IPD, Azerbaijan continues
    developing its economic potential in the region and using all means
    for improvement of living standard of population.

    Owing to successful reforms hundreds of new institutions were founded
    in the country, thousands of our citizens were provided with work.

    Moreover, for the first half year of 2006, GDP increased by 36%, and
    stable economic development is observed in all fields of economy. For
    example, for the last 6 months, level of industrial production has
    increased by 41%. For this period over 3 bn. US dollars have been
    invested in Azerbaijani economy, which is key showing of dynamic
    economic development of our country.

    It is known that at present Azerbaijan is taking leading position in
    the region on foreign investments per head. One of the main directions
    of economic policy of Azerbaijan apart from complete adherence
    to the principles of market economy is solving social problems of
    population. In this direction many efforts were made. For the first
    6 months of 2006, population incomes have increased by 18%.

    Moreover, in comparison with previous months inflation has been
    reduced. At present real incomes of population make up 12%, average
    salary increased by 20%. It should be underlined that raise of economic
    development promotes improvement of welfare of people. For the recent
    years important steps are taken not only to prevent unemployment but
    to improve provision of pensions of people.

    Following decrees of President, in 2006 pension provision will be
    increased several times more. It's known that President repeatedly
    declared that soon pensions will be increased. Taking it into account
    I would say that in Azerbaijan the work to solve economic and social
    problems of citizens and for improvement of living standards of people
    is carried out.

    - You are member of Standing Commission on Security and Defense. How
    do you evaluate your work from the point of view of professionalism?

    - During the meetings of Standing Commission on Security and Defense I
    make a number of proposals, as I make during the meetings of Milli
    Mejlis. Only my voters and people of Azerbaijan can evaluate my
    activity in the parliament. Every taken measure or developed law
    should serve for the interests of state and nation.

    - Today, after a number of actions of person we know, some negative
    view is formed relating to Azerbaijani police. What can you propose
    to change this view, and what measures must be taken?

    - In my speeches I repeatedly touched upon this issue. Azerbaijani
    police duly fulfills its obligations, that is why it is wrong to
    underestimate the work of police because of some persons who defiled
    it. From this point of view I hold that such attitude to police
    is not right. Police of our country not only fights with crimes,
    policemen actively partook in bloody battles for restoration of
    territorial integrity of our country. We are proud of many policemen
    who demonstrated heroism. Of course, we should recognize that police
    structures have demerits and they must be removed. For example Police
    Academy. I expressed my negative view on Police Academy and I think
    that there are persons who are not deserving to study their. Police
    Academy leadership can't be blamed for it, as it doesn't hold exams.

    But persons responsible for the given work are holding exams. In turn
    they approve those young people whom they think fit. Of course no one
    can deny that some people misuse their authorities in this matter. I
    believe that as in every field, reforms should be implemented within
    the structures of internal affairs and Police Academy. They will lead
    to changes in activity of police of Azerbaijan.

    - Do you hold meetings with your voters?

    - Yes, I do.

    - What issues are most frequently discussed?

    - I've already touched upon this issue. Most frequently voters are
    concerned about problems of unemployment, water, gas and energy supply
    etc. It is necessary to solve all these problems, as electricity,
    water and gas are necessary for normal living. Moreover, if citizen
    is unemployed he or she can't pay for electricity and the rest of
    public utilities. Thus, first of all citizens must be provided with
    work for he or she could solve all these problems.

    During my pre-election campaign I promised people: if I am elected as
    Milli Mejlis deputy, my headquarter will be functioning at election
    district for holding meetings with voters. I kept my promise.

    Headquarter is functioning, it carries out appropriate work to solve
    the problems of tens of voters. No barrier exists between me and
    my voters.

    - How do you evaluate mission of Azerbaijani soldier within
    international peacemaking forces?

    - Azerbaijan is peace loving country. Despite violation of
    territorial integrity and occupation of 20% of our territories,
    our state continues its peacemaking policy. If Azerbaijani soldiers
    serve for international peacemaking forces in Afghanistan, Iraq,
    and Balkans it means that international community trusts Azerbaijani
    army. Being citizen and Parliament member I support activity of
    Azerbaijani soldiers within international forces. It is important not
    only for our state but for our army as well. As you know Azerbaijan
    carries out works on creation of peacemaking military forces within
    the frames of GUAM. Member-states of this structure are determined in
    this matter. Cease-fire in Middle East after Israel-Lebanon war was
    reached owing to mediation of UN. This structure decided to dispatch
    its peacemaking forces in the region. Perhaps Azerbaijani soldier will
    partake in peacemaking mission of international forces in this region.

    - What can you say about ways of regulation of Nagorni Garabagh

    - OSCE and OSCE Minsk Group member states are responsible for peaceful
    regulation of the conflict. However up to now Minsk Group hasn't
    fulfilled its obligations concerning this matter. Recent statement of
    OSCE special representative, A. Kasprshik, concerning conflagration
    committed on occupied territories as well as reaction of co-chair
    states to this issue manifested that it is naïve to expect activities
    for regulation of conflict from OSCE and Minsk Group. During their
    meetings and while making documents co-chair states demand more
    compromises from Azerbaijan, but not from Armenia.

    If we consider statements of US co-chair, M. Brayza, we will be
    convinced once again that there is no point to expect regulation
    of conflict from this structure. If international community cannot
    define the status of aggressor-country and the country that suffers
    from aggression, no real results can be expected. I believe that it
    is necessary to regulate Nagorni Garabagh conflict within the frames
    of UN, appropriate measures should be taken to realize 4 resolutions
    adopted by above international structure. At the same time Azerbaijan
    can effectively use potential of international organizations,
    including GUAM. Unfortunately, despite efforts made by Azerbaijan,
    official Yerevan shows no will to take serious measures for conflict
    regulation. GUAM member-states applied to UN with the purpose of
    taking appropriate measures for conflict regulation in the countries
    of GUAM. Russia and Armenia were against inclusion of the issue in
    the agenda of UN Security Council, USA was neutral, and France didn't
    joined voting. If all three countries, members of UN Security Council
    and having the right to veto, did so, nothing can be expected from
    OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs. President of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
    Ilham Aliyev, declared that Azerbaijan advocates peaceful regulation
    of this conflict. If negotiations have no effect, we will have to
    liberate our territories resorting to all means. Azerbaijan has
    right to liberate its territories within the frames of international
    standards and UN Charter.
