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Turkey's Strategic Blunder

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  • Turkey's Strategic Blunder

    By Dr Fereydun Hilmi

    Kurdish Media, UK
    Sept 26 2006

    At the end of the First World War, Kamal Attaturk was able to save
    the rump of the Ottoman Empire from British and French occupation.

    His springboard point was Anatolia where he was able to persuade the
    Kurds in north Kurdistan to join forces with him and reject British
    intrigues among them aimed at chipping away further land from what
    had remained of the great sick empire.

    The British duped the Kurds by first encouraging them to seek
    independence and supporting the idea and pouring much money into
    Slemanî and the Kurdish parts of Iraq. For nearly 4 years they carried
    on establishing a Kurdish administration andarmy and trained them to
    protect their areas simply because they were unable to send an army
    to do so as a result of their economic troubles and losses in the
    occupation of southern and middle Iraq. Kurdistan's mountains reminded
    them of their disadters in Afghanistan and India; in Particular the
    difficulties of fighting locals in places like the Khyber Pass.

    Therefore they wanted to achieve the same result and prevent the
    Turks form reclaiming land which had belonged to the Ottoman Empire
    administratively but not subjugated by Turkish army forces. Most of
    Kurdistan was ruled by Kurdish proxies with local armed men until
    the British arrived in Kifri. Once the local chief Sheikh Mahmud
    heard of this he invited the British to come to Slemanî in what he
    considered was a card to play against the Ottomans so that he might
    have bargained with it.

    The British who were aware of this insisted that he should work for
    his upkeep and support but his natural instinct was anti-British and
    pro-Turkish. Yet Attaturk ignored his approaches and tried instead to
    use him in his struggle to save as much of what he considered to be his
    national homeland as possible. Sheikh Mahmud and the rest of the Mosul
    Wilayet ended up as a juicy bite for the British colonial stomach.

    The British who were really only interested in the oil-rich areas
    of the Mosul Wilayet easily sacrificed the Kurds of Anatolia and
    signed agreements with Turkey exchanging the Mosul Wilayet which they
    had sneakily occupied during the armistice just after the war had
    stopped. And with that Turkey was cocooned into a hard nationalistic
    shell which it was to remain in for nearly a hundred years.

    Britain was a tired and economically warn out power who had suffered
    along with its French ally greatly at the hands of the Germans. It
    was probably as weak and tired as the Turks if not more. Yet, today
    Turkey is a third world country while Britain is a super power with a
    thriving economy and English is the standard language throughout the
    world. Britain and now the United States have fingers in every pie
    all around the world while Turkey remained isolated and lacking all
    forms of influence in even the closest nations right on its borders.

    People five thousand miles away from Britain speak English as a second
    language who once spoke Turkish instead.

    The Ottoman Empire lasted some six centuries reaching the height of
    civilization and scientific progress and many nations such as Kurds,
    Armenians, Greeks, Arabs, Albanians and others from the Middle and
    Far East, Asia and African nations served to advance its culture and
    power throughout a huge chunk of the world and enrich the central
    power house at Istanbul. The Turkish people were truly a minority who
    started as fighting tribes, adopted Islam and Middle Eastern Culture as
    a result of which Anatolia became the home of a huge thriving empire.

    All that disappeared because of Attaturk's Xenophobic attitude towards
    all the nations that had helped his race reach the positions they
    had. Proof of this lies in the fact that once the Kurds, Armenians,
    Greeks and Arabs were alienated Turkey became and remained a poor
    mediocre and backward state unable to sustain itself without iys
    subservient position within NATO.

    Yet, Turkey had a great opportunity throughout the twentieth century
    to occupy a better position among these nations than does Britain
    and the west. We must remember that the nations surrounding Turkey
    practice the same religion, are of a mixture of local races, share
    the geography as well as six centuries of togetherness as parts of
    the Ottoman Empire. But despite the fact that they shared none of
    those characteristics with Britain and the latter's great physical
    distance, it was the west who captured the hearts and minds of the
    Middle East nations, not by having their interests at heart but via
    many sly and devious methods including tying them up with economic
    contracts the greatest benefits of which return to the west.

    Western culture has also begun to despise eastern and oriental cultures
    to such an extent that they are now treating Islam (the main culture
    of some 1.5 billion people) as their grand enemy. This is not just
    a feeling or a suspicion but a fact which nobody can deny today.

    Unfortunately all that Turkey is offering is more subservience to the
    will of its sponsors and denial of its geopolitical position and more
    and more copycat culture from the west.

    There are those who have been brainwashed into thinking that
    civilization and technical progress can only come from the west. If
    the Americans or the western nations do not invent it then it is not
    possible. Some would even link Japanese and Chinese technology to what
    they must have copied from the west easily and conveniently forgetting
    that China and the Middle East were the main source of all scientific,
    logical and technological advancement in the world.

    Science and Technology do not have a nationality or a race while oil,
    gas and other natural resources do. Turkey gave up its position as
    the most modern capital of eastern culture and became a follower of
    the west rather than the leader of the east. It has been struggling
    to enter the European and Christian world believing that it is now
    destined to exist on the periphery not realizing that it would have
    to be and remain a fringe nation deprived of major progress.

    In the beginning of the twentieth century my father, uncle and many
    other Kurds and Iraqis were educated in Istanbul. I know that their
    education was superb and my father also a scientist had a magnificent
    command of mathematics and physics. In true ancient Greek style,
    they were taught not just science but philosophy, history the arts
    and everything worth learning. I was educated in the UK and although
    the British education system is superior to many I had to learn all
    those other subjects by my self.

    Attaturk's Turkey became isolated from its natural and geopolitical
    environment while all around it the British and French were forming
    alliances with what should have been Turkey's historic allies until
    all that was left was a small part of Cyprus only because they were
    Turks. This deprived Turkey of mutual exchange of wealth, knowledge,
    know-how and all other forms of economic ties with the erstwhile
    members of the Ottoman Empire.

    Turkey's policies towards the Kurds were Britain's best protection
    against the rejuvenation of the nation and the wall which kept it
    from Iraq, Syria and the previously united nations of the Ottoman
    Empire. Instead of behaving like a sour grape and sulking with hatred
    Turkey should have done the exact opposite by revising its old policies
    and trying to mend fences - it should have been doing all it could
    to keep the borders soft and temporary. It should have extended its
    hands to all its Muslim and Middle-Eastern brothers to form a new
    alliance (a commonwealth of ex-Ottoman nations) - not alienate them
    and isolate itself.

    Kurdistan should have been a great ally and a strategic depth for
    Turkey and not a sore wound in its side. Yet the Kurd's struggle has
    not stopped for one day simply to gain equality as citizens of the
    country. For some reason it seems the Turkish mind does not work as
    efficiently on its own and needs the inspiration of the other nations
    around them. I believe that the Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Armenians and
    optionally Greeks can reclaim the ground by making a complete change
    of policy starting from Turkey.

    Below I will state a suggestion which I hope the Turkish leadership
    will read.

    1. Turkey should pass a law completely banning racism in the country
    2. Offer the Kurds all rights in the Turkish state and concentrate
    on the region which is wealthy as well as lacking of investment
    and development.

    3. Keep foreign investments in Turkey and in Kurdistan to the minimum

    4. Be humane enough to admit mistakes of the Ottomans towards the
    Armenians and stop discrimination and persecution against all the
    citizens of Turkey 5. Offer a friendly apology for maltreating the
    Ottoman nations and promise a new era of brotherhood and equality. It
    would be a great gesture of good will if the name of the nation was
    changed to a more representative name covering its multinational

    6. Establish the best possible ties with its neighbours, Iran,
    a yet-to-be-liberated Iraq and in particular the Kurdish part.

    7. Abandon the application to become an unloved and unwanted little
    step-brother if Europe. Thus firmly, proudly and unapologetically
    placing its foot in Asia 8. Establish the best possible ties with the
    Arabs 9. Abandon NATO because its ties with that imperial organisation
    preclude it from re-establishing itself as a major Asiatic power.

    10. Seek economic contracts with all former members of the Ottoman
    Empire 11. Establish universities for the education of African, Asian,
    Arab and other citizens of the world who do not have the opportunity
    to get western or even local education.

    12. Form close ties with Iran which is surviving very well without
    any NATOI and EU links.

    13. Form the best possible links with the rich and progressive South
    American Nations.

    14. Completely wrench itself away from supporting the aggressive
    and war-like actions of Israel and the Americans 15. Reposition the
    political attitude of the country towards the greater good of the
    nations of the region and in this way offer Turkey's own vision of
    the Middle East.

    It is by far better for Turkey and the Middle East to be masters
    of their own decisions than lackeys and sycophantic extras on the
    backside of someone else.

    The present Government of Turkey seems to have a mindset close to
    the above analysis but seems too timid in going all the way. I have
    written about Turkish society today in the past on,
    in particular about the lack of scientific and technological
    advancement evident from the lack of world-renounced inventions,
    scientific breakthroughs, music or cultural products. However I am
    now offering the above ideas which I believe will return Turkey and
    the surrounding nations to their rightful and influential old glory.

    All the relevant and necessary requirements and active factors are
    available. All we need are the will of a great statesman and the
    courage of the nations to follow and endure the painful but sure and
    rewarding path.
