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BAKU: Interior Troops' Special Forces Suitable For Military Operatio

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  • BAKU: Interior Troops' Special Forces Suitable For Military Operatio


    Today, Azerbaijan
    Sept 26 2006

    Commander of Interior Troops Zakir Hasanov: "I advocate public and
    democratic control on the Army."

    The APA interviewed Commander of Interior Troops, General Lieutenant
    Zakir Hasanov.

    Azerbaijan has professional Interior Troops who are ready to fulfill
    errands given by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. The main thing is that
    our military personnel know their duties very well and ready to fulfill
    them. The Interior Troops' officers are mastering experiences of both
    military body and law enforcement bodies. We are working on this issue.

    What countries and international organizations do the Interior Troops
    cooperate with?

    We have been closely cooperating with Turkey's Gendarmerie since
    1997. Under the protocol, Turkey supports equipping, training of
    personnel of the Interior Troops. Our Troops meet modern standards by
    the assistance of the Turkish Gendarmerie. We are also cooperating
    with China, Italy, Russia, U.S., Germany, Romania as well as with
    NATO and FIEP. We conduct joint trainings. Our main task is to conform
    the Interior Troops to European standards.

    The assessment mission from the Association of the European and
    Mediterranean Police Forces and Gendarmeries with Military Status
    (FIEP) has visited Azerbaijan recently. What do you expect from the
    talks. When do you think the Interior Troops will become FIEP member?

    The FIEP assessment group familiarized with the service,
    professionalism and social condition of the Interior Troops. They
    get a certain idea of the Troops. The assessment group is preparing
    a report for the member countries. This report will be discussed at
    the FIEP secretariat and the decision on membership will be discussed
    at the meeting of FIEP authorities.

    Are there any plans on increase of defense expenditure?

    The logistics of the Interior Troops is in high level. Great majority
    of social problems have been solved in the past two years thanks to
    the head of state's and Interior Minister Ramil Usubov's care. The
    personnel, in particular soldiers of the Troops have been ensured
    wide opportunities today. All the military units and military camps
    meet modern standards. We opened a hostel for officers in Baku in the
    past one year. The construction of hostels in Sheki and Guba is about
    to be completed. We also established a holiday-resort for officers
    in Nabran. 136 billion manats (AZM) have been allocated for us from
    the budget. Our budget is increasing every year. We are planning to
    implement social programs in 2007-2008.

    Some countries benefit from the opportunities of Interior Troops and
    similar bodies in solving problems like the Nagorno Karabakh problem.

    How do you assess the Interior Troops' preparation for operation
    against the separatist forces in Karabakh?

    Besides, the separatist regime, there are Armenian Armed Forces in
    Nagorno Karabakh. If there were only separatist forces, the Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict could have been solved in a short period of time.

    It is not so difficult to neutralize a small gangster. We had to
    resist large-scale forces of Armenia and their supporters. They have
    been supplied with heavy weapons and therefore, they can be defeated
    by large-scale military operations. However, the Interior Troops
    are prepared to interfere in this armed conflict any time. We have
    high professionalism, equipment and first of all high spirit in our
    military personnel. We will also undertake responsibilities if the war
    starts. These responsibilities can be neutralization and disarmament of
    gangsters in the liberated territories, patrol services or organizing
    diversions behind the enemy to support our army's attack in mountainous
    areas and so on. Our operation regiments can be involved in the
    battles together with the Army. The special forces of Interior Troops
    are being trained to be suitable for military operations in Karabakh.

    However, the special forces are said to be used as riot squads to
    suppress rallies and unrests most of all.

    These forces are used to fight both armed crimes and preserve public
    order. Their professionalism is always on focus. Our special forces are
    cooperating with Turkish Gendarmerie. Our officers attend training
    courses in Turkey. As coming to rallies, The Interior Troops do
    not engage in politics, their function is to defend our state from
    criminal and outlaw attempts. We participate only in preventing mass
    unrests. The practice shows some outlaw forces organize mass unrests.

    We are ready to fulfill our duty. I am convinced that no outlaw force
    can violate stability in Azerbaijan today.

    The Military Prosecutor's Office says there is a high level corruption
    in the Armed Forces. Is there such a problem in the Interior Troops?

    I am not informed of the processes in other bodies. There should be
    a strong control to prevent corruption. No officer or ensign of the
    Interior Troops has been called to account for corruption or bribery
    since 2002. The Troops are being overseen by the Interior Ministry
    and several other bodies. The officers of the Prosecutor's Office
    regularly visit our military units. Corruption is unacceptable in a
    military body.

    The Council of Europe is also concerned over events contrary to
    the Regulations of Armed Forces. What actions are taken to remove
    such events?

    Legal framework prevents contrary to the Army's Regulations. If there
    is a right behavior to a soldier, there will be no problem. We need
    to cooperate with parents. Our body is open to parents. We invite
    parents of soldier to the military units every weekend, and I attend
    these meetings too. We advocate public and democratic control on the
    Army. Then the problems will be removed. Since, we are integrating
    into Europe, this control is necessary.

    Do the parents complain of something?

    The complaints are due to leave and permission of soldiers to go
    home for a short-term. Taking into account possible events, we cannot
    allow soldiers to the city as they do not know the city well. They are
    from province. We allow them in groups and take leave in accordance
    with legislation. We rarely receive complaints on relationships
    among soldiers.

    What about the establishment of the peacekeeping party in the Interior

    A peacekeeping party is to be established in the Interior Troops in the
    framework of the cooperation program with NATO. Preliminary measures
    have been implemented for this. The officers have been trained,
    staff meeting NATO standards has been established. The party has been
    supplied with weapons and equipment. There remains some measures to
    be implemented regarding purchasing of communication facilities that
    are used in NATO forces. This problem will be addressed in the context
    of mutual relations, and the peacekeeping party will be ready early
    in 2007.