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Turkey Says Reforms On Track

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  • Turkey Says Reforms On Track

    By Gareth Jones

    Reuters, UK
    Sept 26 2006

    ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey's prime minister insisted on Tuesday
    that European Union reforms were fully on track, but the EU's top
    enlargement official said he was tired of telling Ankara to change
    laws that restrict free speech.

    In a move underlining the EU's human rights concerns, dozens of Kurdish
    mayors in Turkey's troubled southeast went on trial for opposing the
    closure of a Kurdish broadcaster.

    "The reform process is continuing at full speed and without us losing
    any of our enthusiasm," Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan told lawmakers
    from his ruling centre-right AK Party.

    "We are doing these reforms not because the EU wants them but because
    Turkey needs them," he said.

    Erdogan was speaking as members of the European Parliament in
    Strasbourg, France, debated a report critical of Ankara's reform
    record over the past 12 months.

    Parliamentary sources said the report by Dutch MEP Camiel Eurlings
    was likely to be adopted on Wednesday in an amended form, deleting a
    clause which urges Ankara to recognise the mass killings of Armenians
    in Ottoman Turkey as "genocide".

    EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn told the Strasbourg assembly
    Turkey must implement more reforms before the Commission's own annual
    report, due to be published on November 8.

    Rehn said he was tired of pressing Turkey to abolish or reform
    an article of its penal code that makes it a criminal offence to
    "insult Turkishness", and which has been used to prosecute a number
    of intellectuals.

    "Despite the acquittal of the novelist (Elif) Shafak, freedom of
    expression remains under threat in Turkey," he said, arguing that the
    mere existence of such judicial proceedings had "a chilling effect"
    on journalists, writers and activists.


    Erdogan gave no indication on Tuesday that his government might be
    ready to scrap or modify the controversial article 301.

    "It is not enough just to change laws to entrench human rights
    and freedoms. You also need to change the mentality.... We must be
    patient," Erdogan said.

    Justice Minister Cemil Cicek, an opponent of change, said Shafak's
    acquittal last week showed the law was working well.

    Opposition leader Deniz Baykal, whose nominally centre-left Republican
    People's Party has taken an increasingly nationalist stance ahead
    of national elections due next year, made clear he did not back any
    change to the present law.

    "(Erdogan) is seeking a partner to share the shame of making it
    possible to insult the Turkish identity. He should knock at another
    door... We will not support him," he said.

    Against similarly loud nationalist opposition, Erdogan defended plans
    to ease property restrictions for non-Muslim minorities, another key
    EU demand.

    A pious Muslim, Erdogan ridiculed suggestions that the plans would
    bolster the influence of Orthodox Christian Patriarch Bartholomew,
    based in Istanbul, and pave the way for the creation of a
    "mini-Vatican" in Turkey's biggest city.

    Parliament, where the AK Party has a big majority, is now debating
    the 'religious foundations' law, though EU diplomats say the current
    draft does not go far enough in restoring confiscated properties to
    non-Muslim religious minorities.

    In Diyarbakir, biggest city of Turkey's mainly Kurdish southeast,
    56 mayors faced charges of "knowingly and willingly" helping Kurdish
    rebels by writing to Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen
    earlier this year urging him not to close Denmark-based Roj TV.

    Ankara views Roj TV as a mouthpiece for "terrorists" and has urged
    Copenhagen to shut it down. Rasmussen has refused, citing freedom of
    expression. He has also criticised the trial of the mayors, who face
    up to 15 years in jail if convicted.

    The criminal court judge adjourned the trial until November 21.

    Turkey blames rebels of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK)
    for the deaths of more than 30,000 people since it began its armed
    campaign for a homeland in the southeast in 1984.