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Caroline Cox Brings Benefactors To Karabakh

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  • Caroline Cox Brings Benefactors To Karabakh


    [06:39 pm] 26 September, 2006

    On September 26, Nagorno Karabakh Republic Foreign Minister Georgy
    Petrossian received Vice-Speaker of the House of Lords of the
    Great Britain's Parliament, Chairman of Humanitarian Aid Relief
    Trust Baroness Caroline Cox, who had arrived in Stepanakert with a
    delegation of British and American philanthropists.

    Opening the meeting NKR Foreign Minister expressed readiness in
    rendering all possible support to the programs carried out by the
    American and British philanthropists in Nagorno Karabakh.

    At the guests' request Georgy Petrossian dwelt on the current stage
    of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement process. The Minister,
    in particular, expressed his anxiety concerning Azerbaijan's attempts
    to transfer the resolution of the problem under the aegis of the OSCE
    Minsk Group to the UN.

    We seriously study the existing situation, draw conclusions to
    undertake corresponding steps", - the NKR MFA noted.

    Georgy Petrossian emphasized that it was impossible to solve the issue
    concerning the fate of entire people without taking into account its
    own opinion.

    We have played our role in establishing armistice, but why today
    we are deprived of our rights to strengthen the peace?" - the NKR
    Foreign Minister said.

    Answering the question on mutual relations with Armenia Georgy
    Petrossian stressed: "The Republic of Armenia is a guarantor of the
    NKR's independence and security, as regards the plane of political
    relations there is a principle of non-intervention between both

    Speaking about the unceasing informational war the Minister dwelt on
    the clamour made by Baku in connection with the fires on the areas
    near the frontier.

    We have addressed to the OSCE with a proposal to hold a monitoring
    to get an unbiassed opinion on what was taking place. The republic's
    authorities are ready to receive the international experts and show
    them everything they are interseted in", - the NKR Foreign Minister

    Georgy Petrossian voiced hope that in the course of the visit the
    delegation members would make an unbiassed notion on Nagorno Karabakh
    and share the corresponding information in their environs.