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Huge Parliamentary Majority For Critical EU Turkey Report

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  • Huge Parliamentary Majority For Critical EU Turkey Report

    By Lucia Kubosova, Belgium
    Sept 27 2006

    EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The European Parliament has voted strongly
    in favour of the critical report on Turkey's EU accession progress,
    in a Strasbourg plenary vote on Wednesday (27 September).

    The 732-strong chamber supported the controversial report by the
    Dutch centre-right MEP Camiel Eurlings with 429 votes in favour,
    71 against and 125 abstentions.

    The document criticises the human rights shortcomings of the EU
    hopeful but refrains from calling for a historical recognition of
    Armenian genocide as a pre-condition for Turkey's accession.

    The controversial idea of the genocide clause was originally introduced
    to the draft report in the parliament's foreign committee earlier
    this month by Belgian socialist MEP Veronique de Keyser - but she
    herself later signed the amendment scrapping the clause.

    On the other hand, a number of centre-right deputies expressed
    their disappointment after the genocide clause was dropped, with
    German MEP Renate Sommer pointing out that nobody could imagine that
    Germany would refer to the Holocaust "in quotation marks" or as the
    "so-called Holocaust."

    Critics however argued that while a historical study into the World War
    I mass killings of Armenians is needed - as suggested by a preserved
    passage in the report - it should not become a new condition for
    Turkey to join the EU.

    Czech centre-right MEP Jan Zahradil for example pointed out "We can
    no longer accept a manipulation with distant historical events and
    their use as a political instrument in the current context."

    He added that the Czech Republic has its own negative experience with
    the retroactive abuse of its past - referring to the so called Benes
    decrees, post-World War II laws which led to the expulsion of Germans
    and Hungarians.

    MEPs did, however, back another last-minute amendment introduced to
    the report only last week, on the forthcoming visit of Pope Benedict
    XVI to Turkey.

    The Pope clause expresses the hope that the visit will "contribute
    to strengthening inter-religious and intercultural dialogue between
    the Christian and Muslim world."

    Open-ended talks Speaking in Ankara on the day of the parliament's
    report, Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his government
    is ready to keep up the reform process aimed at joining the EU but
    would not agree to any extra conditions by the bloc.

    "We're not seeking anything exclusive from the EU in the process ahead,
    in return, we naturally cannot accept bringing in new criteria,"
    he told a press conference in Istanbul.

    The MEPs' report stressed that Turkey's negotiations with the EU are
    of an "open-ended" nature and would not "a priori and automatically"
    lead to accession.

    They pointed out that to achieve the country's membership, both
    Ankara and the EU need to make an effort, while noting that Europe
    would consider the issue of its own capacity to "absorb Turkey while
    maintaining the momentum of integration."

    The European Commission is expected this autumn to come up with a study
    into the ability of the EU to take in new members, with the bloc's
    leaders set to discuss the issue at their December meeting in Brussels.

    Turkey is set to be the hot topic of this autumn with Ankara unlikely
    to change its view and lifts its embargo on Cypriot ships and aircrafts
    by the EU's end of 2006 deadline.

    The parliamentarians pointed out in Wednesday's report that a lack of
    Turkish progress on the Cyprus issue "will have serious implications
    for the negotiation process, and could even bring it to a halt."