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ANKARA: European Parliament's Turkey Report

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  • ANKARA: European Parliament's Turkey Report


    Turkish Press
    Sept 27 2006

    Turkish MPs: The Report Is Better Than The Report Prepared By Foreign Affairs Commission

    STRASBOURG - Turkish MPs from Justice & Development Party (AKP)
    expressed their views on the Turkey report which was approved by the
    European Parliament today and said the evaluation report is better
    than the report prepared by Foreign Affairs Commission.

    AKP Deputy Chairman Saban Disli, Council of Europe Parliamentary
    Assembly (PACE) Turkish delegation leader Murat Mercan and Turkish
    Parliament EU Adjustment Commission Chairman Yasar Yakis spoke at a
    joint press conference after EP's decision, on Wednesday.

    AKP Deputy Chairman Disli said that they met representatives of EP
    in Brussels and Strasbourg prior to EP's decision. "We relayed them
    the message that, it wouldn't be beneficial to anyone to accept the
    report prepared by Foreign Affairs Commission," Disli added.

    Disli mentioned that they succeeded on their attempts and the lawmakers
    dropped their demand that Turkey must acknowledge the so-called
    Armenian genocide before it can join the European Union. He also
    expressed his gladness on the refusal of French lawmakers proposal
    for Turkey's privileged partnership to the EU.

    Saban Disli said that the report is not worse than the prior reports
    and he added "however, there are parts of the report that bothers us.

    We expect them to act fairly especially on the Cyprus issue. We hope
    them to take a decision that rewards Turkish Cypriots"

    Disli stated that for the first time EP documents mentioned that
    Turkey's economy is going well.

    Meanwhile, Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) Turkish
    delegation leader Murat Mercan said that the claims on Turkey's reform
    period has slowed down are not true. "It is in our hands to change
    this misunderstanding" he added.