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ANKARA: Child Pornography And Armenian Issue In The Netherlands Poli

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  • ANKARA: Child Pornography And Armenian Issue In The Netherlands Poli

    Sedat Laciner

    Journal of Turkish Weekly, Turkey
    Sept 27 2006

    It is really strange. The Armenian issue has become an issue in the
    run up to the Dutch elections. The two leading Dutch parties in the
    opinion polls have kicked out prospective Turkish MPs because they
    do not accept the Armenian claims are true. The candidates, one from
    the opposition Labor Party and two from the biggest coalition party -
    the Christian Democrat CDA - are Dutch/Turkish politicians who have
    worked for integration of the Turkish and Muslims in the country.

    There are strong Armenian communities and lobbies in many countries
    including Armenia. Armenians are actually a nation of diaspora. The
    diaspora population of the Armenians is higher than the population
    of motherland. The diaspora Armenians are very keen on to make all
    world governments to recognize the so-called Armenian genocide. The
    Armenians believe in that the 1915 Events Under the Ottoman Rule was
    a genocide although even the term of 'genocide' was unknown at that
    time. Turkey has never accepted the Armenian claims and accused the
    Armenians of massacring more than 520.000 Muslim Ottoman citizens,
    namely Turkish and Kurdish people. Turkey's so-called 'deny' made the
    nationalist Armenians crazy and they started a revenge campaign. The
    Armenian fanatics murdered many former Ottoman ministers after the
    First World War and made great pressure on the parliaments where
    they live in against the Turkish interests. In 1970s, the Armenian
    reaction against Turkey transformed into Armenian terrorism. ASALA
    and other Armenian terrorist organizations assassinated more than 40
    Turkish diplomats and civilians. The Armenian terrorists made armed
    operations in many countries, including France, Greece, United States,
    United Kingdom, Austria, Spain, Iran, Switzerland etc. Many people
    were also wounded. The bombs were put in the Turkish bank branches,
    airway offices and embassies. The Armenian terrorist organizations
    were backed by the Communist intelligence services and Palestinian
    terrorist organizations. They were trained in Lebanon and Syria. The
    most dramatic fact for Turkey was that the military alliances in
    NATO, notably France and Greece, ignored the Armenian terrorists. The
    terrorists even found safe haven in Greece and Greek Cyprus.

    When the terrorist attacks hit Western targets and killed some
    Western citizens, the United States and Western European states
    put great pressure on the Armenian groups and the Armenian terrorist
    organization strangely vanished. Some of the Turkish academicians argue
    that the Armenian groups handed their arms and terrorism facilities
    to the Kurdish separatist terrorist organization PKK. The PKK and
    ASALA made agreements in London and Beirut. The end of the terrorist
    attacks was actually a fresh start for the parliament lobbying for
    the Armenian communities. The Armenian Church and Armenian extremist
    groups aimed to persuade at least 100 foreign parliaments to recognize
    the Armenian historical claims as truth. The Armenian activists never
    applied a court for their cause although they claimed that more than
    1,5 million Armenians were massacred by the Ottomans. Strangely the
    Armenian figure has changed a lot:

    Some Armenian books claimed about 750.000 Armenians were killed,
    while some others were speaking about 1,5 million. Even some
    Armenian activists in Wales argued more than 2,5 million Armenians
    were slaughtered by the Turks. According to the Ottoman archives the
    total Armenian population was less than 1,5 million.

    Armenians started campaigns and lobbied to issue Armenian bills against
    Turkey in almost all countries in the world. They focused on the North
    American and Western European parliaments. The Armenians hoped that
    if the West recognize the Armenian claims, they would force Turkey
    recognize the Armenian cause. But they were simply wrong. Turkey has
    never been persuaded in any issue like this. How Armenians harmed
    Turkish interests abroad, Turkey became more hostile towards the
    Armenians. The Armenian attacks abroad made the Turkish people crazy.

    Netherlands was not an exception. The Armenian lobbying has always been
    strong in this country. Armenian community concentrated in Amsterdam
    during the 17th and 18th centuries, and the Armenian Dutch citizens
    became very influential despite their relatively small population. The
    exact number of Armenians in the country now is unknown, but it is
    unofficially estimated that about 4,000 to 6,000 Armenians live in
    the Netherlands. However the Armenian influence on Dutch politics is
    still strong, particularly on the Turkish issues.

    One of the reasons for this is the Armenian global solidarity. The
    Armenian lobbying parties in Western Europe unite in each cases and
    make lobbies. For example, about 300.000 Armenians live in France
    and they have MPs, businessmen, authors etc. in France and all these
    strong people join in any lobbying activities in EU countries. Thus
    the Armenian cause become strong in the countries where the Armenian
    population is really small, like United Kingdom, Netherlands and
    Belgium. Second reason is the strong anti-Turkish circles in these
    countries. Many in the Netherlands believe that the Turkish people
    are not European and Turkey's EU membership must be prevented. The
    EU summits however confirmed that Turkey's EU membership cannot be
    stopped in terms of economic and political criteria. Turkish economy is
    better than Bulgaria's, Romania's, even some of the EU members right
    now. Under these circumstances, the Armenian issue with the Cyprus
    issue provide perfect tools to keep the Turks outside. Third, there are
    traditional anti-Turkey groups in the Western European countries like
    the Greeks, Greek Cypriots, racist and religionist European groups,
    Marxist Turks and PKK supporters. All are natural partners for the
    Armenian lobbying groups against Turkey. None of these groups lose
    any opportunity in damaging Turkish interests in Europe. Thus an
    anti-Turkish coalition emerged, and when the Armenians attempted
    to push the Dutch or any other parliament to accept the Armenian
    claims as truth, all the mentioned anti-Turkey groups unite behind
    the Armenians. It was the case when the Dutch Parliament accepted the
    Armenian 1915 allegations. The Dutch Parliament adopted a resolution
    recognizing the 1915 events as genocide in 2004. According to the
    accepted resolution the Dutch government had to push for recognition
    of the so-called genocide as part of the negotiations for Turkey's
    desired accession to the EU.

    Tineke Huizinga from the Christian explains the official Dutch

    "More than one and a half million people were murdered during the
    time of World War I by Turkey and this was a genocide and you can
    absolutely compare this with the Holocaust."

    It is really strange and non-based because there was no country
    named Turkey in 1915. Turkey was established in 1923. The country
    at that time on Anatolian territory was the Ottoman Empire. Dutch
    politicians compare the 1915 Events with the Holocaust but Israel
    reject any comparison between Holocaust and 1915 Events. The following
    quotation from a Nobel Prize winning Israeli statesman, Shimon Peres,
    closes the discussion:

    "We reject attempts to create a similarity between the Holocaust and
    the Armenian allegations. Nothing similar to the Holocaust occurred.

    It is a tragedy what the Armenians went through but not a genocide...

    Israel should not determine a historical or philosophical position
    on the Armenian issue. If we have to determine a position, it should
    be done with great care not to distort the historical realities."

    (Peres: Armenian Allegations are Meaningless', Turkish Daily News, 10
    April 2001; Haig Boyadjian, 'Peres Claims Armenians Did Not Experience
    Genocide', Asbarez, 10 April 2001).

    Turkey has rejected all accusations and blamed the Dutch politicians
    of undermining Turkish-Armenian reconciliation. Turkish Prime
    Minister Tayyip Erdogan call the Armenian side to establish a joint
    commission to discuss the historical disputes instead of foreign
    involvements. However the Armenians rejected all good will offers
    and continued to their anti-Turkish efforts in the Western parliaments.

    Strangely Armenia does not recognize Turkey's eastern borders despite
    the written agreements, like Kars Agreement. Second, Armenia has
    occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan and about 1 million Azeris have
    been refugees since the occupation. The genocide-like massacres
    in Hocali town (Azerbaijan) was pictured and documented well by
    the Western media. However none of the European or North American
    Parliaments mentioned all these issues but discussed the disputes
    happened almost a century ago. I personally do not believe that the
    Western parliaments love the Armenians and give great importance to
    history. If so, they should first recognize the Algerian genocide
    committed by France after the Second World War. Genocides committed
    by the Belgium, Germans or Russians should have been on the list. If
    these parliaments give so importance to the massacres and genocides,
    they should have mention the war crimes and massacres committed by
    the Armenians during the Ottoman time, after the First World War
    and Karabakh War. All of us know that all these things are dirty
    politics. The Armenian issue is being abused, and the Armenians are
    happy with abused by the Western politicians.


    Armenians saw the Ducth elections as another opportunity to raise
    their arguments and to harm the Turkish interests in this country in
    2006. It made the headlines after questions were raised by the Armenian
    community in the Netherlands when the names of the candidates were
    made public on the party lists for the November elections, and a
    heated discussion soon followed.

    The Turkish-Dutch candidates in question had clearly stated in the
    past that, in their view, the 1915 events were not genocide but
    communal calashes. They said the so-called genocide not taken place.

    This view is contrary to the official policy of some of the Dutch
    political parties.

    It was a clash with this position that brought the CDA candidates
    Ayhan Tonca, Osman Elamci and Labour Party candidate Erdinc Sacan
    into problems with their parties. Ayhan Tonca has constantly denied
    the genocide occurred: "The genocide that people talk about never
    took place" he said.

    Although Mr. Tonca doesn't deny that hundreds of thousands of people
    died, he argues that there needs to be further investigation to see if
    the killings were consciously carried out by the Ottoman government at
    that time. Many Turkish people and even the current Turkish Government
    think in this way. Turkey accepts that thousands of people were killed
    and died during the 1915 Relocation. Turkey says that it was difficult
    times, and the war circumstances with poor economic conditions caused
    epidemics and famines in Anatolia.

    According to the Turkish historians many Armenians died due to the
    famine, bad weather conditions, epidemics and lack of health etc.

    facilities. Turks also accept that many more Armenians were killed by
    the armed gangs, mostly Kurdish. The previous Armenian attacks against
    the Kurdish tribes caused revenge attacks and some Kurdish gangs also
    attacked the Armenian immigrants hoping to get their valuables. What
    is obvious that the Ottoman soldiers could not protect the Armenian
    civilians and thousands of Armenians were killed or died due to the
    'natural reasons'.

    Turkish candidates explanation was not in line with the CDA's and
    Labour Party's official policy, and events that followed the initial
    uproar made things even harder for the CDA to accept. As a matter
    of fact that these Turkish candidates do not accept some other
    CDA policies, like Turkey's full EU membership. The Armenian and
    anti-Turkey lobbies' pressure left the CDA with little choice but
    to remove them from the list of candidates. The Dutch Labour Party
    decided to scrap its candidate from the list after the Turkish-Dutch
    candidate refused to stand by the so-called official party policy
    recognizing the Armenian claims. According to the candidates removed
    from the list, this was unacceptable, because the political parties
    are known as the symbol of different ideas and freedom of speech. If
    a politician cannot think in different ways in political parties,
    where does he/she can do so?

    The Netherlands has been known for its liberal laws and political
    system. Dutch even allow paedophile group. A Dutch court turned down
    a request to ban a political party (the Brotherly Love, Freedom and
    Diversity Party, PNVD) with a paedophile agenda. Dutch PNVD seeks
    to lower the age of sexual consent from 16 to 12 and legalize child
    pornography and sex with animals. "Freedom of expression...including
    the freedom to set up a political party can be seen as the basis
    for a democratic society," Judge Hofhuis told the journalist after
    the verdict.

    As a result, you can defend child pornography and sex with animals
    in the Netherlands but you cannot have different opinion on Armenian

    If you are Turkish you have to obey what the imposed on you. Shut up,
    and accept it!

    You have no choice but recognition of what you did not commit.

    Thanks God, the Netherlands is a liberal and democratic country.