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EU Assembly Adopts Critical Report On Turkey

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  • EU Assembly Adopts Critical Report On Turkey

    By Darren Ennis

    Sept 27 2006

    STRASBOURG, France, Sept 27 (Reuters) - The European Parliament warned
    Turkey on Wednesday that it must speed up far-reaching reforms if it
    wants to join the European Union.

    EU lawmakers adopted a highly critical, non-binding report which
    accused Ankara of failing to live up to promises it made to start
    talks last October on joining the bloc.

    "The European Parliament ... regrets the slowing down of the reform
    process," the report said.

    It noted Turkey had shown "insufficient progress" in the areas of
    freedom of expression, religious and minority rights, women's rights
    and the rule of law since the start accession talks 11 months ago.

    It demanded Turkey fulfil its obligation to open its ports and airports
    to EU member Cyprus under an extended customs agreement.

    Ankara has refused to do so unless the EU fulfils a pledge to end
    the economic isolation of Turkish Cypriot northern Cyprus.

    But parliament voted to delete a clause which would have sought
    to make recognition by Ankara of the mass killing of Armenians in
    Ottoman Turkey as "genocide" a precondition for EU membership. The
    clause had particularly angered Turkey.

    However, parliament said it "reiterates its call on Turkey to
    acknowledge the Armenian genocide, as called for in previous European
    parliament resolutions".

    European Commissioner Louis Michel, speaking on behalf of the EU
    executive, warned lawmakers on Tuesday that making this a precondition
    for membership would be "moving the goalposts".


    Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan told an economic conference in
    Istanbul that his government was "determined to work with the EU with
    a constructive understanding" but would not accept any discrimination
    or new criteria for membership.

    "You cannot change the rules during the match. The rules of play are
    clear. The game has begun," Erdogan said.

    The report by Dutch lawmaker Camiel Eurlings did not call for a halt
    or suspension of talks with Turkey. Eurlings told parliament it was
    "fair but tough" and urged Turkey to see it as as "a motivation to
    speed up reforms".

    Any country wishing to become a member of the 25-member bloc, set to
    become 27 when Romania and Bulgaria join on Jan. 1, must receive the
    approval of the EU's directly elected assembly.

    Parliament has never sought to veto any past accession, but it has
    played a role in pressuring EU hopefuls to speed up reforms in previous
    enlargement rounds.

    The 80 amendments put forward by different political groups highlighted
    deep divisions within the assembly over Turkey's possible membership.

    Many members of the centre-right European People's Party, the largest
    group, are unconvinced about Turkey's bid to join. The governing
    parties of Germany and France, which dominate the group, favour
    "privileged partnership" with Turkey rather than full membership.

    Some experts fear a possible breakdown in accession talks with the
    strategic, Muslim candidate country if it fails to solve the dispute
    over Cyprus amid mutual public disenchantment.

    The European Commission is due to deliver its next regular progress
    report on Turkey on Nov. 8 and has promised to take parliament's
    views into account.

    EU Enlargement Commissioner Ollie Rehn will visit Ankara next week
    to meet Turkish leaders.