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Armenia to Diaspora: It takes a global village

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  • Armenia to Diaspora: It takes a global village

    Eurasianet, NY
    September 28, 2006


    by Haroutiun Khachatrian

    In a bid to boost economic development, Armenia has unveiled an
    ambitious plan to enlist the support of the country's Diaspora
    population to promote the revitalization of border villages.
    Representatives of the Diaspora have reacted positively to the plan,
    but conditioned their support on a government commitment to
    democratic principles.

    `The development gap between Yerevan and the marzes (provinces)
    remains one of the key challenges of modern Armenia,' President
    Robert Kocharian said in opening a three-day conference of Diaspora
    members in Yerevan on September 18. Though Armenia's economy has
    posted double-digit growth for the past five years, Yerevan, with
    one-third of the country's population of roughly 3 million, produces
    more than half of its Gross Domestic Product. Poverty is higher
    outside of the capital, and migration a severe problem, with some
    remote regions facing depopulation.

    To reverse that situation, the Armenian government is looking to the
    Diaspora to take on responsibility for the rehabilitation of roads,
    irrigation systems, schools, and leisure facilities in 50 villages
    along the frontier with Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran and Georgia. `We
    expect that, after restoring the rural infrastructures, [the
    villages] will become more attractive for investors, and moreover,
    hopefully, part of the population who left those villages may
    return,' Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian told conference attendees.

    The government sees the sponsorship of 50 border villages by Diaspora
    communities, organizations or individuals to act as the first stage
    of rehabilitation for all of Armenia's 159 border villages, Oskanian
    said. The average cost of meeting a village's needs is estimated from
    $500,000 to $700,000. According to the minister, the government has
    already received sponsorship pledges for over 30 villages, and hopes
    that all 50 villages will find sponsors by March 2007. The Union of
    Manufacturers and Businessmen of Armenia has also announced plans to
    sponsor one border village.

    Armenia has long looked to its Diaspora, at least twice the size of
    the country's own population, to provide investments and various
    forms of assistance. The Diaspora, in turn, has looked to Armenia for
    inspiration in preserving a sense of national identity and heritage.
    Two previous conferences, in 1999 and 2002, elaborated various ideas
    for preserving Armenian national unity, but without advancing
    concrete initiatives.

    Much of the motivation for Diaspora members' pledge of support at
    this year's conference comes from the border regions' strategic
    status as a potential frontline in what many conference participants
    termed Armenia's new, `economic war' with neighboring, oil-rich
    Azerbaijan. The proposal has received the support of all
    Diaspora-connected political parties and all of the country's
    principal religious organizations.

    `Initially I thought that they again are just asking the Diaspora to
    give money,' conference participant Samvel Shnothogian told Armenian
    public television, referring to government officials. `But I saw that
    they are sincerely interested in getting a real outcome.' The
    government has also indicated that all options are open for
    implementation of the plan, including having Diaspora sponsors
    directly manage the future rehabilitation of all 159 border villages.

    Diaspora members, however, had their own demands for the government.
    Most conference speakers stated that they expect the Armenian
    government to take decisive efforts to meet democratic standards.
    Failure to satisfy this expectation would prevent a deepening of
    Diaspora involvement in development projects. Current Diaspora
    investment in Armenia is estimated at between $200 million and $300
    million. `Diaspora Armenians need a new inspiration and this
    inspiration can be provided by Armenia only. But not by this
    Armenia,' Petros Terzian, a French Armenian, said at the conference's
    closing session. `We need a democratic, fair country, free of
    corruption. If you [local Armenians] fail to create such an Armenia,
    we [the Diaspora Armenians] cannot do it either.'

    With the exception of Foreign Minister Oskanian, most Armenian
    government officials at the conference avoided discussing this topic.
    The minister, who is expected to run for president in 2008, cited
    corruption and the ability `to hold free and democratic elections' as
    among the `internal challenges' that face Armenia along with the
    `external challenges' created by the operation o the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline and growing cooperation between
    Azerbaijan and Turkey. [For background see the Eurasia Insight

    While details about implementation of the Diaspora-sponsored village
    program remain undefined, international organizations have recently
    provided the government with fresh impetus for revitalization of
    Armenia's border regions.

    Three large-scale programs totaling around $40 million and supported
    by the World Bank, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
    Europe and the United Nations Development Program have been approved
    to boost the development of rural areas, according to Agriculture
    Minister David Lokian. Later in 2006, a $235 million rural
    infrastructure program financed by the US Millennium Challenge
    program, and a project financed by Armenian American billionaire Kirk
    Kerkorian's Lincy Foundation will also start work in the regions. The
    government maintains, however, that these programs alone are not
    sufficient to cover the rehabilitation needs of rural Armenia.

    In apparent recognition of that assistance, representatives of
    foreign donors such as the United States Agency for International
    Development, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the
    Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, among others,
    were invited to the conference for the first time.

    NOTES: Haroutiun Khachatrian is a Yerevan-based writer specializing
    in economic and political affairs.